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         Character Development Teach:     more detail
  1. How to Teach Toward Character Development by James, W Komarnicki Ed.D., 2004-11-26
  2. Once Upon a Time... Storytelling to Teach Character and Prevent Bullying by Elisa Davy Pearmain, 2006-02-01
  3. You Break It, You Buy It: And Three Dozen More Opportune Moments to Teach Family Values (A Teachable Moment Book) by Kass P. Dotterweich, 1995-08

21. Training Public School Teachers To Teach CHARACTER COUNTS!, The Journal Of Exten
As a graduate of the Josephson Institute of Ethics character development Seminar, Gain ideas for teaching character throughout the school.
October 2004
Volume 42 Number 5
Training Public School Teachers to Teach CHARACTER COUNTS!
Joseph L. Donaldson
Extension Evaluation Specialist
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee
CHARACTER COUNTS! (CC!) is a national coalition of non-profit organizations taking action to teach young people especially the "Six Pillars of Character": Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. Extension 4-H youth development programs have provided instruction and evaluation for a host of community-based CC! projects. A review of the National CC! Web site revealed nine states with Extension 4-H references (CC!, 2003). One community-based project occurred in Giles County, Tennessee, where a coalition formed representing government, public service agencies, education, and churches. The Giles County public school system did not have a character education program, and educational leaders had little or no information regarding implementing such a program. Based on the tenet that effective character education is pervasive in the school and community (CC!, 1998), the local coalition identified teacher training in CC! as a critical need for building stronger character in youth. As a graduate of the Josephson Institute of Ethics Character Development Seminar, the County Extension 4-H Agent designed and delivered a CC! in-service training for public school teachers. This training was one part of a comprehensive character education plan of work that included, among other strategies, a CC! youth public speaking contest, a local day camp, newsletters and club presentations, and volunteer training.

22. Character Development Library Listings
EDUCATING FOR character HOW OUR SCHOOLS CAN teach RESPECT AND reference for incorporating values teaching within the character development Seminars.
U.S. Naval Academy
121 Blake Road
Annapolis, Maryland
Character Development Recommended Reading List
AN AGENDA FOR THE 21ST CENTURY by Rushworth M. Kidder (1988)
Contains thoughtful and thought provoking insights by people the book describes as the "world's most compelling thinkers" about the major issues that will face humanity in the 21st Century. Morality is one of the many issues that these "thinkers" address. This is a valuable resource.
This short pamphlet reviews existing research on the curricular effectiveness of the morals/values education programs that developed and flourished in the 60s, 70s, and 80s along with a review of the potential of the classroom and school to develop student character. After a brief history of character education in the 20s and 30s, the work presents a conceptual and theoretical perspective for effective character education for the present.
CRITICAL REASONING by Jerry Cederblom and David W. Paulson (1991)
This book is a good introduction to logic and reasoning for people who have little or no familiarity with deductive and inductive logic, logical fallacies, truth trees, etc. Topics include evaluating inductive arguments, empirical generalizations, and empirical theories using real-life examples.

23. ARTSEDGE: Lessons
Home teach Lessons Students study setting, plot, character development in Tennessee Williams play, A Streetcar Named Desire and discuss its impact
document.pageDescription='ARTSEDGE is the National Arts and Education Information Network, operating under a cooperative agreement between the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the US Department of Education. The mission of ARTSEDGE is to help artists, teachers, and students gain access to and/or share information, resources, and ideas that support the arts as a core subject area in the K-12 curriculum.'; About Us Feedback Search A RTS ... Teach
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Use the pull-down menus below to filter the Lessons listed on the right. All Arts Subjects Dance Music Theater Visual Arts All Other Subjects Foreign Language Language Arts Math Physical Education Science Social Studies Technology All Grade Bands K-4
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Adjective Monster Systems of the Body: Movement and Choreography Social Witness During World War II
Share your arts-integrated lessons with educators worldwide! Visit the Writers' Center for information on publishing lessons through A RTS E DGE
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24. Character Education- Resources
character development Seminar organized by the Josephson Institute of Ethics youth leaders and other youthinfluencing adults to teach principled
Calendar of Events July 2003 July 2, 2003
London, England
Ethical Fitness Seminar™ organized by the Institute for Global Ethics
Ethical Fitness Seminars help you resolve ethical issues you face daily, both at work and at home. You'll take part in a thought process that can save you time, help you gain confidence, and sharpen your responses to ethical challenges. You'll follow the dynamic four-step seminar, which helps you become ethically aware, define values, analyze ethics, and resolve dilemmas.
For information about attending U.S. seminars or about other Institute events, please call 1-800-729-2615 or 207-236-6658; or email:
For more details, please visit their web site :
July 8-10, 2003
Spokane, WA
Character Development Seminar organized by the Josephson Institute of Ethics
This three-day course prepare teachers, youth leaders and other youth-influencing adults to teach principled reasoning and ethical decision making based on the Six Pillars
Contact Information: Training Department Tel: (800) 711-2670; fax: (310) 827-1864

