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121. BCTF Research Reports > Ten Problems With Charter Schools Opposition to charter schools has been expressed by the BC Minister of He told the legislature that charter schools produce a system where some groups http://www.bctf.bc.ca/ResearchReports/95ei06/ | |
122. CNN.com - Report: Can't Yet Tell Effectiveness Of Vouchers, Charter Schools - De CNN http://cnn.com/2001/fyi/teachers.ednews/12/06/school.vouchers.ap/index.html | |
123. Clinton Touts Success Of Public Charter Schools - May 4, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/05/04/education.debate/index.html | |
124. Private Schools Interscholastic Association (PSIA) Mission is to promote private, charter and homeschool student achievement through academic competition. http://www.flash.net/~psia/ | |
125. Leadership Public Schools A nonprofit organization that operates and help open public charter high schools throughout California. http://www.leadps.org | |
126. Denver Public Schools - Elementary, Middle And High School Information Operated by Edison schools for grades kindergarten through 8th, detailing school standards and achievement, testing results, programs, and staff. http://www.denver.k12.co.us/schools/e/Elementary/212.shtml/ | |
127. S2 Logic Web based software for FBOs, air charter operators, air ambulances, flight schools, flight line, concierge services and reservations. http://www.s2logic.com/ | |
128. Airborne Software International - Home Page Produces a pilot's logbook and a flight and duty monitor for small charter companies, flight schools and operational flying units. http://www.airsoft.com.au/ | |
129. Welcome To Parker Core Knowledge Charter School We focus on educational excellence, mastering second languages, and technological excellence. Our students consistently outperform peers in traditional public schools. http://www.ckcs.net/ | |
130. Index Membership for all martial arts styles. Background, schools, mission statement, partners, charter and general information. http://www.geocities.com/martialstudents | |
131. Washington Charter School Resource Center News, links, and testimonials about charter public schools. http://www.wacharterschools.org/ | |
132. ASEH - ASSOCIATION SUISSE DES ECOLES HOTELIERES Association of 12 Swiss hotel management schools. charter, statistics on recent graduates and enrollment. Directory and overview of member schools. http://www.aseh.ch/ | |
133. CABAIR - Learn To Fly At Flying Schools In The UK And USA. Flying Lessons, Aerop Independent flying schools providing aeroplane and helicopter lessons. Other services include helicopter charter, aircraft sales and aircraft maintenance. Contact details provided. http://www.cabair.com/ | |
134. PPEP Project PPEP is Arizona's home for charter high schools, rural development, the Encompas program, and rural education. Home of the Cesar Chavez Hall of Fame. http://www.ppep.org/ | |
135. GFO [Overview] GFO, a total solution package for flights schools and charter operations, incorporates software to facilitate and manage all data associated with scheduling, maintenance, accounting, pilot shop sales, and internet access for students, instructors, and managers. http://www.genavsystems.com/gf/gfo_basic.htm | |
136. Thornaby On Tees A Royal Charter Town A guide to the town including history through to the present day, schools, churches, pubs and community. http://thornaby.95mb.com/ | |
137. The Education Revolution A listing of alternative schools, including charter, independent, Montessori, and other unusual schooling options. http://www.edrev.org | |
138. Plainfield Charter Township History of the community. Links to local businesses, schools, government, and entertainment. http://www.plainfieldchartertwp.org/ | |
139. Welcome To The Churches, community statistics, schools, and history of the township. http://www.allendale-twp.org/ | |
140. Creating Successful Small Learning Communities: Bellevue International School Co Information and resources for charter school founders and for general educational improvement. http://www.topschools.com/ | |
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