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         Capital Punishment Pro Death Penalty:     more detail
  1. The Death Penalty for Teens: A Pro/Con Issue (Hot Pro/Con Issues) by Nancy Day, 2000-12

1. Pro-death
being developed as a resource for those searching the internet for prodeath penalty information and resources. Capital punishment is a topic

2. Death Penalty Links
Mining Co Capital Punishment Links. Punishment and the Death Penalty Ethics Update Reckoning the Death Penalty a Corpse Pro

3. Capital Punishment; The Death Penalty
CAPITAL PUNISHMENT; THE DEATH PENALTY Click below to visit our sponsors. U.S. execution data for the year 2002 Arguments pro and con

4. LII Law About The Death Penalty
death penalty an overview. The death penalty, or capital punishment, may be prescribed by Congress or any ProDeath Penalty Web page

5. Death Penalty Information, High School Curriculum
An interactive exploration of capital punishment, including arguments for and against, issues of ethics and justice surrounding the death penalty

6. Thesis On Capital Punishment -pro Death Penalty
Capital Punishment pro Death penalty Title Capital Punishment -pro Death penalty Category Law Government / Supreme Court Details Words

7. Death Penalty Information Center
public who are interested in the history of capital punishment in America and in the legal and political battles related to the death penalty.

8. Looking At The Death Penalty
Wesley Lowe's Pro Death Penalty Webpage. Death as a Penalty A Moral, Practical, and Theological Discussion by Howard Zehr. Capital Punishment

9. Death Penalty Links
(Wesley Lowe) Excerpt from ProDeath Penalty article, rebutting cliched arguments against capital punishment. (10/01/99)

10. Capital Punishment Life Or Death?
Capital Punishment Life or Death? This is Tonya's E306 class. We are here to present our sides of the capital punishment issue.

11. Pro-death
The Issues page outlines the major issues in the capital punishment debate. searching the internet for prodeath penalty information and resources.

Visit the NEW discussion board!

"If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call." John McAdams - Marquette University/Department of Political Science, on deterrence Memorial page for Pamela Moseley Carpenter - raped and murdered by John Penry

Cary Ann Medlin
"Jesus loves you,
Jesus loves you."

Said over and over to her rapist just before he murdered her.
Why did 5 men end up on Texas

death row for the same crime?

Visit the Pro-Death Penalty

discussion board
... The Other Side of the Story Special Sections: "Juvenile" Executions
Illinois Commutations, A Travesty of Justice Visit the Links page and check the resources listed near the top of that page. The Issues page outlines the major issues in the capital punishment debate.

12. Death Penalty Links
Australia The Cogency of the pro-death penalty Argument The death penalty capital punishment Law Syllabus from Georgia State University College of




"Most of us continue to believe that those who show utter contempt for human life by committing remorseless, premeditated murder justly forfeit the right to their own life."
Alex Kozinski, U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

13. Pro Capital Punishment Page
Christ Himself regarded capital punishment as a just penalty for murder when He The death penalty A Message From the prosecuting Attorney a pro death

14. Death Penalty Links
Does capital punishment Deter Crime? Short prodeath penalty essay on the What About capital punishment? Short pro-death penalty biblical essay by Glenn
  • Message from Prosecuting Attorney The Death Penalty In The U.S. Clark County Cases Capital Punishment Timeline ...
    2,114 Links September 1, 2004.
    Add URL, report dead links, suggestions, comments, contact Steve Stewart: Top 10%
    139 Pro-Death Penalty Links
    Pro-Death Penalty.Com (Justice For All)
    A comprehensive pro-death penalty site with articles, links, and up-to-date death penalty info and news. Wesley Lowe's Pro-Death Penalty Homepage
    Thoughtful pro-death penalty essay addressing arguments re: deterrence, cost, racism, DP vs LWOP, morality, christianity, constitutionality, and risk of wrongful executions. Clark County Indiana Prosecuting Attorney
    Comprehensive information on the Death Penalty in Indiana, including statistics, executions since 1900, current death row (with photos), Indiana death penalty laws, history, and methods of execution, with factual and legal summaries of all death penalty cases since 1977; Up-to-date information on the Death Penalty in the United States; Almost 2,000 death penalty links arranged by subject, including 100+ pro-death penalty links. The Bible's Teaching on Capital Punishment by Logos Christian Resources.
  • 15. Capital Punishment; The Death Penalty
    capital punishment; the death penalty. bullet, death penalty web sites, essaysand books pro and con. This menu continues below. horizontal rule
    Click below to visit our sponsors.
    This section of our web site deals with the execution of criminals found guilty of having committed serious crimes. This used to be a universal practice. Few democracies in the world still practice it today.
    Topics covered in this section are:
    Introduction: Selected quotations; overview
    Facts about the death penalty: Part 1:
    Early Christian views; Death penalty data; U.S. Trends, Worldwide practices. Part 2: Racial bias, Executing the mentally ill, International abolition drives. Part 3: Executing child criminals U.S. execution data for the year 2002 Executing innocent people
    Arguments pro and con: Reasons people give for and against the death penalty Public support of and opposition to the death penalty
    Religious factors: What the Bible says about the death penalty T he first murder. The rest of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) Specific capital crimes in the Hebrew Scriptures Specific capital crimes in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) ...
    Current news items
    : A feed of news items on the death penalty
    Recent developments:
    Death penalty web sites, essays and books

