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81. Court Takes Another Step In Reshaping Capital Punishment Even beyond the debate over the juvenile death penalty, capital punishmentin Europe has become a hotter topic in Europe in 2005 than it was in 1965, http://www.thepowerhour.com/news/reshape_punishment.htm | |
82. Death Penalty Georgia that the death penalty as applied was cruel and unusual punishment capital punishment include People of Faith Against the death penalty and the http://pewforum.org/death-penalty/ | |
83. Death Penalty - 34 States Permit Executions Stateline.org Backgrounder By every measure, the death penalty in the that allow capital punishment, according to the death penalty Information Center, http://www.stateline.org/live/ViewPage.action?siteNodeId=136&languageId=1&conten |
84. Pendulum Begins Swing Away From Death Penalty / 'Culture Of Life' Agenda Pushes Culture of life agenda pushes advocates of capital punishment to rethink positions There is a sense that there are problems with the death penalty, http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/04/10/MNGDHC62ET1.DTL |
85. Capital Punishment: A Pollak Library Research Guide United States of America The death penalty and Juvenile Offenders (1991) CATALOG Academic Search Elite DEFAULT FIELDS capital punishment and juvenile http://guides.library.fullerton.edu/cap_punish/ | |
86. Narrow Majority On US Supreme Court Bans Juvenile Death Penalty Narrow majority on US Supreme Court bans juvenile death penalty The majorityargued that capital punishment for juvenile offenders violates the Eighth http://www.wsws.org/articles/2005/mar2005/juve-m03.shtml | |
87. George W. Bush On Crime Q Do both of you believe that the death penalty actually deters crime? records thoroughly as each impending capital punishment case reaches his desk. http://www.issues2000.org/2004/George_W__Bush_Crime.htm | |
88. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, Five States that allowed the juvenile death penalty at the time of Stanford The number of States that have abandoned capital punishment for juvenile http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=000&invol=03-633 |
89. High Court Tackles Ethics Of Juvenile Death Sentences - 10/14/04 death row. States that allow juvenile executions and the number of those inmates More on capital punishment; US pushes death penalty; effort makes few http://www.detnews.com/2004/politics/0410/14/a04-303825.htm | |
90. CBS News | Court Ends Juvenile Death Penalty | March 2, 2005Â 06:30:09 The Supreme Court has permitted states to impose capital punishment since 1976and more than 3400 Background and opinions on the juvenile death penalty. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/03/01/supremecourt/main677219.shtml | |
91. Human Rights Watch: United States: The Death Penalty United States Supreme Court Abolishes Juvenile death penalty Across thecountry, studies have shown that the capital punishment system is arbitrary and http://hrw.org/doc/?t=usa_deathpenalty |
92. HRW: The Death Penalty In The U.S.A. Beyond Reason The death penalty and Offenders with Mental Retardation Human Rights Watch opposes capital punishment in all circumstances because of its http://hrw.org/campaigns/deathpenalty/ | |
93. [PRISONACT] Stop Capital Punishment For U.S. Juvenile Offenders Now, Says Amnest PRISONACT Stop capital punishment for US Juvenile Offenders Now, Says Amnesty or by court ruling, ac= cording to the death penalty Information Center. http://www.prisonactivist.org/pipermail/prisonact-list/2002-September/005903.htm | |
94. NewsHour Extra: Supreme Court Declares Juvenile Death Penalty Unconstitutional - The Supreme Court on Tuesday outlawed the juvenile death penalty, The questionof whether capital punishment is a good deterrent when imposed on people http://www.pbs.org/newshour/extra/features/jan-june05/death_3-02.html | |
95. Librarians Internet Index Capital Punishment Http//lii2.wested history of capital punishment in California, lethal injection procedures, The Juvenile death penalty Today death Sentences and Executions for http://lii2.wested.org/pub/subtopic/45139 |
96. Monroe County (NY) Library System - Crime And Criminal Justice - Death_penalty International Law and the Juvenile death penalty jurisdictions authorizingcapital punishment, capital offenses, Supreme Court death penalty cases, http://www.rochester.lib.ny.us/crime/death_penalty.html | |
97. Digging A Grave For Capital Punishment? Digging a Grave for capital punishment? State moratoriums have some in the But supporters of the death penalty say capital punishment is alive and well http://www.commondreams.org/headlines02/0511-05.htm | |
98. Echo Online Opinions Juvenile Death Penalty Wrong Often the original intent for capital punishment is forgotten. The issue ofinternational opposition to the juvenile death penalty certainly had an http://www.easternecho.com/cgi-bin/story.cgi?3794 |
99. The Juvenile Death Penalty - The Advocate: November 1999 The juvenile death penalty is even more arbitrary and capricious than the deathpenalty for capital punishment in America. New York Lexington Books. http://dpa.state.ky.us/library/advocate/nov99/juvdp.html | |
100. Catholics Against Capital Punishment Catholics Against capital punishment was formed in 1992 to promote greaterawareness of Catholicoriented efforts against the death penalty. http://www.cacp.org/pages/585246/ | |
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