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         Capital Punishment Anti Death:     more detail
  1. Against Capital Punishment: The Anti-Death Penalty Movement in America, 1972-1994 by Herbert H. Haines, 1999-08-19
  2. Against Capital Punishment - the Anti-Death Penalty Movement in America, 1972-1994 by Haines Herbert H., 1999
  3. The penalty is death: capital punishment in the twentieth century, retentionist and abolitionist arguments with special reference to Australia. by Barry O., comp. Jones, 1968
  4. Anti-death penalty committee. (Committee Corner).: An article from: Peace and Freedom by Jen Geiger, 2003-01-01
  5. All Quiet on the Western Front; European elites railed against Saddam's execution, while the American anti-death penalty establishment was relatively silent.: An article from: The Weekly Standard by Ernest W. Lefever, 2007-02-06
  6. Here.(anti-death penalty stance): An article from: St. Louis Journalism Review by Ed Bishop, 1999-03-01
  7. Life imprisonment vs. the death penalty: To the honorable members of the Senate and Lower House of the fifty-eighth General Assembly and to the Chairman ... to substitute life imprisonment therefor." by Duke C Bowers, 1913
  8. Does the death penalty deter?: Expert testimony of science, experience, ascertained facts, and figures : with an introduction on the sentimentalists by Luke North, 1915

21. Capital Punishment
antideath penalty advocates argue that imprisonment itself could deter criminals . (capital punishment Life or death, Internet).
Capital Punishment Deterrence means to punish somebody as an example and to create fear in other people for the punishment. Death penalty is one of those extreme punishments that would create fear in the mind of any sane person. Ernest van den Haag, in his article "On Deterrence and the Death Penalty" mentions, "One abstains from dangerous acts because of vague, inchoate, habitual and, above all, preconscious fears" (193). Everybody fears death, even animals . Most criminals would think twice if they knew their own lives were at stake. Although there is no statistical evidence that death penalty deters crime, but we have to agree that most of us fear death. Suppose there is no death penalty in a state and life imprisonment without parole is the maximum punishment. What is stopping a prisoner who is facing a life imprisonment without parole to commit another murder in the prison? According to Paul Van Slambrouck, " Death penalty is good and serves a definite purpose of reducing crime as well as bringing justice to the criminals and innocent. In order to serve its purpose, it must be adjusted and made more effective and efficient. The justice system has changed dramatically in the past thirty years in order to make sure that the rightly accused is brought to justice. I believe that death penalty should not be abolished, as it ensures the safety of the society, brings justice to those who have suffered and most importantly helps in reducing crime and criminals in our society. Death penalty is important to keep the brightness of justice and public safety shining brightly on our society.

22. Home Page
Catholics Against capital punishment was formed in 1992 to promote greater disseminates news about Catholicoriented anti-death penalty efforts to its

23. Catholics Against Capital Punishment
Comiskey, Paul W. Creating and Publicizing an antideath Penalty Resolution for The death Penalty - Choose Life A Statement on capital punishment, Feb.
List of Catholic-Oriented Resources on the Death Penalty
Bernardin, Joseph Cardinal. Consistent Ethic of Life. Chicago: Sheed and Ward, 1988. ISBN 1556121202.
Bosco, Antoinette. Choosing Mercy: A Mother of Murder Victims Pleads to End the Death Penalty. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2001. 240 pp. ISBN 57075-358-X. Catholic journalist discusses her feelings following the murder of her son and his wife.
Brugger, E. Christian. Capital Punishment and Roman Catholic Moral Tradition. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2003. 296 pp. ISBN 026802359X.
California Catholic Conference. The Gospel of Life and Capital Punishment: A Reflection Piece and Study Guide, July 1999. bs91109-83267.html
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2d edition. Washington, DC: U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1997. [Article 5 (Sections 2265-2267) contains material relating to Church teaching on the death penalty.]
Catholics Against Capital Punishment. CACP News Notes. Newsletter about developments in Catholic Church teachings and diocesan- and parish-based programs relating to the death penalty. Available free from CACP, PO Box 5706, Bethesda MD 20824-5706. Can also be downloaded from
Colorado Catholic Conference. Turning Away from Violence: An Appeal by the Bishops of Colorado to End the Death Penalty, May 10, 2001. http://www.archden.

