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81. Do I Want To Be A Lawyer? You can pursue an alternative career in this manner and simultaneously be A background in history and political science is necessary because our laws http://www.albertson.edu/politics/prelaw/become.htm | |
82. GVSU Pre-Law Advising Prelaw, law school and career information http//stu.findlaw.com/ Many pre-law students major in political science because this discipline is most http://www4.gvsu.edu/richardm/prelaw.htm | |
83. Pre-Law Home Opens In Washburn University of Rhode Island students contemplating a career in law now have a said Lawrence Rothstein, a professor of political science and an attorney. http://advance.uri.edu/pacer/feb2004/story10.htm | |
84. Representative Ted Poe, 2nd District Of Texas During his career, Judge Poe moved approximately 20000 cases through the Harris Ted Poe earned his Bachelor of Arts in political science from Abilene http://www.house.gov/poe/biography.htm | |
85. Partnership For Public Service - Partner Links The American political science Association is the major professional society for FedJobs Career Central Since 1974 the Federal Research Service has http://www.ourpublicservice.org/info-url_nocat3734/info-url_nocat.htm | |
86. Judge Marcella A. Holland Bachelor of science in political science, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1980. Career History. 2003Present Circuit Court for Baltimore City, http://www.mddailyrecord.com/top100w/04holland.html | |
87. James Benton Parsons then as Assistant to the Dean of Men and Instructor in political science, Judge Parsons resigned from the United States Attorney s Office on http://www.jtbf.org/five_firsts/Parsons_J.htm | |
88. Undergraduate Studies > Experiential Education them to know more about their own abilities and career preferences. Experiential Education in political science entails three key elements preparation http://www.polisci.neu.edu/undergraduate/experiential.html | |
89. Dickinson College - Admissions spoke to students in a political science class on legislative processes). Coached by Harrisburg attorney Guy Brooks and assisted by Common Pleas http://www.dickinson.edu/admit/law/law3.html | |
90. CNN.com - At 33, He's A Two-time Supreme Court Winner - Jul 22, 2004 major in a discipline related to law, such as political science. The natural career move for a young lawyer who has finished clerking at the Supreme http://www.cnn.com/2004/LAW/07/21/seattle.attorney/ | |
91. Fort Hays State University POLS 455 Research Methods in political science (3) Designed for upperlevel and graduate students with career goals in the international field who http://www.fhsu.edu/polisci/ps/courses.shtml | |
92. College Of Wooster: Academic Programs PreHealth Advising involves faculty from across the natural sciences, preparation not only by Wooster faculty but also by local attorneys and judges. http://academics.wooster.edu/preprofessional.php | |
93. Women Justices, Judges, And Attorneys:Manuscript Division Manuscript Division,Women Justices, judges, and attorneys. These relate to her first five years on the Court and to her career in Arizona as a state http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/awhhtml/awmss5/judg_attys.html | |
94. Social Studies Development Center constitutional defense; legal and political reform; public education; Includes resources on social studies, the arts, and careers in civil and http://www.indiana.edu/~ssdc/civlinks.htm | |
95. Incumbents Challenged For Court Spots Michigan Supreme Court Career Wayne County Circuit Court judge, 1995present; assistant general Education BachelorÂs degree in history, political science and philosophy, http://www.detnews.com/2004/project/0410/26/v02-315403.htm | |
96. North Coast Journal Feb. '96: Politics I have worked in the woods, taught political science and US history. Judge Morrison s brother is an attorney and so is his mother. http://www.northcoastjournal.com/FEB96/2_96_POL.HTM | |
97. "Legal Education In The U.S.," Issues Of Democracy, August 2002 There are trial lawyers who appear in court before judges and juries, and many more lawyers who Law is also the favored career for entry into politics. http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itdhr/0802/ijde/gordon.htm | |
98. Find A College: Majors & Careers Central Major Career Profiles Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies, and Humanities. General Studies Humanities Liberal Arts and Sciences http://www.collegeboard.com/csearch/majors_careers/profiles/ | |
99. Pressroom She is a role model for women, and her work as a judge and lawyer in the area of Through her political life and legal career she has stood by her pledge http://www.asl.edu/article.php?story_id=72&cmd=verbose |
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