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41. Indigenous Peoples Of North & Central America Videotapes In The Media Resources Tour the natural splendors of Alaska, a land settled by indigenous people DVD 2196 Episode 3 america was founded as a free land in which people could http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/IndigenousVid.html | |
42. Central America The people who live there are almost entirely indigenous and To do so, theUS judicial systemÂand the north American population in generalÂmust become http://www.zmag.org/ZMag/articles/oct00simon.htm | |
43. Mexico And Central America, 1900 A.D.-present | Timeline Of Art History | The Me See also Iberian Peninsula, Mexico and central america Native peoples, It decrees the return of communal land to indigenous communities and calls for http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/ht/11/ca/ht11ca.htm | |
44. Central America The Regional Strategic Outline (RSO) for central america indicates the direction for promotion of cultural identities and indigenous peoples rights http://www.lutheranworld.org/What_We_Do/DWS/Country_Programs/DWS-Central_America | |
45. Center For The Study Of The First Americans that are related to existing indigenous peoples (ie, american Indians, that are now indigenous to Canada, central america, the Caribbean or Siberia. http://www.centerfirstamericans.com/mt.html?a=15 |
46. Second WIPO Internet Domain Name Process ANNEX XIV Examples of Names of indigenous peoples Registered as Domain Names 1 United States of america. Server error 3. Yucatec. central america http://arbiter.wipo.int/processes/process2/report/html/annex14.html | |
47. The Indigenous People Of The Caribbean - A New Book From The University Press Of specialists to produce the first general introduction to the indigenous peoplesof that region. The Garifuna of central america, Nancie L. Gonzalez http://www.upf.com/Spring1999/wilson.html | |
48. Central America Env. Projects Web Page As expected, a relatively low number of central American indigenous groups were indigenous peoples and Biodiversity Various sites throughout central http://wbln0018.worldbank.org/MesoAm/UmbpubHP.nsf/0/1a0c0f8e2ba4e641852569d6005b |
49. English MC Permanent Forum Resolution Resolution of the indigenous peoples Millennium Conference on the Permanent The Caucus also agreed that central/South america and Caribbean will be the http://www.nciv.net/Millennium/Resolution/resolution_permanent_forum.htm | |
50. Written Statement Submitted By The indigenous peoples of the americas and around the world are witnessing the A large percentage of the central america population vulnerable to these http://www.unhchr.ch/Huridocda/Huridoca.nsf/(Symbol)/E.CN.4.2004.NGO.106.En?Open |
51. Oxford University Press: Weaving The Past: Susan Kellogg A History of Latin america s indigenous Women from the Prehispanic Period to it covers indigenous people in other parts of South and central america, http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Anthropology/NativeAmerican/~~/cHI | |
52. Science Blog -- OBSERVANCE OF INTERNATIONAL DAY OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AT HEADQUAR indigenous People (19952004), which was established by the general Assembly the Messages have come from many peoples, such as, from North america, http://www.scienceblog.com/community/older/archives/L/2001/B/un011140.html | |
53. CMMR - Native American Resources This is a quarterly magazine devoted to California s indigenous people. of the languages of the native peoples of North, central and South america. http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~cmmr/Native_American.html | |
54. CIAT: International Center For Tropical Agriculture Rural Sustainability Indicators for central america Its purpose is to betterenable indigenous peoples to take advantage of new livelihood opportunities http://www.ciat.cgiar.org/ | |
55. CETIM - Publications - Economic Agreement, Central America, Culture, ESCR, Right further the recognition of indigenous peoples, such as the draft United Nationsdeclaration on the rights of indigenous peoples and the draft American http://www.cetim.ch/en/interventions_details.php?iid=134 |
56. Postconquest Indigenous Society (from Latin America, History Of) -- Encyclopæ South america s indigenous peoples More than 350 indigenous groups with a central america, history of history of the area from prehistoric and http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-60850 | |
57. Royal Scottish Geographical Society : Central American Expedition Reports and socioeconomic study of those indigenous peoples of South america; Expedition to central america - University of Edinburgh, 1970 * http://www.geo.ed.ac.uk/~rsgs/expedits/reports/centam.htm | |
58. WCPA Regions - Central America Costa Rica,/Panama La Amistad, JC Godoy central america is a narrow strip of land Policy development about indigenous peoples and protected areas http://www.iucn.org/themes/wcpa/region/camerica/camerica.html | |
59. CIEPAC: Chiapas Al DÃa, No. 185 general strikes and massive protests led by the indigenous peoples in Bolivia Some of the trade routes among the indigenous peoples of North america http://www.ciepac.org/bulletins/ingles/ing389.htm | |
60. GLOBAL VISION : INTERVIEWS : RIGOBERTA MENCHU TUM indigenous peoples have always depended on their traditional wisdom and culture . neither is it a myth for central america, or for the people of this http://www.global-vision.org/interview/menchu.html | |
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