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41. HJG: Periodicals Directory: Geographial Index: Central America Canadian journal of Latin American and caribbean studies Revue canadienne des Journal of caribbean archaeology. The journal of caribbean history http://www.history-journals.de/journals/hjg-region-cam.html | |
42. HJG: Discussion Lists Directory: Geographical Index: Central America Historia Centroamericana devoted to central American and caribbean history.STANDPIPEL devoted to caribbean archaeology and ethnology http://www.history-journals.de/lists/hjg-discuss-gcam.html | |
43. Center For Latin America And Caribbean Studies(CLACS): Latin American & Caribbea The Center for Latin american and caribbean Studies at the University of 309 Archaeology of central South america (3) 310 Archaeology of Middle http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/CLACS/student/certcourses.html | |
44. Archaeology & Jungle Exploration In Belize & Corozal - Archaeology & Jungle Expl Between 1500 and 900 BC the Maya people flourished in central america, served as a trading center between the caribbean outposts and interior cities. http://away.com/ideas/central_america/belize_maya.html | |
45. UNT Department Of History: South America Caribbean, Archaeology And Anthropology bullet, The caribbean. bullet, South america. bullet, South american Lowlands Andean Archaeology. Ancient american Civilizations The central Andes http://www.hist.unt.edu/web_resources/anth_south_america.htm | |
46. Latin American And Caribbean Studies A central web site for internet resources relating to the archaeology of centralamerica, the caribbean and South america, among others. http://library.albany.edu/subject/lacs.htm | |
47. Dr. Richard Callaghan The central american work was concerned with preMayan archaeology which some The archaeology of Lowland South america and the caribbean Basin. http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/faculties/SS/GEOG/People/Faculty2/callaghan.html | |
48. Smithsonian Institution, Anthropology Outreach Office: MesoAmerican, South Ameri MESOamerica, SOUTH america, AND THE caribbean CULTURE AREA The Archaeologyof Lower central america. Albuquerque, NM University of New Mexico Press, http://www.nmnh.si.edu/anthro/outreach/zsam1995.htm | |
49. Caribbean Information Perhaps the main Website for caribbean material is the Latin america Network Data Network for South america, central america, and the caribbean. http://www.uwichill.edu.bb/bnccde/info.htm | |
50. UNL Anthropology And Geography - Anthropology Faculty Research Interests Ancient Cultures of Mesoamerica and central america; Latinamerican History Subfield Cultural anthropology, caribbean archaeology http://www.unl.edu/anthro/afaculty.htm | |
51. Archaeology Graduate Programs In Canada Research AreasNorth america (including Arctic), Mexico and central america; historic and prehistoric archaeology in Canada, the caribbean, http://www.gradschools.com/listings/canada/archaeology_canada.html |
52. University Of Liverpool Library Library, Internet Resources For Latin American S ArchNet Resources for North american Archaeology (Arizona State University)Includes Political Resources on the Net central america/caribbean http://www.liv.ac.uk/library/subjects/arts/las/lasintres2.html | |
53. Research Scholarships And Grants Circumcaribbean archaeology and anthropology hierarchical societies, ceramictechnology, Circum-caribbean and central america, urban United States. http://www.fieldmuseum.org/research_collections/scholarships/default.htm | |
54. Graduate Studies In Latin American ANT 4162 South american Archaeology*. ANT 4163 Mesoamerican Archaeology*. ANT 4340The caribbean*. ANT 4324 Mexico and central america* http://web.usf.edu/~lacs/academics-grad_studies.html | |
56. Pre-Columbian Central America And Caribbean central American cultural and archaeological websites. caribbean Archaeology (*Marduk Hammurabi, Apr 11, 2003 0651 ) http://www.ancientworlds.net/aw/Thread/130254 | |
57. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Science/Social_Sciences/Archaeology/Regional/Cari Search Ancient Mexico and central america Archaeology and Culture History Search Latin america and The caribbean Lands and Peoples http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Science/Social_Sciences/Archaeology/Region | |
58. TropicalAdventure.com: Florida, The Caribbean And Central America Adventure Port Newsletters about Florida, central america and the caribbean enter your email . Thankfully, the Belize Department of Archaeology has helped to ensure http://www.tropical-adventure.com/travelguide/archives/belize-vacation.shtml | |
59. Boston.com Destination Guides - Central America Caribbean Destination Guides central america caribbean central america Belize In addition, at least twenty academic archeological groups undertake http://dg.ian.com/index.jsp?cid=54608&action=viewLocation&formId=86478 |
60. Links To The Caribbean Amerindian Centrelink List of those sites that have linked to the caribbean Amerindian Centrelink. of Adelaide Library Guide central america THE caribbean http://www.centrelink.org/Links.html | |
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