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101. Summit Charter School One of the state's 36 original charter schools serves kindergarten through 8th grade. Features faculty and staff, athletics, policies and procedures, calendar, and FAQs. http://www.summitschool.org/ |
102. THE JOSIAH BARTLETT CENTER FOR PUBLIC POLICY Nonpartisan think tank group focused on state and local public policy issues that affect the quality of life of New Hampshire's citizens. Also serves as a clearinghouse for information on charter schools. http://www.jbartlett.org/ | |
103. Home Page Specializing in new and used textbooks for homeschools, charter schools, and public schools. http://www.textbookheaven.com | |
104. Washington Schools - WA Elementary, Middle And High School Information District profiles and lists of schools for each district, including public and charter schools. http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/distlist/WA | |
105. NYC Dept. Of Ed. Default charter schools also bring new leaders, resources, and ideas into public List of all New York City charter schools, with links to school websites and http://www.nycenet.edu/OurSchools/Region84/ | |
106. Hickman Community Charter District, Striving To Inspire Students To Learn And Gr Public school district serving grades K8, with emphasis on charter schools and home schooling. http://www.hickman.k12.ca.us/ | |
107. A National Leader In Providing Credit Enhancement & Non-profit Development To Ch CSDC s Showcase NonProfit Development Project - Kingsman Charter School Campus Welcome to the charter schools Development Corporation s (CSDC) website! http://www.csdc.org/ | |
108. District Locator charter schools TO OPEN IN THE FALL OF 20052006 SCHOOL YEAR Aldo Leopold CharterSchool - Silver Charter School 37 -Santa Fe http://www.sde.state.nm.us/districts/alphacharter.html | |
109. Chicago Public Schools charter schools are public schools, open to all children residing in There are20 charter schools currently operating in Chicago as well as the 3 new http://www.cps.k12.il.us/schools/Charter/charter.html | |
110. The Charter School Dust-Up: Examining The Evidence On Enrollment And Achievement Ageof-school influences on charter school student achievement In fact, thereis evidence that the average impact of charter schools is negative. http://www.epi.org/content.cfm/book_charter_school | |
111. NC Office Of Charter Schools The North Carolina Office of charter schools has been moved to a new location.Please change your bookmark to http//www.ncpublicschools.org/charter_schools http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/charter_schools/maincharter.html | |
112. EMSC - Charter Schools The State Education Department has prepared a Charter School Application Guide Potential charter school applicants and entities are encouraged to attend http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/topics/charter.html | |
113. Pennsylvania Charter Schools Study Home Currently, a total of 90 charter schools are in operation. The Initial Study ofPennsylvania charter schools was commissioned by The Pennsylvania Department http://www.wmich.edu/evalctr/charter/pacharter.html | |
114. NY GOVERNOR PATAKI Pataki proposed and won enactment of the New York State charter schools Actof 1998. Public charter schools have five distinguishing characteristics http://www.state.ny.us/governor/brieftoc.htm | |
115. New Research Brings Good News About Charter Schools charter schools are succeeding in their mission to provide an In other words,charter schools are pulling away from public schools in terms of http://www.heritage.org/Research/Education/wm622.cfm | |
116. CNN.com - Trouble For First N.Y. Charter Schools - Jan. 13, 2004 CNN http://cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/01/13/charter.schools.ap/index.html | |
117. Charter Schools This report describes recent patterns of racial enrollments in private K12schools in the United States. http://www.civilrightsproject.harvard.edu/research/deseg/CharterSchools.php | |
118. CNN.com - Study: Charter Schools Score Below Public - September 5, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/fyi/teachers.ednews/09/03/charter.schools.ap/index.html | |
119. Charter Schools charter schools and Race A Lost Opportunity for Integrated Education charter schools and Inequality National Disparities in Funding, Teacher Quality, http://www.eduref.org/cgi-bin/print.cgi/Resources/Educational_Management/Educati | |
120. CNN - California Study Raises Doubts About Charter Schools - December 3, 1998 CNN http://www.cnn.com/US/9812/03/charter.schools/index.html | |
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