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141. Chemical & Engineering News: Career & Employment careers in marine natural products research and chemical oceanography beckon toorganic and Chemical engineering News ISSN 00092347 Copyright © 2005 http://pubs.acs.org/cen/html/career.html | |
142. CAREERS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING careers IN SCIENCE AND engineering A Student Planning Guide to Grad School andBeyond How does an Electronics Engineer Get to be a Science Journalist? http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/careers/contents.html | |
143. Engineering, Science And Math Career Guides And Web Resources Explore engineering, Science and Math careers. Explore careers in engineering,Science and Math with the following links to job descriptions, http://www.khake.com/page53.html | |
144. Manufacturing Jobs | Manufacturing Careers | Engineering Jobs | JobsInManufactur Manufacturing jobs and manufacturing careers for manufacturing recruiting andjobs in manufacturing over 50 Manufacturing subcategories! http://www.jobsinmfg.com/ | |
145. Cleveland Engineering Society, Resources For Engineering Careers The Cleveland engineering Society is a membership organization that unites menand women with careers in or relating to the fields of engineering, http://www.cesnet.org/ | |
146. SEL Career Opportunities Career Opportunities. A Drug Free Workplace · Smoke Free Workplace Policy.Schweitzer engineering Laboratories leads the electric power system protection http://www.selinc.com/careers/ | |
147. Careers And Employment The premier society dedicated to advancing mobility engineering worldwide.www.sae.org SAE s new online Career Center is coming September 30 featuring http://www.sae.org/careers/ | |
148. Today's Military - Military Careers - Officer Careers - Engineering, Science, An Civil engineers plan, design, and direct the construction of military Additional information may be available at the careers In The Military Web Site. http://www.todaysmilitary.com/mc/careers/jobId_89.php?catId=5&jobId=93 |
149. Engineer Jobs, Engineering Jobs, Engineering Recruitment, Engineering News - Jus Just engineers net handles engineering vacancies, providing agencies and employerswith an extensive range of services to match candidates experience, http://www.justengineers.net/ | |
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154. MechanicalEngineer.com Mechanical Engineer Jobs Employment Recruiting www.MechanicalEngineer.com is a mechanical engineer job listing and recruitingsite for mechanical engineers and jobs related to the mechanical engineering http://www.mechanicalengineer.com/ | |
155. Computer Systems Analysts, Database Administrators, And Computer Scientists Further information about computer careers is available from any of the following Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society, http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos042.htm | |
156. McGraw-Hill Construction Engineering News-Record engineering News Record is part of McGrawHill s Construction Information Group, Equipment Center, Career Center, International Center, News Center http://www.enr.com/ | |
157. Engineers International The free professional engineers service. engineers international. Home Directories careers Job Centre Forums My EIC http://www.engineers-international.com/ | |
158. ECEA Jobs - Environmental, Construction, Engineering, Architecture Employment Job listing service for environmental positions from Environmental CareersBulletin, Inc. http://www.eceajobs.com/ | |
159. Nanotechnology Jobs, Careers And Employment. Find nanotechnology jobs, information on nanotechnology careers and investigate Process Engineers Maxim Integrated Products Dallas, TX USA http://www.tinytechjobs.com/ |
160. Career & Employment Services - AIChE Use AIChEÂs career tools to ensure your chemical engineering career is moving AIChE Career Engineer  Find your match! Engineers Conduct a target job http://www.aiche.org/careerservices/ | |
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