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41. Friends Of Choice In Urban Schools FOCUS promotes public charter schools in Washington, DC. Includes a directory of charter schools, guidance on starting a charter school, background information and current news. http://www.focus-dccharter.org/ | |
42. Charter Schools Development Center The charter schools Development Center has moved to www.cacharterschools.org . updates for charter school developers, operators, and grantingagencies. http://www.csus.edu/ier/charter/workshops.html | |
43. Welcome To DC Public Charter School Board Includes list of charter schools, application information, press releases, reports, and other documents. http://www.dcpubliccharter.com/ | |
44. NCSC - National Charter School Clearinghouse Assisting in the development and maintenance of successful charter schools through disseminating research and funding information and providing direct technical assistance. Discussion board, current topics, news, newsletter, and upcoming events. http://www.ncsc.info/ | |
45. Charter Schools The fourthyear report on The National Study of charter schools, BulletItem charter schools Students with Disabilities Review of Existing Data http://www.isbe.state.il.us/charter/Default.htm | |
46. North Carolina Office Of Charter Schools The mission of the Office of charter schools is to provide leadership and Visit the brief background and history of the charter schools Initiative for http://www.ncpublicschools.org/charter_schools/ | |
47. Directory Of North Carolina Charter Schools Click on the letter below to jump to a list of charter schools in a particularcounty. Also available is a map of the counties containing charter schools. http://www.ncpublicschools.org/charter_schools/directory.html |
48. Archived - State Of Charter Schools 2000: Fourth-Year Report Basic Characteristics of charter schools Why charter schools are Started Implementation Challenges Autonomy and Control Autonomy and Choice of http://www.ed.gov/pubs/charter4thyear/ | |
49. Public Charter Schools Program The Public charter schools program provides financial assistance for the planning,design or initial implementation of charter schools. http://www.ed.gov/programs/charter/ | |
50. US Private Schools Find comprehensive information for parents searching for private and charter schools nationwide. http://www.usprivateschools.com/ | |
51. Redirect JavaScript-browsers Support for the state's charter schools. Includes a list of charter schools, legislation and advocacy, news, membership information, services, and job opportunities. http://www.canec.org/ | |
52. Massachusetts Charter Public School Association The Massachusetts Charter School Association s mission is to serve the Massachusettscharter schools and their students through sharing of best practices http://www.masscharterschools.org/ | |
53. Aspire Public Schools of public charter schools. Information about the program, schools, enrollment and jobs....... http://www.aspirepublicschools.org/ | |
54. New York Charter Schools placerholder image, Charter School Graphic. Welcome charter schools in NY Site Map OUR EMAIL ADDRESSES HAVE CHANGED! new york state charter schools. http://www.newyorkcharters.org/ | |
55. Welcome To The Resource Center For Charter Schools Website Supports formation of state and district charter schools across Texas. The center serves as an information resource, offers access to professional expertise and lends direct technical support through all stages of the charter school. http://charterstexas.org/ | |
56. NWREL'S Charter Schools Project charter schools are public schools of choice that have increased freedom andautonomy in exchange for increased accountability. http://www.nwrel.org/charter/ | |
57. ..:: CCSF ::.. Operates preschool12 charter schools that provide a rigorous, college-preparatory education. Site provides information on Chicago International Charter School (CICS), history, leadership, and opportunities. http://www.ccsfonline.org/ | |
58. Reason Magazine -- April 1998 Arizona had 1/3 of the nation's charter schools. This study by business and economics writer James K. Glassman looks at competitive effects on all schools. http://www.reason.com/9804/fe.glassman.html | |
59. Utah Charter Schools Utah charter schools Utah State Office of Education A map of Utah s 40school districts and designated charter schools, 2005 - PDF http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/charterschools/ | |
60. PA Schools And IUs Directory State Listing Intermediate units, school districts and schools, vocational/technical schools, and charter schools, including Local Addresses, Phone Contacts, and links to known Web sites. http://www.pde.state.pa.us/pde_internet/site/default.asp | |
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