    16. Capital Punishment - The Death Penalty
    capital punishment THE death penalty. Basic reasons pro and anti. horizontal rule.Click below to visit our sponsors.
    Basic reasons: pro and anti
    Click below to visit our sponsors.
    Common reasons in support of capital punishment
    The Bible The Bible requires the death penalty for a wide variety of crimes, including sex before marriage, adultery, homosexual behavior, doing work on Saturday and murder. It even calls for some criminals (e.g. prostitutes who are the daughters of priests) to be tortured to death by being burned alive. Most Christians, with the exception of those in the Reconstructionist movement , feel that many of these grounds for the death penalty no longer apply to Christian societies. U.S. However, Bible passages are still used to promote the retention of capital punishment for murderers; some advocate that homosexuals also be executed. Justice/Vengeance Many people feel that killing convicted murderers will satisfy their need for justice and/or vengeance. They feel that certain crimes are so heinous that executing the criminal is the only reasonable response. Deterrence Many people feel that the death penalty will deter criminals from killing. This does not seem to be confirmed by an analysis of the available data. However, it feels intuitively correct for many people.

    17. Capital Punishment - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    capital punishment, also referred to as the death penalty, pro death Clark County, IN prosecutor s Page on capital punishment.
    Capital punishment
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Death Penalty World Map
    Color Key:
    • Blue : Abolished for all crimes Green : Abolished, except for crimes committed under certain circumstances (such as crimes committed in time of war) Orange : Abolished in practice Red : Legal form of punishment
    Capital punishment , also referred to as the death penalty , is the judicially ordered execution of a prisoner as a punishment for a serious crime , often called a capital offence or a capital crime . Some jurisdictions that practice capital punishment restrict its use to a small number of criminal offences, principally treason and murder . Prisoners who have been sentenced to death are usually kept segregated from other prisoners in a special part of the prison pending their execution. In some places this segregated area is known as " death row Historically—and still today under certain systems of law—the death penalty was applied to a wider range of offences, including robbery or theft . It has also been frequently used by the military for crimes including looting insubordination , and mutiny The term "capital" derives from the Latin caput , meaning "head". Thus, capital punishment is the penalty for a crime so severe that it deserves

    18. Capital Punishment 2000
    They further argue that the death penalty can deter capital crimes and possibly prodeath pro-Life and pro-capital punishment Article
    Almanac of Policy Issues
    Policy Archive Search Sponsored Listings Questia : Search over 400,000 books and journals at Questia online. FastWeb Free Scholarship Search : Find free money for college or an advanced degree. var site="sm3pwl1776"
    Death Penalty
    In 1999, 98 inmates were executed for capital crimes in the United States. In that year, the death penalty was used in 37 states and the federal prison system, but just two states accounted for half of the executions that took place Texas (35) and Virginia (14). Most executions performed (94) were by lethal injection. Internationally, the United States is one of the leaders in the use of the death penalty. According to Amnesty International, China led all nations internationally in 1998 with 1,700 executions. Over 100 were executed in the Democratic Republic of Congo, 68 were executed in the United States, and 66 were executed in Iran. These four nations accounted for 86 percent of all executions recorded by Amnesty International that year. Use of death penalty in the United States dates back to colonial times, with the first recorded execution taking place in Jamestown in 1608. Although its use has always varied from state to state, it was practiced regularly throughout most of our history until 1967, when a temporary ban was instituted while the Supreme Court reviewed its constitutionality.

    19. Death Penalty Organizations & Sites, Pro & Con
    That more anti than prodeath penalty sites are listed on this page is due to that National Center for Policy Analysis Idea House capital punishment
    Death penalty Focus on the Death Penalty
    Though the federal government and 38 of the 50 states have death penalty laws, and public opinion polls in the last decade have generally indicated that the majority of Americans favor capital punishment, organizations and sites advocating the abolition of the death penalty are more common and easily found on the World Wide Web than organizations and sites favoring retention of the death penalty . That more anti than pro-death penalty sites are listed on this page is due to that reality, and should not be construed to indicate the Justice Center's advocacy of either a pro or con position on the death penalty.
    This page includes only secular organizations and sites. For religious organizations and sites on the death penalty, see The Debate: Religion
    The Justice Center is not responsible for the content of any outside site linked here, nor does a listing here imply an endorsement of a site's opinions or content or a guarantee of its accuracy. For further information about this site, including answers to questions by students, see the FAQ ABOLISH (the death penalty) Discussion List Archives
    A semi-moderated discussion list serving as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information, political as well as philosophical, by people who support the immediate abolition of capital punishment in the United States and abroad; it "does not nor will it ever serve as a forum for debate regarding abolition vs. retention." Archives are also maintained at

    20. Kearl's Guide To The Sociology Of Death: Moral Debates
    prodeath Justice Antonin Scalia s God s Justice and Ours Beliefs about capital punishment do, however, correlate with attitudes toward
    The year began in 1998 with numerous media reflections on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court's landmark Roe vs. Wade decision and the thirty to thirty-five million abortions that the ruling legalized. (In fact, three years earlier in 1995, Norma McCorvey [known as Jane Roe], the woman whose fight for the right to an abortion led to the 1973 Supreme Court decision, said that she disavowed her position and had been baptized by the national head of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue.) In January of that year, a New York Times /CBS News telephone survey of 1,101 Americans found one- half viewing "abortion [as] the same thing as murdering a child" and a general preference toward restricting the procedure. For instance, when asked whether a pregnant woman should be able to get a legal abortion if her pregnancy would force her to interrupt her career, only 25% said yesdown from 37% in 1989. With the conclusion of this anniversary year, studies of The Alan Guttmacher Institute found a decrease in the number of abortion providers in the United States and reported the lowest abortion rate since 1975. (Click here for the

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