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41. Toxicity, Ecotoxicity And Chemistry Data Sources For Hazardous Substance Applica Toxicity, ecotoxicity and chemistry data relevant to applications for hazardoussubstances under Part V of the HSNO Act is widely available on the internet, http://www.ermanz.govt.nz/hs/toxic-ecotoxic-chem.asp | |
42. Bridge - Chemistry Data Tip Archives Data Tips with this icon contain special stepby-step Microsoft Excel In thisData Tip, we ll take a look at trade and fisheries data to find out who http://www.vims.edu/bridge/chemistryarchives.html | |
43. Licking River Field Chemistry Data Licking River Field chemistry data. The following table contains field chemistryresults reported by volunteers from the Licking River Watershed Watch http://kywater.org/watch/lrpH_DO.htm | |
44. Chemistry Division Chemistry Division (SDC). Mission. Serve the best interests of the USAF and war fighter by providing analytical chemistry data and related support for http://www.brooks.af.mil/afioh/Laboratories/sdc_home.htm |
45. RockWare- EQuIS Chemistry: Environmental Database For Chemistry Data EQuIS Geology environmental database for chemistry data one of numerous quality,affordable software products sold by RockWare. http://www.rockware.com/catalog/pages/equischem.html | |
46. Acorn Naturalists' Product Information INSIDE RAIN, Working with Precipitation chemistry data. NSTA. Comprehensive highschool curriculum that teaches studentÂs how to use real data to explore http://www.acornnaturalists.com/store/xq/asp/SID.2/Product_ID.272/qx/product1.ht | |
47. EPA SON Precipitation Chemistry Data-Program Information Chesapeake Bay resource center of the Maryland Department of Natural Resourcesprovides information on the Chesapeake Bay. http://www.esm.versar.com/pprp/features/aciddep/regional_sites/epa_son/epa_prog_ | |
48. Terra Launches A New Era For Atmospheric Chemistry chemiststhe end of a long, long wait for muchneeded chemistry data. set of chemistry data beginning in early April, if all goes as planned. http://www.ucar.edu/communications/quarterly/spring00/terra.html | |
49. R: Physico-Chemistry Data . This data set gives for 39 water samples aphysico-chemical description with the number of sample date and the flows of......Physicochemistry data. http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/ade4html/rhone.html | |
50. Chemistry, Interactive And Printable Periodic Table Of The Elements Printable Interactive periodic table of the elements, chemistry data tables and pictures of elements. http://profmokeur.ca/chemistry/ |
51. Soil Chemistry Data Tables (The data below is in a table format only compatible with some newer browsers).Batemans Bay Soil Chemistry. Exchangeable Cations (cmoles(+) / kg), Base http://www.ffp.csiro.au/nfm/mdp/bbproj/soiltabs.htm | |
52. RM-RP-325: Water Chemistry Of Rocky Mountain Front Range Aquatic Ecosystems Data were collected to examine the water chemistry of Front Range highelevation Water chemistry data from synoptic surveys of high-elevation lakes in http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/pubs_rm/rm_rp325.html | |
53. CASTNet Dry Chemistry Data CASTNet Dry chemistry data. Daily US data of the Clean Air Status and TrendsNetwork (CASTNet). The voyager files included in this zip archive are for data http://capita.wustl.edu/CAPITA/DataSets/CASTNet/DryChem/DryChem.html |
54. Water Chemistry All water chemistry data are entered into the STORET database. Fixed stationtrend data are summarized in reports produced by the WD (see links, below). http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,1607, 7-135-3304-32361--,00.html | |
55. Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory - Radiation Chemistry Data Center Chemical property data (such as reaction rate constants, and redox potentials,) historic bibliographic information from the RCDC bibliographic database, and recent papers in radiation chemistry and photochemistry. Also includes an online continuation of the Biweekly List of Papers in Radiation Chemistry and Photochemistry. http://allen.rad.nd.edu/ | |
56. Quantum Chemistry Data Base Group Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, Kyoto University, Department of Chemistry, Hokkaido University of Education, Kushiro, http://qcldb2.ims.ac.jp/qcdbg.html | |
57. Quantum Chemistry Data Base Group Quantum Chemistry Literature Data BaseBibliography of Ab Initio Calculationsfor 19781980 , Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1982. http://qcldb2.ims.ac.jp/pub.html | |
58. GEOLOGY & CEMISTRY APPLICATIONS This application determines the geologic unit that chemistry data samples This application uses both geology data and chemistry data to build a true 3D http://www.ctech.com/evs_help/geology_cemistry_applications.htm | |
59. Loading Existing EVS Geology Or Chemistry Files In ArcView for viewing chemistry mapped into geologic layers, posting chemistry data, an example of an application utilizing both geology and chemistry data, http://www.ctech.com/evs_help/loading_evs_files.htm | |
60. Bioinformatics Institute Singapore Bioinformatics conducting informatics research, development, and training, to generate knowledge from large volumes of Biology and chemistry data http://www.bii.a-star.edu.sg/ | |
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