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81. Charter School Leadership Council The CSLC report, Charter School Achievement What We Know, Defending Ohiocharter schools status as public schools, CSLC filed an amicus brief with the http://www.charterschoolleadershipcouncil.org/ | |
82. AFT - Hot Topics - Charter Schools In 1988, Albert Shanker introduced the notion of charter schools to the nationin a speech Advocates of charter school reform claim that these schools http://www.aft.org/topics/charters/ | |
83. PRI Education Studies Resources from the Pacific Research Institute in support of parental choice in education, high academic standards and accountability, charter schools, teacher quality, and school finance reform. http://www.pacificresearch.org/centers/csr/ | |
84. Charter Schools In Wisconsin Homepage The Wisconsin charter school law gives charter schools freedom from most Wisconsin established charter schools to foster an environment of creativity. http://www.dpi.state.wi.us/dpi/dfm/sms/csindex.html |
85. Charter Schools: Are They Needed? Looking At Both Sides Of The Debate Looks at the charter school issue by examining both pro and con arguments from the educational literature. http://www.libraryreference.org/charter.html | |
86. The Center For Charter Schools In Frederick County Promotes the establishment of charter schools in the county to expand the opportunities available in public education. News and information about the first charter school in Maryland. http://www.geocities.com/centerforcharterschools/ | |
87. Indiana Charter Schools Indiana Charter School Web Sites. List of Indiana charter schools and ContactInformation. Indiana Charter School Questions and Answers. http://www.doe.state.in.us/charterschools/welcome.html | |
88. New York State Charter Schools Resource Center New York State is on the verge of enacting strong charter school legislation.Charter School Resource Center (CSRC) want to help school organizers to be http://www.nycsrc.org/ | |
89. Education Working Paper 1 | Apples To Apples: An Evaluation Of Charter Schools S Despite the fact that charter schools serve over 684000 children nationwide, This is primarily because many charter schools serve targeted populations http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/ewp_01.htm | |
90. Canadian Charter Schools Centre Charter public schools are a means to deliver educational excellence throughprograms tailored to meet student and community needs. http://www.charterschools.ca/ | |
91. Charter Schools USA Development and management company of charter schools, kindergarten through 12th grade. Services and educational model. http://www.charterschoolsusa.com/ | |
92. How Well Are Charter Schools Serving Urban And Minority Students? ERIC/CUE Diges Provides fulltext access to the ERIC Digest of this name which examines if charter schools are actually helping minority students in urban settings. http://www.ericdigests.org/1998-1/charter.htm | |
93. RAND: Charter School Operations And Performance: Evidence From California The study represents a comprehensive study of accessibility, student achievement,governance, and operation of CaliforniaÃs charter schools, drawing from http://www.rand.org/publications/MR/MR1700/ | |
94. Society For Quality Education: Research On Choice For Canadians A charitable nonprofit organization for disseminating research about quality education, especially the effects of charter schools, parental choice, education tax credits, and vouchers. http://www.societyforqualityeducation.org/ | |
95. Untitled Document charter schools Office. at Central Michigan University. Our site has moved.You will be redirected there automatically in 5 seconds or you can click on the http://charter.ehhs.cmich.edu/ | |
96. Maine Association For Charter Schools Organized and run by teachers, parents, and community members. Includes information on legislation relating to charter schools. http://www.mainecharterschools.org/ | |
97. Chart Michigan Resource Center for charter schools. This page is under construction.Please bear with us. You can reach us at. (517) 7742100. charter@cmich.edu http://charter.ehhs.cmich.edu/html/chart.html | |
98. Connecticut State Department Of Education Information on charter schools, endowed and incorporated academies, regional vocational agriculture centers and other educational institutions, provided in PDF format. http://www.csde.state.ct.us/public/der/directory/index.htm | |
99. CNN.com - Charter Schools Remain Subject Of Debate - Aug 13, 2004 The cheerleading squad and the math team rarely compete for members at most middleschools, but at Fulton Science Academy, they are often second choices to http://www.cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/08/13/b2s.charters/ | |
100. Home - Charter School Association Of Indiana, Inc. What are charter schools? Indiana s charter schools National charter schoolsEmployment Opportunities FAQ s For More Information Indiana Charter Contacts http://www.indianacharters.org/ | |
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