24. Meet Other Anti-Death Penalty Advocates In Your Area! -
Other Meetup Topics Popular with antideath Penalty Advocates Discuss how wecan end the use of the death penalty as a means of capital punishment .
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Country United States of America Canada Great Britain Australia Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia-Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central Africa Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Congo (Dem. Rep.)

25. The Mission Viejo Anti-Death Penalty Meetup Group -
Want to meet antideath Penalty Advocates in Mission Viejo? Discuss how wecan end the use of the death penalty as a means of capital punishment .
@import url(""); @import url( );

26. Links To Anti-Death Penalty Sites
Links to antideath Penalty Sites Canadian Coalition Against the death Penalty capital punishment Catholics Against capital punishment
Main Books Essays Critiques ... Links Links to Anti-Death Penalty Sites
  • Back to Normal Links Know a site that belongs in this category? E-mail me here.
  • 27. Death Penalty Links
    Does capital punishment Deter Crime? Short Prodeath Penalty essay on the positive Book Review of Against capital punishment The anti-death Penalty
  • Message from Prosecuting Attorney The Death Penalty In The U.S. Clark County Cases Capital Punishment Timeline ...
    2,114 Links September 1, 2004.
    Add URL, report dead links, suggestions, comments, contact Steve Stewart: Top 10%
    139 Pro-Death Penalty Links
    Pro-Death Penalty.Com (Justice For All)
    A comprehensive pro-death penalty site with articles, links, and up-to-date death penalty info and news. Wesley Lowe's Pro-Death Penalty Homepage
    Thoughtful pro-death penalty essay addressing arguments re: deterrence, cost, racism, DP vs LWOP, morality, christianity, constitutionality, and risk of wrongful executions. Clark County Indiana Prosecuting Attorney
    Comprehensive information on the Death Penalty in Indiana, including statistics, executions since 1900, current death row (with photos), Indiana death penalty laws, history, and methods of execution, with factual and legal summaries of all death penalty cases since 1977; Up-to-date information on the Death Penalty in the United States; Almost 2,000 death penalty links arranged by subject, including 100+ pro-death penalty links. The Bible's Teaching on Capital Punishment by Logos Christian Resources.
  • 28. Capital Punishment Timeline
    The study was authored by longtime anti-death penalty advocate and Columbia Currently, of the 38 states with capital punishment, 17 allow death

  • Message from Prosecuting Attorney
  • Clark County Cases
  • Current Indiana Death Row
  • Indiana Death Row 1977 - 2005 ...
  • 1000+ Death Penalty Links
    The first legal execution of a criminal in the American Colonies occurs in Virginia with the execution of Daniel Frank for Theft. (Note also 1608 execution of George Kendall for spying / espionage in Virginia. See "Before the Needles," by Rob Gallagher at The Massachusetts Bay Colony lists 13 crimes punishable by death, including idolatry and witchcraft. The Bill of Rights is ratified, including the Eighth Amendment, which prohibits the imposition of cruel and unusual punishments. Nevertheless, the practice of capital punishment is universally accepted and it is understood at the time that the Eighth Amendment was not intended to stop it. Pennsylvania invents degrees of murder, recognizing qualitative differences in the kinds of murder, some not necessarily deserving of a death sentence. This was a compromise between pacifist Quakers who opposed the death penalty and capital punishment supporters. In the face of public executions becoming chaotic, carnival-like spectacles, with rowdy crowds becoming increasingly violent, Rhode Island becomes the first state to require private hangings. New York follows suit in 1835.
  • 29. The Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment
    capital punishment is the lawful infliction of death as a punishment and since anti capital punishment campaigners in America sight the higher cost of
    Thoughts on the death penalty. Contents. Is capital punishment ethically acceptable?
    Arguments for capital punishment

