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121. Liver Cancer Center Offers general information about the disease plus a profile of this Los Angeles, California institution and services. http://www.usclivercancer.org/ | |
122. Cosmetic & Laser Surgery Institute Noninvasive treatment for skin irregularities. Specialize in liposuction, hair removal, treatment of skin cancer, and general dermatology. http://www.cosmetic-lasersurg.com/ | |
123. Cancer | Liver Cancer Offers general information on symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Also provides contact information. http://www.ucsfhealth.org/adult/medical_services/cancer/liver/index.html | |
124. Cancer Prevention Institute Provides research on cancer and related diseases and offers information to the scientific and medical communities and to the general public. http://www.cancerpreventioninstitute.org/ | |
125. Dr. Ross Zbar - Plastic, Reconstructive & Cosmetic Surgery Offers comprehensive plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery services, including general cosmetic, pediatric, burn, hand, cancer reconstruction, and trauma surgeries. Located in Glen Ridge. http://www.drrosszbar.com | |
126. Animal Concerns Community - Cancer Displaying 1 1 of 1 resources in cancer and general Information; 1. PETA eNewsNorfolk, VA, USA PETA e-News lists deliver the animal rights information http://www.animalconcerns.org/topics.html?topic=Cancer&topicsku=2002119144619&to |
127. Health And Medical Information Produced By Doctors - MedicineNet.com Presents general information, articles, news and links. http://www.medicinenet.com/Script/Main/Forum.asp?li=MNI&d=86&cu=16583&am |
128. University Health Network University Health Network is comprised of Toronto general Hospital, New treatment for advanced lung cancer patients, Â, Spotlight on. http://www.uhn.ca/ | |
129. HealthEast Care System Medicarecertified. Emergency care, cancer treatment, radiology, outpatient services. general information on the hospital, contact information. http://www.healtheast.org/page.cfm?pageid=1-2-4 |
130. Cancer Information, Research, And Treatment For All Types Of Cancer | OncoLink Gives general information regarding several types. http://www.oncolink.com/types/types.cfm?c=18 |
131. Untitled cancer general. Back to Video Index. Affirmations For Getting Well Again- with O.Carl Simonton, MD - 1996. A series of inspirational suggestions, http://www.infosci.coh.org/_community/video1.asp?cat=cancer |
132. HealthEast Care System Medicarecertified. Specialties are cancer treatment and cardiac care, including open-heart surgery. general information about the hospital, contact information. http://www.healtheast.org/page.cfm?pageid=1-2-2 |
133. Search And You Shall Find! All Radiology And Oncology Information. Home cancer general Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry cancerPolicy Framework ATSDR pursues a range of legislatively mandated http://www.caportal.com/asp/portal.asp?primary=Ca |
134. GM Cancer Welcome The first general Motors cancer Research Foundation Prizes were awarded on May2, 1979. Dr. Fortner served as the first President of the Foundation and Dr. http://www.gm.com/company/gmability/philanthropy/cancer_research/ | |
135. Home | St. Vincent Medical Center Specializing in heart disease, organ care and transplants as well as cancer treatment and general medicine. Provides links for patients, giving, volunteering, news, health links, and contact information. http://www.stvincentmedicalcenter.com/ | |
136. Anal Cancer: Treatment - Patient Information [NCI PDQ] -- General Information Ab Anal cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissuesof the anus. The anus http://my.webmd.com/hw/cancer/ncicdr0000258179-general-information-about-anal-ca | |
137. Lung Cancer Screening general information about helical CT scan screening, as offered by a Florida hospital. http://bocaradiology.com/Procedures/LungCA.html | |
138. Welcome To St.Joseph's-Baptist Healthcare Providing general hospital services, trauma center, heart, cancer, and neuroscience institutes, diagnostic and rehabilitation centers, and sleep disorders clinic. Includes physican and patient educational events finders. http://www.sjbhealth.org/ |
139. Oncology Prevention, early detection, diagnosis, management, and case studies of lung cancer for physicians in general practice. http://www.quitnow.info.au/oncology.html | |
140. University Of Florida Shands Cancer Center Cancer News Latest Bone cancer general News. Short and Long Courses of Radiation ReduceBone Pain (6/17/2005) A recent article in the Journal of the National cancer http://www.ufscc.ufl.edu/cancernews.aspx?section=cancernews&display=summary&cid= |
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