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81. SusQ-Cyber Charter School The SusQCyber charter school is a cyber school chartered by the state of The SusQ-Cyber charter schools flexibility permits students to access lessons http://www.susqcyber.org/ | |
82. Detailed Revision/Update Of Message Standards The charter of the DRUMS IETF working group. DRUMS works on clarifying, codifying, and extending existing Internet messaging standards. http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/drums-charter.html |
83. Charter Schools Bullet Item Illinois charter school Developer s Handbook A Resource Guide forGetting Your charter school Off the Ground Developed by Leadership for Quality http://www.isbe.state.il.us/charter/Default.htm | |
84. Remove International Skating Union From The OLympic Movement Petition The International Skating Union has demonstrated in their judging of the pairs competition at the Salt Lake City Olympics that they cannot adhere to the ethical standards of Olympic charter and should be expelled from the Olympic Movement. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/672918216 | |
85. Charter Schools Development Center The charter schools Development Center (CSDC) provides experienced and experttechnical assistance, training, and resources to charter school developers, http://www.cacharterschools.org/charterjobs/job04.html | |
86. Servicefirst Website, Servicefirst Website A programme to drive up standards in service delivery across the public sector in the UK. Encompassing the charter Mark award scheme, charters for public services, the People's Panel, Better Government for Older People, Quality Networks, Government Performance Information and Best Practice guidance. http://www.cabinet-office.gov.uk/servicefirst/ | |
87. Framingham Community Charter School Home Page The Framingham Community charter school has formally changed its name to the The mission of Christa McAuliffe Regional charter Public school is to http://www.framinghamcharter.org/ | |
88. Atlantis Dive Charters - New England Wreck Diving And Scuba Diving charter boat and dive store in New London. Includes rebreather rental and training, charter schedule, standards and policies, and directions. http://www.atlantis.nu/ | |
89. Knight Exemplar Guildhouse The Knight Exemplar guild is based on two things Honor and Duty. Features charter, roster, guild standards, message board, screenshots, events http://knightexemplar.tripod.com | |
90. HISD Charter Schools Choice is a big issue in public education, and charter schools are one of the they are and how HISD charter schools, which must meet higher standards, http://dept.houstonisd.org/charterschools/ | |
91. An Open Specification For Pretty Good Privacy (openpgp) Charter Provides IETF standards for the algorithms and formats of PGP processed objects as well as providing the MIME framework for exchanging them via email or other transport protocols. http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/openpgp-charter.html | |
92. "Mistel Champion Dobermans - Sound Minds In Sound Bodies" South Carolina kennel selecting for type, temperament, and health. Photos, show records, breed standards, and litter details. http://webpages.charter.net/rlvandiver | |
93. Under Construction chartered by the Arizona State Board for charter Schools, offering individualized, selfpaced programs that exceed the state standards. Schedules, news, and an events calendar are included with the overview. http://www.compasshsgators.org | |
94. US Charter Schools Web Dialogue It is important to keep in mind what the Principles and standards are, charter Schools Bill of Rights Submitted by Brock dAvignon on 6/9/04 435 PM http://www.uscharterschools.org/cs/dia/view/dm/1529 | |
95. Macair Jet Based in Argentina offering worldwide executive charter service. Provides information on aircraft including specifications and on board services, safety standards and location. http://www.macairjet.com.ar/ |
96. CER Frequently Asked Questions: Charter Schools Accountability charter schools are held accountable for how well they The Center for Education ReformÂs 19961997 charter school Survey found that 65% http://edreform.com/school_reform_faq/charter_schools.htm | |
97. American Prospect Online - ViewPrint Another nostrum repeated in charter Schools in Action is that public schoolstoday function As more standards are imposed, schools become more public. http://www.prospect.org/web/view-print.ww?id=5360 |
98. Charter Schools The Association supports charter schools that have the same standards ofaccountability and access as other public schools. They have the potential to allow http://www.dsea.org/greatschools/charterschools.html | |
99. THE LARGEST PAID NON-DAILY NEWSPAPER IN ARKANSAS: EDITORIAL>> Charter Schools Ar charter schools are supposed to succeed because they are freed from most of the In Texas, 98 percent of public schools met state performance standards, http://www.arkansasleader.com/2005/05/editorial-charter-schools-are-failing.html | |
100. Race Matters - Charter Schools Fall Short How can we consider charter schools to be an option for dealing with failing that charter schools were less likely to meet performance standards than http://www.racematters.org/charterschoolsfallshort.htm | |
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