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41. Chinese-forums.com - Capital Punishment In Taiwan The movement in Taiwan s parliament to abolish capital punishment is likely In my opinion, the death penalty is a barbaric form of punishment that must http://www.chinese-forums.com/showthread.php?t=3538&page=1 |
42. Executing The Innocent, Sojourners Magazine/August 2005 to the death penalty Information Center, as has citizen support for capital While some theologians argue that capital punishment is permitted in http://www.sojo.net/index.cfm?action=magazine.article&issue=soj0508&article=0508 |
43. Arbitrary, Racist, And Unfair, Sojourners Magazine/May-June 1997 Four out of every five people polled say they favor capital punishment. The death penalty is administered through a haphazard maze of unfair practices http://www.sojo.net/index.cfm?action=magazine.article&issue=soj9705&article=9705 |
44. Smash World Forums SmashBoards.com - Death Penalty etc, none of them allow capital punishment. It is in countries communist North The death penalty isn t so much a punishment as a preventive measure. http://smashboards.com/archive/index.php/t-18065.html |
45. Death/Electric Chair/electric Chair History John Laurence s A History of capital punishment reports that Westinghouse the electric chair for fear of undermining support for the death penalty. http://tafkac.org/death/electric.chair/electric_chair_history.html | |
46. Should Berry Be Executed?: Respect The Dignity Of His Choice By Ronald J. Pestri While the death penalty is often accused of being inhuman, there is something less For some, it is the circumstances under which capital punishment is http://www.ashbrook.org/publicat/oped/pestritto/98/berry.html | |
47. Lest We Forget: Clarence Thomas And The Meaning Of The Constitution By Jeffrey S He said this even though the death penalty has been around since the Founding Despite the historical and textual indications that capital punishment is http://www.ashbrook.org/publicat/onprin/v6n6/sikkenga.html | |
48. CNN - Woman Thanks God As Execution Commuted - Jan. 16, 1996 Over Garcia s objections, death penalty opponents Sister Miriam and Amnesty United States since the Supreme Court reinstated capital punishment in 1976. http://www.cnn.com/US/9601/garcia_execution/ | |
49. Sfbg.com Discussing Anderson s fate, capital punishment foes did the usual. The federaljudiciary could rule that California s death penalty scheme is http://www.sfbg.com/36/19/news_capital_punishment.html | |
50. Sfbg.com Ryan presented a scathing review of that state s capital punishment process The antideath penalty movement, which has been stalled for years now, http://www.sfbg.com/36/30/news_ed_executions.html | |
51. BillOReilly.com: The O'Reilly Factor Flash The morality and legality of the death penalty remain as controversial as ever.One leading opponent of capital punishment is Sister Helen Prejean, http://www.billoreilly.com/show?action=viewTVShow&showID=86 |
52. ASC S CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGY DIVISION/TITLE /HEAD Body Bgcolor underscored the magnitude of the death penalty debate in Illinois. Though hehas long supported capital punishment and said he would continue to do so, http://sun.soci.niu.edu/~critcrim/dp/dpill/Exec/12koko.html | |
53. ERUUF's Death Penalty Abolition Web Site Unitarian Universalists for Alternatives to the death penalty. Feel like discussingyour opinions with the America s Debate (capital punishment discussion) http://www.eruuf.org/capital_punishment.htm | |
54. Blog Left: Critical Interventions Warblog (war Blog, Iraq, Operation Iraqi Freed Sources The Bureau of Justice Statistics capital punishment 1999 bulletin, Information on those states banning the imposition of the death penalty on http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/courses/ed253a/2002/12/texas-leads-in-death-penalty-st | |
55. Blog Left Critical Interventions Warblog (war Blog, Iraq Resolute to Retain death penalty, Ashcroft Undermines current practices for change US President George W. Bush s strong support for capital punishment. http://www.gseis.ucla.edu/courses/ed253a/2003/02/resolute-to-retain-death-penalt |
56. Error: Invalid Article Key (TL,20050806,APA,508061002,AR). an unusually stinging criticism of capital punishment Saturday evening, br br Stevens stopped short of calling for an end to the death penalty, http://www.tuscaloosanews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?Date=20050806&Category=APA&A |
57. Legal Issues Of Cannabis - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Use of capital punishment against the drugs trade Under the 1994 Crime Act,the threshold for sentencing a death penalty in relation to marijuana is the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_issues_of_cannabis | |
58. BeldarBlog: A Critique Of Justice Souter's Miller-El V. Dretke Death Penalty Opi Dretke death penalty opinon (and a Beldar war story about picking juries) Three words death. is. Different. Throw capital punishment into the mix, http://beldar.blogs.com/beldarblog/2005/06/a_critique_of_j.html | |
59. BeldarBlog: The Malvo Verdict of capital murder ultimately voted against imposing the death penalty. If you believe in the capital punishment system as it currently exists in http://beldar.blogs.com/beldarblog/2003/12/the_malvo_verdi.html | |
60. Death Penalty Links On capital punishment and the death penalty (Canada); Canadian site from the What About capital punishment? Short prodeath penalty biblical essay by http://www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/links/dplinks.htm | |
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