25. The Peaceful Solution Character Education Incorporated
The Peaceful Solution character Education Program is designed to teach our Here, positive character development is explored through the concepts of
Peace Through Character Education... Free Sample Lesson Plans Available Home Programs Elementary ... Contact Us
Peaceful Solution
817 Formosa Drive
Abilene, Texas 79602
P.O. Box 2442
Abilene, Texas 79604
"I am amazed with this program... I was surprised that even I learned a new way to look at things. It is an added bonus that my character is being improved as I teach my children. Thank you for such a great program."
~D.M., Texas, USA More testimonials... "The Peaceful Solution Character Education Program was a huge success with my students..." ~ R. H., South Carolina, USA More testimonials... "I have been teaching the PSCEP to my son since he was three. It has really helped mold him into a more obedient and respectful person. When we go in public places, people always comment on how well behaved he is. Thanks for giving me tools to train him better than I would have otherwise. "

26. Registration Gateway
How schools can best teach lessons of character, basic values and civic What resources dedicated to character development are available through the

27. Kagan Workshops
Learn how to develop fifteen core character virtues without sacrificing your curriculum. We do not teach character development lessons; we make character

28. Kagan Workshops
Make character development/Emotional Intelligences Links teach impulse control essential for the selfdiscipline virtues • Develop responsibility and

Character Development
4 or 5-Day Institute
Make Character Development/Emotional Intelligences Links
Develop Self-Knowledge and the Integrity Virtues
Encourage Self-Management and the Self-Discipline Virtues
Explore Empathy and the Understanding Virtues
Build Relationship Skills and the Relationship Virtues
Register Today!
Call Nancy Murray to learn more or to schedule your training today. Your teachers will thank you!

29. 4-H Helps Virginia Schools Teach Good Character Traits
April 18, 2003. 4H Helps Virginia Schools teach Good character Traits Virginia 4-H supports any program which teaches character development and
April 18, 2003 4-H Helps Virginia Schools
Teach Good Character Traits
BLACKSBURG Imagine your children building stronger character just going about their daily routines. In many schools across Virginia and nationwide, the CHARACTER COUNTS! program is making this fantasy a reality. "We know it works," said Joseph Hunnings, Virginia Cooperative Extension 4-H youth development specialist at Virginia Tech.
More Information
Hunnings is referring to evaluations of the CHARACTER COUNTS! program, a research-based program that uses the concept of six pillars of character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship, to teach ethical behavior. The program builds consensus that there are values that define people at their best, however diverse their views and backgrounds. Virginia Cooperative Extension's 4-H youth development program has been training volunteers and school personnel for several years to bring the program into schools and communities throughout the state. To date, many school systems nationwide have adopted the program, including more than 60 schools in Virginia.

30. Volume 10, Issue 2
character development in Children, Ages Three and Four Whether you realize it or not, you already teach character lessons to the children in your care
Child Care Center Connections Character Development in Children, Ages Three and Four by Linda Ladd, Ph.D. Parents and child care providers have the greatest influence over the character development of their young children. Child care providers, parents, and other adults are interested in reinforcing good character in young children, ages three and four. We all want children to achieve their fullest potential, become a healthy person, and build strong, caring relationships. The words fullest, healthy, strong, and caring are all words that this author associates with a person who has good character. You, the reader, may want to talk with your co-workers about how they would describe good character. The topic of character development can be sensitive and must reflect respect for the culture and experience of the children, adults, and families we work with daily. We can define good character in general, but it is difficult to describe specific behaviors that reflect good character. For example, a provider who highly values "independence" might tend to praise children who play alone. Another provider may value less independence and more interdependence and praise children playing together. Both behaviors are part of the healthy development of children. Those of us who care for children must be sure that we balance our values about behavior with a sound knowledge of what is healthy development. Cognitive Development of Three and Four Year Olds

31. FANGS: Character Development - RPGnetWiki
FANGS character development However, Gru s teacher can teach him no more (for if Gru wants to learn skill 11, half again 11 is 161/2, rounded up is 17
FANGS: Character Development
From RPGnetWiki
Welcome to FANGS , the Fantasy Adventure Networked Gaming System. The goal of this roleplaying system is to offer rules that allow for fun, dramatic play without losing too much realism, simple and yet elegant rules, and balanced for different styles of players who wish to game together. This section discussed how your character develops and advances over time with experience. Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Increasing Skills
2 Experience Check

