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81. HEAVEN SCENT CANDLES Candles, bath and body products, and candle making supplies. http://theebestcandles.com/ | |
82. Candle Making/Wicking Shop for candle making/Wicking. Welcome to Herrschners! Sign In New CustomersRegister Here Home Category Crafts candle making/Wicking http://www.herrschners.com/depts/id-49.html | |
83. Kootenay Candles Order handmade candles or browse through photo gallery of products offered. Find out about different candle making techniques. http://www.crestonbc.com/candles/ | |
84. Candle Making Projects For Teachers Sites that offer candle making Projects For Teachers! http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/projects/candles/ | |
85. AAA Candle Supply, Inc - Home Page Provides candle making and soap making supplies, ingredients, and equipment. http://www.aaacandlesupply.com/ | |
86. Candle Making Supplies Alimento Scale Belecco Scale Candle Colours New Improved Millennium Soy Candle Wax Votive Soy Candle Wax Seamless AluminumPot with heat Liquid Candle Colorants Fragrance Oils Shimmer Dust http://www.chemistrystore.com/Candlesmain.htm | |
87. Home Page Hand crafted containers, pillars, votives and candle making kits. Dealer/online account information available. http://www.tennesseecandles.com/ | |
88. Candle Making Supplies By Ohio Candles - Candle Wax, Wicks, Scent Oils candle making supplies and scented candles. Wicks, wax, fragrance oils, scentoils, additives, glassware, apothecary jars, and hex jars. http://www.ohiocandlesandsupplies.com/ | |
89. Candle Making And Bath & Body Supplies - Carolina Candle Supplies candle making supplies including wax, wicks, dyes, fragrance, molds and containers. Bath and body supplies including plastic bottles, melt and pour soap, lotions, shower gel, and body mist. http://www.carolinacandlesupplies.com/ | |
90. Introducing Lifestyles And RealEstate! candle making is also a great craft to share with children but should always be Container candles One of the easiest ways to make a candle is to use an http://houseandhome.msn.com/decorate/candle-makingbasics0.aspx | |
91. The Melting Pot Information about the different candle making processes. http://www.angelfire.com/ca/SSaSSSy/candle.html | |
92. Candles, Holders For Candles, Candle Making Supplies At Discount Candle Shop Thousands of affordable candles, votives, floating candles, accessories, andcandle making supplies, 10 70% off our competitor s Internet prices! http://www.discountcandleshop.com/ | |
93. Cayesha's Candle Embeds Provides handcrafted gel safe embeds for use in candle in candle making. Includes packaging items, bakery and holiday styles. http://www.cayeshascandleembeds.com/ | |
94. Crafts - Soap & Candle Making :: PathtoFreedom.com :: Path to Freedom Craft Links Candle and Soapmaking. http://www.pathtofreedom.com/links/crafting/candle&soapmaking.shtml | |
95. CRAFTS : Candles : Candlemaking : DIY Network candle making in a Weekend Inspirational Ideas and Practical Projects The Complete Book of Candles Creative CandleMaking, Candleholders and http://www.diynetwork.com/diy/cr_candles/article/0,2025,DIY_13748_2270963,00.htm | |
96. Welcome To Fragrance Oil Heaven - One Stop Shopping For All Your Fragrance Oils Sells an extensive line of fragrance oils for soap and candle making. http://www.fragranceoilheaven.com/ | |
97. Webindia123-Crafts candle making is an art that offers creative opportunities for creative people . This sheets can be rolled with a wick inserted to make hand made candles http://www.webindia123.com/craft/other/candle/candle.html | |
98. Candlemaking - Find The Tested Safest Candlemaking Web-stores Here. candle making Find the top tested candle making websites at Safe Shopping Network.Each website has been tested for security, usability, and performance http://www.safeshoppingnetwork.com/listing.cfm?subid=379 |
99. AP Wire | 05/14/2005 | Love For Candle-making Burns Bright With Friends In Bay C candle making isn t difficult, but it can be time consuming, depending on Taking up candle making to the extent Howard and Kloha have can be expensive, http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/business/11648079.htm | |
100. â Candle Making - Make Your Own Candles - Candle Making Tutorial - Candlewh Complete candle making tutorial. http://www.candlewhiz.com/ | |
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