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21. WebElements Periodic Table And Chemistry Amazon Shop - Chemistry Data This is the WebElements periodic table and chemistry book store operated inassociation with Amazon. http://books.webelements.info/search-chemistry data -1-search_all.html |
22. Validata Chemical Services - (770) 232-0130 Provides analytical chemistry data validation services. Founded in 1990, Validata has completed over 50 data validation contracts in both the public and private sectors, spanning regions throughout the United States and Canada. http://DataValidator.com/ |
23. Solution Chemistry DECHEMA chemistry data Series, Vol XII, Frankfurt (1992) J.Barthel and R.NeuederConductivities, Transference Numbers, Limiting Ionic Conductivities of http://www.uni-regensburg.de/Fakultaeten/nat_Fak_IV/Physikalische_Chemie/Kunz/pu | |
24. NAtChem Database And Analysis System - Â Â Â Â Â NAtChem Database And Analy The National Atmospheric chemistry database (NAtChem) is a data archival and The NAtChem Database contains air and precipitation chemistry data from http://www.msc.ec.gc.ca/natchem/index_e.html | |
25. International Union Of Pure And Applied Chemistry Title A critical compendium of pesticide physical chemistry data. Task GroupChairmen R. Don Wauchope and David G. Shaw. Members http://www.iupac.org/projects/2003/2003-011-3-600.html | |
26. + WK1 Root Chemistry Raw Data Entry Lotus 1,2,3) DAT Root Weight Data (ASCII)ROOTCHEM.DAT Root chemistry data (ASCII) http://jornada-www.nmsu.edu/studies/lter/datasets/plants/tranroot/rootraw.dsd | |
27. + WK1 Root chemistry data Entry File (Lotus 1,2,3) DAT Root Weight Data (ASCII)ROOTRAW.DAT Root Chemistry Raw Data (ASCII) http://jornada-www.nmsu.edu/studies/lter/datasets/plants/tranroot/rootchem.dsd | |
28. GROUND-WATER AND WATER-CHEMISTRY DATA FOR THE WILLAMETTE BASIN, OREGON WATERCHM Waterchemistry data for Selected Wells and Springs Figure 8.Map of the distribution of water-chemistry sample collection sites Table D1. http://or.water.usgs.gov/pubs_dir/Online/Cd/WRIR99-4036/ | |
29. Deschutes Basin Ground-Water Data (abstract) GroundWater and Water-chemistry data for the Upper Deschutes Basin, Oregon.By Rodney R. Caldwell and Margot Truini. USGS Open-File Report 97-197, http://or.water.usgs.gov/pubs_dir/Abstracts/97-197.html | |
30. {Description Of The Data File Structure Is Available At The Niwot Niwot Ridge/Green Lakes Valley snow chemistry Pit data. The chemistry datawere provided by the Kiowa Lab manager in the form of an ASCII file. http://culter.colorado.edu:1030/exec/.extracttoolA?snochemp.mw |
31. Henry's Law Constants (Solubilities) 7) Other Related chemistry data sets on the Internet. NIST Chemistry WebBook (lotsof data, includes most Henry s law constants from my list) http://www.mpch-mainz.mpg.de/~sander/res/henry.html | |
32. Canopy Chemistry (ACCP) Canopy chemistry data Set Documents Canopy Chemistry Bibliography. Get Canopychemistry data. Find and order data sets. See list of data sets http://daac.ornl.gov/ACCP/accp.html | |
33. PROJECT/CAMPAIGN Document Name There were two major types of data collected, chemistry data and spectral data.The analysis techniques attempted to derive the measured chemistry data from http://daac.ornl.gov/ACCP/accp_pro.html | |
34. ENSR-WERC Fort Wainwright, Alaska, Hydrogeochemical Data Network, Chemistry Fort Wainwright Hydrological Data Network. chemistry data By looking atinorganic chemistry data, users can investigate the amount of mixing taking http://www.uaf.edu/water/projects/ftww/chemdata/chemdata.html | |
35. Atmospheric Chemistry Data Atmospheric chemistry data. This page lists all atmospheric chemistry ACSOE data is now public. chablis, Chemistry of the Antarctic Boundary Layer and http://badc.nerc.ac.uk/data/chemistry.html | |
36. OpenCDM Chemistry Data Management System - CANBERRA, An AREVA Group Company OpenCDM chemistry data Management System CANBERRA, An AREVA Group Companyradiation detection and analysis software and instrumentation for nuclear power http://www.canberra.com/products/830.asp | |
37. EPA: Pesticides - Data Requirements EPA uses residue chemistry data to estimate the exposure of the general populationto pesticide residues in food and for setting and enforcing tolerances http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/regulating/data.htm | |
38. The MBARI Chemical Sensor Program - Marine Chemistry Data Sources The MBARI Chemical Sensor Program Marine chemistry data Sources NOAA PMELData (TAO Mooring Data, CO2 Data, Vent Data) http://www.mbari.org/chemsensor/marinechemistrydata.html | |
39. National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) The US National Atmospheric Deposition Program operates an acid rain observing network that is used to monitor the chemistry of precipitation for geographical and temporal longterm trends. Quality assured precipitation chemistry data (including acidity) and analyzed maps are available for viewing and downloading. http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/ | |
40. HydroGeo Analyst report analytical lab results for air, water, and soil chemistry data.HydroGeo Analyst is ideal for handling chemistry data from a wide range of http://www.intesoft.com/produits/tech/hydrogeo/hydrogeoanalyst/chemistry.html | |
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