3 Training Skills

5 Learning a New Skill
Increasing Skills
Most skills are relatively easy to learn in the beginning if you can find a teacher yet true mastery takes much time and effort. edit
Experience Check
Any time your character uses a skill multiple times in a life-threatening or a stressful competitive situation, whether or not he failed or succeeded in his skill, at GM's discretion he has a chance to have learned something that will increase his skill. In addition, each time your character succeeds with a Special or Critical skill roll, he may have earned a Skill Mark at GM's discretion, which makes it more likely that he can increase his skill. You may never have more then one Skill Mark in a single skill, and it is erased once it is used in a Experience Check. After your character returns home and has a chance to 'ponder' on his experiences, you can check to see if he has learned anything. This is called an Experience Check.

32. ABC Feelings Self Esteem, Conflict Resolution, Character Development
Redirect anger, build character, end bully behavior, teach coping skills, strengthen personal Conflict Resolution Skills character development
The Feelings Blog
Redirect anger, build character, end bully behavior, teach coping skills, strengthen personal relationships, insure academic success
Award-Winning ABC Feelings Products!
Dr. Toy Award * The Benjamin Franklin Award Parent's Guide to Childrens Media Award Sesame Street Journal * CEP Newsletter * Teaching Tolerance Journal
Are We Killing Our Children? NEW! Fast Food - Slow Trouble for Our Kids! Your Child's Attention Addiction ... More
The Benefits of ABC Feelings
Positive Peer Relationships
" Feeling will get you closer to the truth of who you are than thinking." Eckhart Tolle
Why ABC Feelings for Your Children
Over the past 15 years , hundreds have asked Alexandra, aka the Attitude Doc , and driving force behind ABC Feelings, why feelings communication is important. Everyone has feelings and everyone talks about them, so what's the big deal, right? Not so. In fact, many of us were raised believing that keeping a lid on our true feelings is more natural than communicating them, and we've learned that only a narrow range of feelings are available to us mad, sad, glad, etc. The result has been a virtual outcropping of adults and children filled with rage, loneliness and unhappiness, low self-esteem, broken homes and relationships, and left to wonder why and how they can change in a world that appears crazy with resisted and unexpressed emotion. Barry Spilchuk, Cup of Chicken Soup for the Soul

33. Religious Overtones Cloud Teaching Of Values - 03/21/00
Should public schools be required to teach character, using methods based on He and several House members have introduced a character development bill
@import url(/includes/css/enhanced.css); [an error occurred while processing this directive] Visit our Newspapers in Education area Share this story with a friend Join the discussion in Feedback

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... Autos Joyrides Business Careers Editorials Metro/State Livingston Macomb Oakland Wayne On Detroit Nation/World Obituaries Real Estate Politics ... Voices Lions Pistons Shock Tigers Red Wings U-M MSU High Schools Motor Sports Golf Scoreboards ... Home delivery The Detroit News. Use of this site signifies your agreement to the Terms of Service (updated April 17, 2000). Tuesday, March 21, 2000 Religious overtones cloud teaching of values Character education: School violence solution? Linda Radin; Alan Lessig / The Detroit News Michelle Pollock, a Character First! volunteer, works with first-graders Lamia McBride, 6, and Andrew McClendon, 6, at Holcomb Elementary in Detroit. What kids learn Attentiveness: "I will not draw attention to myself." Obedience: "I will obey my authorities immediately." Truthfulness: "I will not exaggerate to make things seem different than what they are."

34. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Movie: Screenwriting Tips
What does he do to teach other people how to be independent? character development , will show you how to create characters that seem to have a life
View Cart/Checkout Date: Subject: Character Development Character Development: In the screenplay for "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest," the protagonist, Randle Patrick McMurphy (Jack Nicholson), pretends to be mentally ill so he can avoid hard labor at a prison work farm and serve out the remainder of his prison sentence at a mental institution where life should be easy. He was originally sent to prison for having sex with an underage girl. At the institution, he acts as a teacher for the patients, showing them that independence and sex are what they need to function normally in the outside world and what they need to be free of Nurse Mildred Ratched (Louise Fletcher), the domineering head nurse who runs the mental ward where McMurphy resides. It is McMurphy's hatred of rules and the authority figures who make those rules that defines him as a character and helps create conflict between him and Nurse Ratched, the antagonist. Shortly after arriving at the mental institution, he breaks Nurse Ratched's rules by altering the daily routine of the patients with teaching methods that make them

