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181. Guide To Internet Resources For Cancer - CancerIndex (no answer) optional ! cancer patient / relative / friend, other general public,oncologist, other medical, medical researcher, webmaster, other http://www.cancerindex.org/clinks1.htm | |
182. Survive Prostate Cancer Provides general information and support to those recently diagnosed by putting them in contact with survivors. http://www.surviveprostatecancer.com | |
183. General Cancer Websites: BC Cancer Agency Reviewed 26 July 2005 3 Please see menu bar to the left for cancer websites onspecific topics. general Information American cancer Society Canadian cancer http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/PPI/RecommendedLinks/CancerRelatedWebsites/ | |
184. Prostate Cancer Center Offers general information including news, articles and a FAQ. http://www.prostatecancerhelp.info | |
185. UNM Cancer Research And Treatment Center Latest Renal cancer general News. Radiofrequency Ablation Can Effectively TreatPatients with Small cancers of the Kidney (7/28/2005) http://cancer.unm.edu/cancernews.aspx?section=cancernews&display=summary&cid=113 |
186. Breast Online publication providing general information and giving incidence and mortality rates in a chart and graph format. http://rex.nci.nih.gov/NCI_Pub_Interface/raterisk/risks120.html | |
187. Glossary > M They also have expertise in handling the general medical problems that ariseduring the course of Melanomas are the most malignant form of skin cancer. http://www.clevelandclinic.org/cancer/general/glossary/m.htm | |
188. MedlinePlus: News By Topic More Evidence Coffee May Cut Risk of Liver cancer (08/03/2005, Reuters Health) Munition Exposure Linked to Brain cancer in US Vets (07/25/2005, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/alphanews_c.html | |
189. Breast Cancer Information And Resources | Oncolink Breast cancer information including risk, prevention, screening, symptoms,research, treatment, and support. Provided by Oncolink The Web s First cancer http://www.oncolink.org/types/article.cfm?c=3&s=5&ss=33&id=8320 |
190. Search Go Button The Mark, American Cancer Society, Is A The ACS tracks cancer occurrence, including the number of deaths, cases, cancer Facts Figures presents the Society s annual estimates of expected http://www.cancer.org/docroot/STT/stt_0_2003.asp?sitearea=STT&level=1 |
191. Support The Fight A cancer Support Site. You ve entered my cancer Support Network named Supportthe Fight. This site is for all. Please take the time to read everything http://support.illoluv.com/ | |
192. External Websites And Resources Advanced Cancer, Facing Death, Dying And Loss At External Websites on advanced cancer, facing death, dying and loss due to cancer.The MGH cancer Center cares for its patients by providing treatments, http://www.massgeneral.org/cancer/crr/topics/loss/sites.asp | |
193. City Of Hope Med Center Dept Of Urology general adult urology care in Duarte. Urologists specialize in urologic oncology which is the diagnosis and treatment of cancers and tumors in the urinary tract and male reproductive system. http://www.urologychannel.com/coh |
194. Sloan-Kettering - Cancer Information Select a cancer Information Topic, cancer Treatment, - Prevention Screening ©2005 Memorial Sloan-Kettering cancer Center 1275 York Avenue. http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/7145.cfm | |
195. Columbia University Medical Center Columbia wins New York State grant to develop breast cancer imaging technology Latest research shows marijuana use may be a gateway to relapse http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/ | |
196. American College Of Surgeons Cancer Programs: Commission On Cancer General Infor CoC cancer Care Guidelines Repository What is the Commission on cancer?CoC Flash Commission on cancer Meetings. Revised October 25, 2001 http://www.facs.org/cancer/coc/cocgeninfo.html | |
197. Where To Go? 10 most important questions to ask your doctor once diagnosed with cancer, GeneralIssues. Additional complimentary pamphlets are available for Chemotherapy http://www.tirgan.com/wheretogo.htm | |
198. Healthcentral.com - Trusted, Reliable And Up To Date Health Information Skin cancer Scientisis Develop InBody Bone Factory Genes Discovered ThatMay Predict Breast cancer Spread to Lungs Learn More About Migraines http://www.healthcentral.com/ | |
199. Cancer Information, Research, And Treatment For All Types Of Cancer | OncoLink OncoLink, the Web s first cancer resource, provides comprehensive information onall cancer types, cancer treatments, cancer research advances, http://www.oncolink.upenn.edu/types/index.cfm | |
200. Care For Animals cancer is common in pet animals, and the rate increases with age. GeneralInformation From time to time most pets have parasites such as fleas, ticks, http://www.avma.org/careforanimals/animatedjourneys/pethealth/pethealth.asp | |
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