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Charter Schools: more books (100) |
141. Aspire Public Schools University Public schools is a notfor-profit charter school management organization in California. http://www.publicschools.org | |
142. Education - From TBO.com Includes news and information about organizations, universities, public, charter, and specialty schools including calendars, county maps, online courses, test results, and class sizes. http://education.tbo.com/ | |
143. Index.gif Conducts tournament programs, registers officials and distributes sportsmanship rules. Directory of schools, rules, charter, calendar of events and Association policies. http://www.wiaawi.org/ |
144. Mission Montessori Schools A charter and Private Montessori school located in Scottsdale, AZ. Toddlers to Grade 3. http://www.missionmontessori.com | |
145. Kittery Kenshin Kan Dojo Kittery, ME charter Member of Hanshi Fusei Kise's OSMKKF. History, links to other schools, photo gallery, calendar of events, and other related information. http://home.comcast.net/~bmodee | |
146. Nuline Charter - Charter Buses Melbourne Australia Specialising in services for pensioner and senior citizens' groups, sporting and social clubs, schools and corporate transfers. http://www.nulinecharter.com.au/ | |
147. Clinton Township Home Page Main Menu Information about Clinton Township services and officials, board meetings, property and tax data, parks and community facilities, township history, schools and churches. http://www.clintontownship.com/ | |
148. World Schools Debating Championships In association with IDEA, this league promotes debate around the world. Past tournament results, future tournaments, contact info, charter and rules. http://www.schoolsdebate.com/ | |
149. Study Finds Big Gains For KIPP Twentyseven KIPP charter middle schools, including one in the District, haveposted large and significant gains beyond what is average for urban schools, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/10/AR2005081002216. | |
150. NCAA Men's Basketball - School Tournament Records Year by year rankings of all schools that have participated in the NCAA Men's Basketball tournament. http://webpages.charter.net/dbwoerner/schools.htm | |
151. Washington Charter School Taking you to the new Washington charter School. Web Page. One Moment Please . http://www.dsusd.k12.ca.us/schools/washington/ | |
152. Scuba Industries Trade Association SITA aims to represent the manufacturers, distributors, retailers, training organisations, registered dive schools, dive boat charter operators, journals, travel organisations and recognised, approved marine charities, relating to the SCUBA industry. http://www.sita.org.uk | |
153. Chicago Public Schools The city's school district with over 435,000 students in more than 600 schools. Site offers information on services, report cards, school links, administration, testing and details on alternative, charter, magnet and special programs. http://www.cps.k12.il.us/ | |
154. Centre Daily News, Sports, Jobs, Homes, Cars Home Educators oppose statefunded cyber charters and the closing of one cyber charter in Pennsylvania. http://www.centredaily.com/mld/centredaily/news/4840116.htm | |
155. NHA Home Page We welcome you to visit any of our schools and meet our staff. Our firstacademy, Excel charter Academy , opened in the fall of 1995 with 174 students. http://www.heritageacademies.com/ |
156. Home: Charter Oak Unified School District Serving Glendora and Covina, California. District newsletter, FAQ, contact information, information about the individual schools, hiring and salary schedules, student services and special education. http://www.cousd.k12.ca.us | |
157. Hart-Ransom Charter School News, class list, and enrollment information for K8 charter school in southwest Modesto. Hart Ransom Unified schools. http://www.pc-intouch.com/~hrcharter | |
158. Kingsburg Jt. Union Elementary School District K8 district, operating 4 schools and a homeschooling extension. http://www.kingsburg-elem.k12.ca.us | |
159. HILTON HEAD REAL ESTATE, Hilton Head Vacation, Hilton Head Resort, Hilton Head I Provides property listings for greater Hilton Head and Bluffton areas; includes a community newsletter, schools, and mortgage information. http://www.hiltonheadhomesource.com/ | |
160. Untitled Photos, calendar, resources and contact. http://www.firn.edu/schools/wakulla/wast/ | |
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