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161. Sailing Ireland Sailing holidays in and around Ireland. charter and waterways information, sailing schools and services. http://www.sailingireland.com |
162. Page Not Found Mission statement, foundational elements, daily schedule, mentor's project, and related links. http://www.northstar.k12.ak.us/schools/chn/index.html | |
163. The Santa Barbara School Districts Web Site Has Moved A parent/staff cooperative with a childcentered approach to grades K through 8 education. Offers calendar of events, class schedule, details on teaching philosophy, and information on special after school programs. http://www.sbceo.k12.ca.us/~sbsdweb/schools/elementary/sb-charter.html | |
164. Sailing Holidays, Yacht Charter, RYA Sailing Courses And RYA Sailing Schools. Sa RYA and ASA sailing schools offering the complete range of sailing courses. Lists newsletter, yacht charter, cruises and training information. http://www.marsbrookboating.com | |
165. King County International Airport - Department Of Transportation, King County, W Also known as Boeing Field, King County airport is a center for Boeing operations and also serves air cargo companies, recreational fliers, charter services, flight schools and emergency services. http://www.metrokc.gov/airport/ | |
166. Sailing - Great Escape Yacht Charters, Opua, Bay Of Islands,northland, New Zeala Offers a range of vessels, from 16 to 31 feet, for bare boat charter, and sailing schools. http://www.greatescape.co.nz/ | |
167. Howard Street Charter School Grades 68. http://www.salkeiz.k12.or.us/schools/howardst.htm | |
168. Leon County School Sites Mission statement, policies and procedures, and contact information. http://www.leon.k12.fl.us/schools.asp?ID=45 |
169. NCSC Charter School Service Directory - Your Resource For Charter School Product The yellow pages for charter school products and services. This index page isyour start point for our directory of charter school lisings. http://www.ncsc.info/services/ | |
170. Critical Issue: Dynamic DebateÂDetermining The Evolving Impact Of Charter Schoo This article puts charter school development in an historic as well as legislativecontext, posits three themes that permeate the ongoing debate surrounding http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/envrnmnt/go/go800.htm | |
171. Welcome To DC Public Charter School Board June 20, 2005 Board Meeting charter School Application Decisions charter SchoolBoard Receives Highest Number of Applications Since 1997 http://www.dcpubliccharter.com/indexmain.htm | |
172. EdSmart: Educational Consultants To K-12 Schools, Charters, And Districts Consulting services to schools, districts and charters in legislative compliance, funding, personnel development, staffing, and best practices. http://www.educationsupermart.com/ |
173. CHOICE 2000 ONLINE HIGH SCHOOL Choice 2000 online high school. Choice 2000 OnLine School, 11 South D Street,Perris, CA 92570 School charter - School Calendar - Bell Schedule http://www.choice2000.org/ | |
174. Flugplaner.Net - Komfortables Flugzeug Online Reservierungssystem Online flight reservation system for flight schools, charters and instructors. http://www.flugplaner.net/en/index.html | |
175. 404 - Sorry, File Not Found! Raleigh charter High School HomeA free, public charter school that teaches all students with a giftedmodel curriculum. http://www.edexcellence.net/topics/charters.html |
176. A Forced Conversion To Charter School | Csmonitor.com The new approach is innovative, but will it work for students? http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0712/p11s01-legn.html | |
177. MAPSA: Home Formed by a grassroots coalition of charter school leaders and supporters torepresent their interests and serve as their united voice. http://www.charterschools.org/ | |
178. César Chávez Public Charter High School For Public Policy Secondary education with a focus on public policy careers and community involvement. http://www.cesarchavezhs.org/ | |
179. Charter Friends National Network CFNN is now in transition to a new national charter school leadership organization . The charter School Experience and Take Me on a Reading Adventure http://www.charterfriends.org/ | |
180. D.C. Charter School Data Show 8 Attain Benchmark Only eight of 31 charter school campuses under the jurisdiction of the DC Publiccharter School Board made adequate yearly progress as required by federal http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/09/AR2005080900003. | |
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