    Arguments against capital punishment

    Future of capital punishment in Britain
    Capital punishment is the lawful infliction of death as a punishment and since ancient times it has been used for a wide variety of offences. The Bible prescribes death for murder and many other crimes, including kidnapping and witchcraft. By 1500 in England, only major felonies carried the death penalty - treason, murder, larceny, burglary, rape, and arson. By 1700, however, Parliament had enacted many new capital offences, and hundreds of persons were being put to death each year. Reform of the death penalty began in Europe by the 1750s, and was championed by academics such as the Italian jurist Cesare Beccaria, the French philosopher Voltaire, and the English law reformers Jeremy Bentham and Samuel Romilly. They argued that the death penalty was needlessly cruel, overrated as a deterrent, and occasionally imposed in fatal error. Along with Quaker leaders and other social reformers, they defended life imprisonment as a more rational alternative. By the 1850s these reform efforts began to bear fruit. Venezuela (1853) and Portugal (1867) were the first nations to abolish the death penalty altogether. In the United States Michigan was first state to abolish it for murder in 1847. Today, it is virtually abolished in all of Western Europe and most of Latin America.

    30. Catholic Insight: A Matter Of Justice: The Catholic Church On Capital Punishment
    Because if we stop at capital punishment, if we do away with the death penalty, Because, you see, being anticapital punishment is politically correct.
    In formation on: Catholicism Protestantism Seventh-Day Adventism Abortion ... File Library A Matter of Justice
    A Truly Catholic Look at Capital Punishment
    by MARIO DERKSEN Note: The following essay is based on the position that John Paul II and the current "Catholic" hierarchy are bogus ( see why here ). However, it is not necessary for the reader to agree with this position to understand the morality of capital punishment. M.D. Though Antipope John Paul II has retained the complete Catholic prohibition against abortion, he also insists that, as abortion is morally wrong, by the same token, so is capital punishment. The Catholic Church, however, has never condemned the death penalty, and with good reason. The difference in Catholic teaching on the death sentence with what what John Paul II and the Novus Ordo Church propose is so striking that even so-called "conservative" Novus Ordo s (e.g. Mother Angelica, Karl Keating, James Likoudis, and the

    31. Pro-death
    The Issues page outlines the major issues in the capital punishment debate. With very few exceptions, these sites are antideath penalty.

    Visit the NEW discussion board!

    "If we execute murderers and there is in fact no deterrent effect, we have killed a bunch of murderers. If we fail to execute murderers, and doing so would in fact have deterred other murders, we have allowed the killing of a bunch of innocent victims. I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call." John McAdams - Marquette University/Department of Political Science, on deterrence Memorial page for Pamela Moseley Carpenter - raped and murdered by John Penry

    Cary Ann Medlin
    "Jesus loves you,
    Jesus loves you."

    Said over and over to her rapist just before he murdered her.
    Why did 5 men end up on Texas

    death row for the same crime?

    Visit the Pro-Death Penalty

    discussion board
    ... The Other Side of the Story Special Sections: "Juvenile" Executions
    Illinois Commutations, A Travesty of Justice Visit the Links page and check the resources listed near the top of that page. The Issues page outlines the major issues in the capital punishment debate.

    32. Kearl's Guide To The Sociology Of Death: Moral Debates
    justicepolicy.comDeath Penalty Jim Thomas s anticapital punishment Beliefs about capital punishment do, however, correlate with attitudes
    The year began in 1998 with numerous media reflections on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Supreme Court's landmark Roe vs. Wade decision and the thirty to thirty-five million abortions that the ruling legalized. (In fact, three years earlier in 1995, Norma McCorvey [known as Jane Roe], the woman whose fight for the right to an abortion led to the 1973 Supreme Court decision, said that she disavowed her position and had been baptized by the national head of the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue.) In January of that year, a New York Times /CBS News telephone survey of 1,101 Americans found one- half viewing "abortion [as] the same thing as murdering a child" and a general preference toward restricting the procedure. For instance, when asked whether a pregnant woman should be able to get a legal abortion if her pregnancy would force her to interrupt her career, only 25% said yesdown from 37% in 1989. With the conclusion of this anniversary year, studies of The Alan Guttmacher Institute found a decrease in the number of abortion providers in the United States and reported the lowest abortion rate since 1975. (Click here for the

