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21. Common Foreign Policy / Central America And The Caribbean - Andean Community Trade between the Andean Community and the central american Common Market the Permanent Secretariat of the general Treaty of central american Economic http://www.comunidadandina.org/ingles/common/central.htm | |
22. American Attitudes: Program On International Policy Attitudes general Dissatisfaction With US Trade Policy When asked about the central american Free Trade Agreement per se just half of respondents (50%) said they http://www.pipa.org/ | |
23. UUA: Concerning Action Central American Refugees: 1984 UUA General Resolution Concerning central american Refugees. 1984 Action general Resolution. WHEREAS, civil war in El Salvador has resulted in more than 45000 political deaths; http://www.uua.org/actions/international/84refugees.html | |
24. Eileen Heaphy, Statement In The General Assembly On The Situation Statement in the general Assembly on the Situation in central America With the support of friends and the United Nations, the central american people http://www.un.int/usa/98_215.htm |
25. A/RES/44/10. The Situation In Central America Threats To Commends the desire for peace expressed by the central american Presidents in for central America, as stipulated in general Assembly resolution 42/231, http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/44/a44r010.htm |
26. Coordination Center For Natural Disaster Prevention In Central America - CEPREDE In the framework of the central american Integration System (CAIS), The denouncement will be transmitted to the general Secretary of CAIS and it will http://www.cepredenac.org/11_engl/agreemnt.htm | |
27. Central America general Library Main Page central America North american Congress on Latin America (NACLA) Archive of Latin americana central America Politics and http://elibrary.unm.edu/subjects/LAWebGuide/EngMforms/Countries/CentralAmerica.h | |
28. Internet Public Library: Central America Detailed profiles on sixteen South and central american nations plus the Comprehensive countryby-country travel and general information from this http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/rci55.20.00/ | |
29. @LA Latino/Chicano/Hispanic Resources (Minorities/Cultural/Ethnic) In Southern C Cal State Northridge (CSUN) central american United Student Association central american Resource Center, MidCity Consulate general of Nicaragua, http://www.at-la.com/@la-lat.htm | |
30. Central America Catholic Church Local History And Ancestors Genealogy Research general central american Countries History, Genealogy Directory Links Do you have a site link suggestion? Catholic Documents, Texts, Archives http://home.att.net/~Local_Catholic/Catholic-CAmerica.htm | |
31. AGFIS - General Association Of International Sports Federations 13 21 August - central american Boys Girls Championship - Barbados (BAR) 18 - 29 August - XVIIth central american Carabbean Softball Championship http://www.agfisonline.com/ | |
32. Central College Calendar Of Events event Reformed Church in american general Synod. description The Reformed Church in America holds central College women s soccer. September 14, 2005 http://www.central.edu/calendar/index.cfm?sAction=dspEvents&eventID=3084 |
33. Central America: Music At CdRoots The album contains 14 original and traditional central american songs including new Try a more general search by artist, title or style of music. http://www.cdroots.com/centralamerica.shtml | |
34. Our Escorted Jewels Of Central America Tracing The Panama Canal - General Tours Jewels of central America Tracing the Panama Canal 15 days with general Tours The Rio San Juan is the most historic river on the central american http://www.tourvacationstogo.com/tour.cfm?npid=3667&nhr=1 |
35. AICMA: Helping Central America, By Organization Of American States (OAS) (5.2) This program is the focal point within the general Secretariat for landmine issues and covers Assistance Program for Demining in central America (PADCA) http://maic.jmu.edu/journal/5.2/focus/aicma.htm | |
36. Victim Assistance In Central America: A Regional Effort, By Juan Carlos Ruan (5. Like many other regions in the world, landmines plague central America. The Secretary general of the Organization of american States, Cesar Gaviria http://maic.jmu.edu/journal/5.2/focus/juancarlosruan.htm | |
37. ICC Strengthened In Central America and central America, said Maria Livanos Cattaui, ICC Secretary general. Guatemala is the largest and most populous of the central american http://www.iccwbo.org/home/news_archives/2005/New_NCs.asp | |
38. US Department Of State Bulletin: Security Council Adopts Resolution On Central A to date by the Secretarygeneral in support of the central american peace process, Commends the desire for peace expressed by the central american http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1079/is_n2151_v89/ai_8139911 | |
39. Latin American Literary Review Press HISTORIA general DE CENTROAMERICA (TOMO I) HISTORIA ANTIGUA; general History Of central America (Volume I) Ancient History; ROBERT CARMACK, ED. http://www.lalrp.org/spanish/history_of_central.html | |
40. Regional Integration Of Central American Countries And Opportunities For Interne The community organs of the Integration System are the central american Parliament, the central american Court of Justice and the general Secretariat of the http://www.isoc.org/isoc/whatis/conferences/inet/97/proceedings/E5/E5_1.HTM | |
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