35. Chicago Flame Online
UIC to teach QUOT;moral character QUOT;, character grant awarded to on moral development and education, consultation by character development experts
document.write(''+''); Chicago Flame Extras: Student Resources Scholarships Movies Travel ... GradZone Current Issue: document.write(currentissuedayname + ', ' + currentissuemonthname + ' ' + currentissueday + ', ' + currentissueyear); News News Briefs Opinions Features ... Contact Us showNetworkBanner(1); var story_id = 838654; Home News
UIC to teach "moral character"
Character grant awarded to university's education department
By Phillip Crivellone Published: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 Teaching grade school children moral values is a new program offered to UIC education students. The University has been awarded a special grant that will bolster the College of Education's undergraduate repertoire with studies in character education.
The grant, an as-yet undisclosed monetary amount, was awarded by the Character Education Partnership, a "non-profit, nonpartisan, nonsectarian organization" based in Washington, D.C. that aims at "developing moral character and civic virtue in the nation's youth as one means of creating a more compassionate and responsible society."
The grant provides the University with new funding for an assortment of needed utilities including books on moral development and education, consultation by character development experts outside of UIC, and travel expenses incurred by participating faculty who attend nationwide meetings dealing with the issue of improving children's moral/character development.

36. Character Education
Lessons in every unit teach traits for positive character development. Inclusive. The Positive Action program involves all participants through its school

37. Newsletter #88
Table of Contents character development Part 1 What To teach Develop Godly character 1. Provide Good Examples 2. teach God s Word


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Site Developed by KARMAN Graphics and Design The Grace Academy is the subject line of the e-mail accompanying and sponsoring this newsletter. Subscribe to this free e-mail newsletter at Table of Contents Character Development Part 1: What To Teach List of Character Qualities (Newsletter #87) Part 2: How To Help Your Children Develop Godly Character 1. Provide Good Examples 2. Teach God's Word 3. Discipline Consistently 4. Teach About Character Qualities 5. Pray for Your Children Recommended Resources "Unlocking The Mysteries of Creation" SCI-TECH Hands-On Project Kits "For Instruction in Righteousness" from Doorposts Grapevine Studies Bible Curriculum Mr. Button Family Video

38. Newsletter #87
character development Part 1 What To teach List of character Qualities Qualities Related characteristics Definitions Scripture References


... Link to Us
The Teaching Home
Box 20219
Portland OR 97294
Fax: 503-253-7345
Phone: 503-253-9633
Site Developed by KARMAN Graphics and Design Moms Helping Moms Succeed is the subject line of the e-mail accompanying and sponsoring this newsletter. Subscribe to this free e-mail newsletter at Table of Contents Character Development Part 1: What To Teach List of Character Qualities Qualities Related Characteristics Definitions Scripture References Character Training and Spiritual Growth Part 2: How To Teach Character (Next Issue #88) Recommended Resources Homeschooler's Journal by FergNus Services "School Days Devotional Praise" "Christian Ethics for Youth." KONOS Complete Unit Study Curriculum QuickVerse Bible Study Software Sunnyside Up : Humorous Anecdote Greetings

Why do we teach? What is the role and purpose of schools and schooling in the context Schools of hope Developing mind and character in today s youth.
dqmcodebase = "/"
Schools Trying Character Education on For Size by Judson Hixson, Cheryl Gholar , Ernestine Riggs
Journal of Staff Development , Spring 1996 (Vol. 17, No. 2)
Schools must combine traditional academic priorities with broader strategies for developing youth in a holistic way, including the use of character education Too many young people of all colors, and all walks of life are growing up today unable to handle life in hard places, without hope, without adequate attention, and without steady internal compasses to navigate the morally polluted seas they must face on the journey to adulthood. As a result, we are on the verge of losing two generations of Black children and youth to drugs, violence, too-early parenthood, poor health, and education, unemployment, family disintegration and to the spiritual and physical poverty that both breeds and is bred by them. Millions of Latino, Native American, and other minority children face similar threats. And millions of White children of all classes, like too many minority children, are drowning in the meaninglessness of a culture that rewards greed and guile and tells them that life is about getting rather than giving. (p. 15) Marian Wright Edelman in

40. Character Education In The Classroom
Examine the need for character development in schools; Explore historical perspectives on education Developing lessons that teach moral literacy
Character Education in the Classroom
Course Description Character Education in the Classroom
examines the role of educators in developing moral and ethical behavior in students by assisting teachers in defining and identifying character traits that would be important in their school. Character education has become a very popular theme in education since the 1990’s because of the increase of violence in schools, discipline concerns, and a national call to action for character education. Educators will explore different theories of moral development and identify skills that can be integrated into the classroom. Practical application of the concepts shared is an important part of this course. Teachers will prepare lessons/vignettes that they will use in their classrooms. They will analyze and critique these lessons to see the value of promoting character development in students. Another aspect of this course is the concept that the teacher can be an effective model for their students.

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