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61. Directory - Utah Charter Schools Utah charter schools. Information Last Updated August 11, 2005. Charter School.Address, Contact. Academy for Math Engineering and Science (AMES) http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/charterschools/directory.htm | |
62. Charter Schools - Specialized Programs (CA Dept Of Education) Public schools that may provide instruction in any of grades K12 that are createdor organized by a group of teachers, parents, community leaders or a http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cs/ | |
63. Charter Schools - Facilities (CA Dept Of Education) Information to assist school districts and charter schools in seeking statefacility funding assistance under AB 14 (Chapter 935, statutes of 2002), http://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/fa/cs/ | |
64. Minnesota Legislature - Geographic Information Systems Statewide maps in PDF (requires Adobe Acrobat 5) and PNG. Boundaries, population, transfers, estimated enrollment changes for public school districts. Also 2002 statewide map of charter schools. http://www.commissions.leg.state.mn.us/gis/html/maps/school_distr.html | |
65. Colorado League Of Charter Schools charter schools and groups or individuals wishing to start a charter schoolin Colorado. The League has a commitment to both individual charter schools, http://www.coloradoleague.org/ | |
66. Douglas County School District A listing of charter schools in Douglas County. http://www.dcsd.k12.co.us/district/directories/chart.schools.html | |
67. Charter Schools Home Page The Central Michigan University charter schools Office advances public education CMU Celebrates the 6th Annual National charter schools Week with the 57 http://www.cmucso.org/ | |
68. Charter Schools K12 Schools charter schools Subsite of PA Department of Education Website. http://www.pde.state.pa.us/charter_schools/ | |
69. About Charter Schools From The Center For Education Reform The Center for Education Reform tracks charter school grassroots efforts, legislation and laws, research, and how charter schools are improving academic standards and educational choices for students and parents. http://www.edreform.com/charter_schools/ | |
70. Charter Schools Cyber Charter Schools Review Cyber charter schools Review Abstract On October 30, 2001, the findings of thestate s threemonth review of cyber charter schools were announced. http://www.pde.state.pa.us/charter_schools/cwp/view.asp?a=3&Q=75169 |
71. Hawai I Public Charter Schools Education Laboratory a Hawai i New Century Public Charter School Hakipu uLearning Center a Hawai i Public Charter School |
72. Arizona Charter School Association - Home Arizona charter schools Association, Arizona charter schools Association magazine 10th National charter schools Conference http://www.azcharters.org/ | |
73. GADOE.org - School Choices: Charter Schools The charter school may request waivers from provisions of Title 20 of The following map is a graphic representation of all charter schools in Georgia. http://www.doe.k12.ga.us/schools/charterschools/index.asp | |
74. Challenge And Opportunity The Impact Of Charter Schools On School Districts June 2001 report which is part of a fouryear study of the charter school movement in ten states. http://www.ed.gov/pubs/chartimpact/ |
75. BRIGHTER CHOICE CHARTER SCHOOLS . . . For A Brighter Future. Looking for an alternative to Albany s existing elementary schools? The BrighterChoice charter schools may be just what your child needs. http://www.brighterchoice.org/ | |
76. Center For Education Reform Advocacy, statistics, resources and guidance on education reform issues and action at the school, district, state and national levels, from School Choice, charter schools, and educational entrepreneurialism to high academic standards, teacher professionalism and local control. http://edreform.com/ | |
77. NJ Department Of Education - Charter Schools New Jersey charter schools Grant Program Dissemination 4 (Yr. 1/2)- Due July 7, A charter school is a public school that operates independently of the http://www.state.nj.us/njded/chartsch/ | |
78. WCSA - Welcome WCSA is a leader in fostering community choices in public education throughcharter schools. WCSA provides policy analysis, advocacy, membership services http://www.wicharterschools.org/ |
79. Delaware Charter Schools charter schools are authorized by Del. C., Title 14, Chapter 5 which was enacted The creation of the charter school legislation is intended to improve http://www.doe.state.de.us/CharterSchools/charter_schools.htm | |
80. Welcome To The Resource Center For Charter Schools Website Supports formation of state and district charter schools across Texas. The centerserves as an information resource, offers access to professional expertise http://www.charterstexas.org/ | |
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