    33. Against Capital Punishment: The Anti-Death Penalty Movement In America, 1972-199
    Against capital punishment The antideath Penalty Movement in America, 1972-1994, Read the next page from Against capital punishment The anti-death

    34. Pro Capital Punishment Page
    In Italy, roughly half the population wants capital punishment reinstated. Some antideath penalty groups speculate that such time may actually become
    This webpage is dedicated to the innocent victims of murder, may they always be remembered. Be sure to check out
    The Abolitionist's Dictionary

    before you leave. It's funny because it's true! Around 70 % of the American people support the Death Penalty. Polls consistently show that between 60 % and 70 % of Canadians want the Death Penalty reinstated in Canada. In Britain, opinion polls have shown that between two-thirds and three-quarters of the population favors the Death Penalty. In Italy, roughly half the population wants Capital Punishment reinstated. In France, clear majorities continue to back the Death Penalty long after it was abolished in 1981. In the US, During the temporary suspension on capital punishment from 1972-1976, the murder rate doubled. With the increased use of the Death Penalty, the murder rate is now at its lowest level in the US since 1966.
    Putting to death people judged to have committed certain extremely heinous crimes is a practice of ancient standing, but in the United States in the latter half of the twentieth century, it has become a very controversial issue. Changing views on this difficult issue and many legal challenges to capital punishment working their way through the courts resulted in a halt to executions in the United States in 1967. Eventually, the Supreme Court placed a moratorium on capital punishment in 1972 but later upheld it in 1977, with certain conditions.

    35. Death Penalty Organizations & Sites, Pro & Con
    That more anti than prodeath penalty sites are listed on this page is due to that National Center for Policy Analysis Idea House capital punishment
    Death penalty Focus on the Death Penalty
    Though the federal government and 38 of the 50 states have death penalty laws, and public opinion polls in the last decade have generally indicated that the majority of Americans favor capital punishment, organizations and sites advocating the abolition of the death penalty are more common and easily found on the World Wide Web than organizations and sites favoring retention of the death penalty . That more anti than pro-death penalty sites are listed on this page is due to that reality, and should not be construed to indicate the Justice Center's advocacy of either a pro or con position on the death penalty.
    This page includes only secular organizations and sites. For religious organizations and sites on the death penalty, see The Debate: Religion
    The Justice Center is not responsible for the content of any outside site linked here, nor does a listing here imply an endorsement of a site's opinions or content or a guarantee of its accuracy. For further information about this site, including answers to questions by students, see the FAQ ABOLISH (the death penalty) Discussion List Archives
    A semi-moderated discussion list serving as a forum for the exchange of ideas and information, political as well as philosophical, by people who support the immediate abolition of capital punishment in the United States and abroad; it "does not nor will it ever serve as a forum for debate regarding abolition vs. retention." Archives are also maintained at

    36. The Death Penalty Debate
    death Becomes Us Why Americans Support capital punishment by Michael Manville An antideath penalty opinion piece focusing on methods of execution and
    Death penalty Focus on the Death Penalty The Death Penalty Debate
    Introducing the Debate
    provides a number of resources which present both sides of the death penalty debate in the U.S. Views of law enforcement officers , as shown in a national poll of police executives and a resolution from a national police organization, are split on the death penalty. A selection of resources indicating positions on the death penalty from a religious perspective include links to biblical citations and statements of officials, organizations, and individual adherents of different religious traditions, including Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Islam. The debate on capital punishment embraces many more specific issues, such as cost, inequities in the justice system, etc.; resources giving arguments on specific points are included on the Specific Issues page.

    37. CJBS: Capital Punishment
    capital punishment Arguments for Life and death Included in the anticapitalpunishment defense were arguments that the death penalty is not a
    Capital Punishment: Arguments for Life and Death
    Jennifer C. Honeyman and James R.P. Ogloff
    Reprinted from the Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
    Volume 28: 1 January, 1996
    Abstract Method Results Discussion ...
    Arguments For and Against the Death Penalty

