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81. DFG - Senate Commission For The Assessment Of Chemicals Used In Agriculturet Senate Commission on Substances and Resources in agriculture. The Senate Commission on Substances and Resources in agriculture (Senatskommission für Stoffe http://www.dfg.de/en/dfg_profile/structure/statutory_bodies/senate/senate_commis | |
82. Bill Summary Status HR1976 Making appropriations for agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug HR2854 To modify the operation of certain agricultural programs. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/?&Db=d104&querybd=@FIELD(FLD001 @4(Agricul |
83. CyberStacks(sm) Agriculture (General) Screen Agricultural Chemistry. Agricultural chemicals. 583587.5. Agricultural Physics. 589-589.6. Agricultural Ecology (General). 589.7. Soils. 590-599.9 http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/hybro_s.htm | |
84. DR BELAIR - Chemicals Abbreviations Related To Agriculture And Environment Research and Terminologic Multilingual Knowledge Base. http://www.dr-belair.com/dic/Agro-industries/Chemicals/gl-chemicals-Agr-Env.htm | |
85. JAWRA Bibliography For Topical Keyword Agricultural Chemicals Agricultural chemicals. The Political Economy of agriculture, Ground Water Quality Management, and Agricultural Research http://www.awra.org/jawra/keywords/keyagriculturalchemicals.html | |
86. FindArticles Search For "Agricultural Chemicals / Product Introduction" High quality generic agricultural chemicals at competitive prices. www.farmsaver.com. Agricultural chemicals Insecticides/2001 Book I By WT Thomson. http://www.findarticles.com/p/search?tb=art&qt=Agricultural chemicals / Product |
87. NC AgChem Table Of Contents 2005 North Carolina Agricultural chemicals Manual Individuals who use agricultural chemicals are responsible for ensuring that the intended use complies http://ipm.ncsu.edu/agchem/agchem.html | |
88. FMC Corporation: Manufacturer Of Insecticides, Termiticides, Lithium, Alginates, Manufacturer of agricultural, specialty and industrial chemicals. Source of information on crop protection, insecticides, pest control, termiticides, http://www.fmc.com/ | |
89. Welcome To The Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority Website! System for Managing Agricultural and Veterinary chemicals June 2005 of Fees and Levy for Regulation of Agricultural and Veterinary chemicals http://www.apvma.gov.au/ | |
90. Agricultural Chemicals - Industry Fact Sheet - Hoover's Online Agricultural chemicals Financial Analysis Profiles. (BizMiner, May 31, 2005, Agricultural chemicals Private Companies Report (Study 1313) http://www.hoovers.com/agricultural-chemicals/--HICID__1086--/free-ind-factsheet | |
91. Agricultural Chemicals Management of agricultural and veterinary chemicals a national strategy Profile of the agricultural chemical, pesticide, and fertilizer industry http://agrifor.ac.uk/browse/cabi/3193e40cfe8454f867bd1e6f4d5afe91.html | |
92. CDMS Label / Msds Information services and maintains a database of agricultural chemical label, MSDS, Aceto Agricultural chemicals Corp. MakhteshimAgan of North America, Inc. http://www.cdms.net/manuf/manuf.asp | |
93. ERS/USDA Briefing Room - Agricultural Chemicals And Production Technology:index Publications Data Newsroom About ERS home briefing rooms. Briefing Room Icon. briefing room. agricultural chemicals and production technology http://www.ers.usda.gov/Briefing/AgChemicals/ | |
94. NASD: Fires In Agricultural Chemicals Firefighters responding to fires involving agricultural chemicals should Fire in a warehouse or farm storage area where agricultural chemicals are http://www.cdc.gov/nasd/docs/d000001-d000100/d000049/d000049.html | |
95. Silicone Agricultural Antifoams And Surfactants - Dow Corning Silicone agricultural adjuvant chemicals such as antifoams and surfactants control foam and promote wetting and rainfastness in herbicides, insecticides, http://www.dowcorning.com/content/chem/chemag/default.asp | |
96. Welcome Manufactures basic products for the chemicals, plastics, detergent, personal care, rubber and packaging industries. http://www.huntsman.com/ | |
97. Sumitomo Corporation Europe Limited - Marketing And Trading - Agricultural Chemi We offer a wide variety of services on a global scale based on a wealth of product knowledge ranging from agricultural chemicals and foliar fertilisers to http://www.sumitomocorpeurope.com/products/agricultural.htm | |
98. Agricultural Chemicals agricultural chemicals which requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. pest control; organophosphorus pesticides; ectoparasiticides; agricultural chemicals; http://vetgate.ac.uk/browse/cabi/3193e40cfe8454f867bd1e6f4d5afe91.html | |
99. Rural:Agricultural Chemicals. Landline. Australian Broadcasting Corporation Subject RuralAgricultural chemicals. Trial measures chemical exposure BROADCAST 23/11/2003 Whether plunging, showering or hand jetting sheep for lice http://www.abc.net.au/landline/archives/LandlineSubjectIndx_RuralAgriculturalChe | |
100. DPIWE - Agricultural & Veterinary Chemicals Information on chemical legislation, registration, permits, licences, prohibited chemicals, residues in food and fibre, and spray incidents. http://www.dpiwe.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/ThemeNodes/EGIL-52N435?open |
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