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Cheerleading: more books (100) | |||
141. Canton JFL Provides programs in football and cheerleading in Central Illinois. Features team and cheerleading rosters, schedule, costs, and photos. http://www.cantonjfl.org/ | |
142. UGA Cheerleading Describes the experience of being a cheerleader for the team and contains tryoutdetails, roster, photographs, and videos. http://www.uga.edu/cheer/uga.htm | |
143. WePlayFootball.com - (Cypress, TX) - Powered By LeagueLineup.com A nonprofit association providing football and cheerleading to youths aging from 6 to 12 in the Cypress Fairbanks area. http://www.nwhcys.org | |
144. Untitled Document National competition results, contact information, and links included on Huskie s site. http://cheerleading.usask.ca/ | |
145. Tops USA Gymnastics Recreational and girls competitive team programs and cheerleading. News, calendar, albums, handouts, classes, teams, cheerleading. Located in Woburn. http://www.eteamz.com/sites/topsusa |
146. SFU Cheerleading - Home Page SFU cheerleading Main Page Simon Fraser University 20042005 Team 2003-2004Team 2002-2003 Team 2001-2002 Team 2000-2001 Team 1999-2000 Team http://sfucheerleading.ca/ | |
147. Skyline Gymnastics - York, PA Offers gymnastic classes, levels 4 through 10 competitive team, cheerleading and birthday parties. Facility, preschool, classes, team. Located in York. http://www.skylinegym.com |
148. Lynchburg College: Athletics: Cheerleading: Pictures, roster, schedule of upcoming games, a recruiting form and a coach s profile. http://www.lynchburg.edu/athletics/sports/cheerleading/ | |
149. Horizon Gymnastics Center Preschool to competitive teams. Dance, cheerleading and martial arts. http://home.att.net/~HorizonGym/ | |
150. Mid-South Conference Cheerleading Men s Soccer Women s Soccer Volleyball. Winter Sports cheerleading Men s Basketball Women s Basketball. Spring Sports Baseball MSC cheerleading http://www.mid-southconference.org/cheerleading/front.html | |
151. Xtreme Gymnastics Offers momand-tot, preschool, boys and girls recreational, cheerleading, tumbling, pre-team, summer camp, and girls and boys competitive team programs. Located in Scottsdale. http://www.xtremegymnastics.com/ | |
152. LaGrange College Contains tryout details, pictures, history, coaching staff and recruiting details. http://www.lagrange.edu/primary.cfm?linkid=313 |
153. Discount Dance Apparel At The Movement Connection - Dance Shoes, Dance & Gymnast Apparel and supplies for dance, gymnastic, cheerleading, skating. Based in North Olmsted, Ohio, USA. http://movementconnection.com/ | |
154. The Official Site Of Rutgers Cheerleading And Dance Team Meet the Scarlet Knights and gather information on team requirements, schedule,national titles won, and how to contact the coaches. http://www.scarletknights.com/cheerleading/ | |
155. South Orange Athletic Association - Bears Football And Cheerleading South Orange Bears Pop Warner football and cheerleading league for kids ages seven to fifteen. Includes event calendar, registration, news, rosters, scores, standings, schedules, photos, history, and related links. http://www.southorangebears.org | |
156. ASU Cheerleading Contains a team photograph, a roster with biographies, fundraisers, news items,and community service projects. http://www.aug.edu/athletics/pages/asucheerleaders.htm | |
157. Brown's Gymnastics - Houston Preschool, recreational and competitive gymnastics. Tumbling and trampoline and cheerleading Welcome, classes, camps, parties, fees, staff. Locations in Houston and San Antonio. http://www.brownsgym.com/location_homepage/houston/browns_houston.htm | |
158. ReadWriteThink: Lesson Plan PrinterFriendly Version Spelling cheerleading Integrating Movement and Spelling Using the technique of spelling cheerleading, this lesson integrates http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view.asp?id=233 |
159. Case Western Reserve University Cheerleading Thank you for your interest in CWRU cheerleading! We are always looking for Case Western Reserve University considers cheerleading to be a club sport. http://www.cwru.edu/orgs/cheerleading/casecheer.html | |
160. Elmira College Cheerleading - 2004 6th Place National Champions For more information on the Elmira College cheerleading program, contact Head Coach This is the highest finish of any EC cheerleading squad competing at http://www.elmira.edu/athletics/cheerleading/cheer.shtml | |
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