      Despite capital punishment having been abolished in Canada 20 years ago, the majority of Canadians continue to favour the death penalty as a sentencing option. In this study, a 2 x 6 design was employed to investigate the effects that argument position (for or against the death penalty) and type of justification for punishment (deterrence, morality, rehabilitation, incapacitation, economic, and possibility of mistake) have on participants' sentence recommendations for a defendant found guilty of first degree murder. Results indicated that only those arguments in favour of the death penalty, based on retribution, economics, and impossibility of mistake, were effective in influencing participants to recommend that the accused be sentenced to death. Compared to participants who recommended a life sentence, those who recommended the death penalty were found to have significantly higher scores on a measure of vengeance.
    A lthough the Parliament of Canada abolished the death penalty as a sentencing option in 1976 (Amnesty International, 1987), a majority of Canadians (approximately 65-75%) have indicated that they would support a return of the death penalty (Reid, 1987). Furthermore, calls for the reintroduction of the death penalty by politicians and others occur frequently. As a result of the public's apparent support for capital punishment, and the possibility of its return, it is important to continue studying factors that influence people's attitudes regarding the death penalty.

    38. Stop Capital Punishment Now! Only Total Abolition Can Stop All State Killing.
    This site is dedicated to Campaigns to abolish the death penalty and capitalpunishment everywhere in the world. anti death Penalty Resources
    "Stop Capital Punishment Now!"
    This site is dedicated to abolition projects.
    Only total abolition can stop all state killing.
    The Ryan Campaign
    The Canadian Abolition Project
    Canadian Projects ...
    Canadian Resources
    What this site is all about.
    "The right to life and dignity are the most important of all human rights
    and this must be demonstrated by the state in everything that it does,
    including the way it punishes criminals."- Justice Arthur Chaskalson,
    President, South African Constitutional Court.
    Stop Capital Punishment Now! is an Internet based initiative attempting to achieve total abolition of the death penalty in all countries of the world and particularly in the United States of America. We believe that the taking of a human life is morally and ethically wrong. We believe that the premeditated killing by the state of its own citizens is barbaric and reprehensible. Various campaigns and initiatives will be launched and supported from this site from time to time as circumstances arise and funding and energy permit. Currently we are supporting two projects. One is the campaign to Support ex

    39. Death Penalty
    Bandit The Chessman case engendered more anticapital punishment sentiment . He was the last person put to death before capital punishment was
    Books Articles News Resources ... Government Punishment: Death Penalty E-mail Discussion Lists Message Board Guestbook Home ... Computer Crimes Search Now: No peace without justice, no justice without forgiveness:
    This is what in this Message I wish to say to believers and unbelievers alike, to all men and women of good will who are concerned for the good of the human family and for its future.
    No peace without justice, no justice without forgiveness:
    This is what I wish to say to those responsible for the future of the human community, entreating them to be guided in their weighty and difficult decisions by the light of mans true good, always with a view to the common good. No peace without justice, no justice without forgiveness:
    I shall not tire of repeating this warning to those who, for one reason or another, nourish feelings of hatred, a desire for revenge or the will to destroy.

    40. Life In Prison, Or The Death Penalty? My Opinion Of Capital Punishment
    I am antibroken-death-penalty, and I currently believe the system is broken . If you have an opinion about capital punishment or the death penalty,
    Life or Death: My opinion of Capital Punishment.
    November 21, 2003... 3:24 p.m... Life or Death: My opinion of the death penalty
    The Washington Sniper, John Allen Muhammad will have to wait through the weekend to see if his shootings around suburban Washington D.C. gets him a proverbial noose. I'm predicting he will get life in prison. The jury is still deliberating, and unsure whether they can come to a verdict. The way Virginia law reads, if the jury can't decide, the default sentence is life. The jury must come to unanimous decision for the death penalty. There was talk about shipping him off to stand trial in Alabama first, because Alabama is more likely to return a death penalty. If he'd only shot 1 or 2 in Virginia, maybe, but 11 shot means some district attorney runs for governor after the conviction. Generally I'm against the death penalty. I'm not against killing off the most violent members of society; I'm not against eye-for-an-eye revenge. But, the death penalty isn't effective at all. None of the arguments for the death penalty work. Here's all the common reasons proponents of the death penalty come up with, and my take on why they are completely bogus.
  • The death penalty deters crime...
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