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81. Champion Cup Nationals, National Cheerleading Competition Raleigh, North Carolina, group offers cheerleading, dance and gymnastic classes,competition information, staff credentials and links. http://www.championcheer.com/ | |
82. Crystal Lake Raiders Football And Cheerleading Youth football and cheerlading program serving Crystal Lake and surrounding towns. Ages 6 through middle school. http://CLraiders.org/ |
83. WVU :: Athletics Describes activities and contains pictures and history of the cheer squads, danceteam and Mountaineer mascot. http://www.wvu.edu/~sports/cheerleading/ | |
84. File Not Found Youth flag/tackle football and cheerleading team for kids ages 513 in the west San Antonio area. Listing of players, cheerleaders and team information. http://infosports.net/texans1/ | |
85. Dover High School Cheerleading Team pictures, news, tryout information, awards, and schedules for this teamlocated in New Hampshire. http://www.dover.k12.nh.us/DHS/DHS--Athletics/Cheerleading/ | |
86. Welcome To Sudbury Gymnastics Center! Offers boys and girls recreational and team programs. Gym news, philosophy, programs, schedules, events, birthday parties. Located in Marlborough. http://www.sudburygymnastics.com/sgcmainpage.htm | |
87. Welcome To Northeastern Cheerleading Northeastern University cheerleading, information about tryouts, competitions,pictures, and more. http://www.dac.neu.edu/nucheerleaders/ | |
88. Long Island Cheerleading Coaches Association long island cheerleading coaches association league web site hosted at eteamz Long Island, New York 11554 USA. http://eteamz.active.com/LICCA/index.cfm | |
89. Old Mill Cheerleading old mill cheerleading team web site hosted at eteamz Millersville, Maryland21108 USA. http://eteamz.active.com/oldmillcheerleading/index.cfm | |
90. Michigan Cheerleading Coaches Association ~ MCCA Resource for membership information, scholarship opportunities, competitionguidelines and results, links, and history. http://www.cheermcca.org/ | |
91. Eastern Kentucky University Cheerleading Contains a roster, photographs, tryout information, training clinics, and archivednews items. http://www.athletics.eku.edu/cheerleading/ | |
92. Welcome To The National Spirit Group NSG provides cheerleading camps, cheerleading events, cheerleading competitions,and cheerleading apparel. http://www.nationalspirit.com/ | |
93. SpiritXpress Cheerleading cheerleading camps specializing in gymnastics or stunt rotation. http://www.spiritxpress.com/ | |
94. Auburn Cheerleading Contains history, pictures, upcoming events, related links, quick facts, andtryout details. http://www.auburn.edu/student_info/cheerleaders/ | |
95. Cheerleading Cheerleader Uniforms, Cheerleading Supplies, Cheerleading Apparel Custom cheerleading uniforms for Varsity, AllStar, and Youth cheerleading.On-line store offers cheerleading uniforms, pom poms, shoes, and warm ups. http://www.discountcheerleading.com/ | |
96. NWOSU Cheerleading Northwestern Oklahoma State University in Alva, Oklahoma is home to 9 varsitysports and is represented in the NAIA s Sooner Athletic Conference. http://www.nwosu.edu/athletic/Cheerleading/ | |
97. Cheerleading Resources Provides a variety of resources on cheerleading, cheerleading clipart, cheerleadingsteps and more. http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Sports/Cheerleading/ | |
98. Welcome To Wilmington Wildcat Cheerleading Contains a tryout application form, pictures, a roster, performance schedule,and biographies. http://www.wilmcoll.edu/cheerleading/ | |
99. University Of Michigan Cheerleading The Official site of University of Michigan cheerleading. http://www.umich.edu/~umcheer/ | |
100. OSU Cheerleading Meet the Beav s and learn about their goals, schedule, and tryout requirements. http://oregonstate.edu/dept/osucheer/ | |
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