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         Cancer & Diet:     more books (100)
  1. Cancer in Our Family by Joan F. Hermann, 2008-03-12
  2. American Cancer Society's Guide to Complementary and Alternative Cancer Methods by American Cancer Society, 2000-10-15
  3. Answer Cancer Answers for Living: The Healing of a Nation by Stephen C. Parkhill, 1995-01
  4. User's Guide to Natural therapies for Cancer Prevention & Control: Learn How Diet and Supplements Can Help Prevent and Treat Cancer (Basic Health Publications User's Guides) by Abram Hoffer, 2004-10
  5. Recovery: From Cancer to Health Through Macrobiotics by Elaine Nussbaum, 1986-05
  6. The top 25 "power foods": including a rainbow of whole foods in your diet can improve health and may help prevent cancer and other diseases.: An article from: Food & Fitness Advisor by Gale Reference Team, 2007-05-01
  7. Eating Well, Staying Well, During and After Cancer by Abby Bloch, 2003-10-01
  8. Keeping abreast: the latest on diet and breast cancer.: An article from: Nutrition Action Healthletter by Bonnie Liebman, 2005-09-01
  9. Cancer Prevention and Nutritional Therapies by Richard A. Passwater, 1993-12
  10. Breast Cancer Prevention Cookbook by Hope Ricciotti, 1994-07-01
  11. Your DNA - Diet Connection by Dr. Roman Malkov, 2007-11-19
  12. Recovering from Breast Cancer by Carol Fabian, Andrea Warren, 1992-03
  13. The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet by Robert Arnot, 1999-06
  14. The Doctors' Anti-Breast Cancer Diet: How the Right Foods Can Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer by Sherwood Gorbach, David R. Zimmerman, et all 1984-07

81. Breast Cancer And Diet Link Explored
is studying whether dietary fat has a role in the development of breast cancer.Breast cancer rates are lower in Japan than in Europe and North America, Welcome to the fastest-growing news network on the web. We do news right:
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82. Study Active Women Have Lower Breast Cancer Risk

83. Preventing Prostate Cancer And Diet
Preventing prostate cancer and diet. Excerpted from Prostate Disease Finding diet. The science of food and cancer prevention is a moving target that,
Preventing prostate cancer and diet
Excerpted from Prostate Disease: Finding the Cause and Cure , a Harvard Health Publications Special Health report (2003)
Preventing prostate cancer
At first, researchers thought the connection was due to the saturated fat in dairy products. But results from the study, as well as more careful analyses of other data, suggest calcium might be the culprit. The men who took more than 2,000 mg of calcium a day were almost three times as likely to develop metastatic prostate cancer as men who got less than 500 mg per day. Because lycopene is tightly bound inside cell walls, your body has a hard time extracting it from raw tomatoes. Cooking breaks down these walls. Cooking oil dissolves it and helps shuttle it into the bloodstream. Quercetin, a flavonoid most abundant in apples, onions, black and green teas, and red wine, is also showing promise as a source of protective benefits.

84. - Dietary Supplements No Substitute For Proper Diet - September 5, 2000
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Dietary supplements no substitute for proper diet
WASHINGTON (AP) Nutritionists call the survey alarming: More older Americans the people most at risk of cancer say they're popping unproven dietary supplements in a quest for tumor-fighting nutrients than trying to eat more cancer-protective foods. Add this newest trend to those hot fad diets and the nation's rising obesity, and cancer experts are increasingly worried. Americans don't seem to heed the warnings that what you put on your plate day after day can truly influence whether you'll get cancer.

85. Leukemia : Man Who Cured Himself Against All Odds; Blood Cancer Diet
Leukemia Man who cured himself against all odds; blood cancer diet.
HOME CANCER Page Leukemia cured - diet and body building Let your body cure leukemia. Testimonial story.
Story about man who cured himself against all odds
This is a story about my good friend Petar J. I introduced him 1987, in Belgrade, when I first started attending seminars and workshops on health foods. That time he was already cured. In his late forty's he was diagnosed with Leukemia. Doctors who diagnosed him told him that he has less than 4 months of life. He started with strict health food diet called macrobiotic diet and with body building. He stopped drinking coffee, alcohol, milk, and soft drinks. He stopped eating meat, milk products, sugar, tropical fruit, margarine and started exercising every day. I am not sure if it took him 3 or 4 months, but he was totally cured in less than 4 months. He did not used any of the western medicine treatments. So, instead of being dead, he went back to his doctor, and doctor made blood test. Results of blood test showed that he was totally healthy. His doctor did not believed him that it was done only with diet and exercises. His story vas published in many Yugoslavian newspapers. The only comment doctors have had on his story was that he have had "spontaneous remission", and that it has nothing to do with diet or with body building.

86. Division Of Cancer Epidemiology And Genetics (DCEG): Branches: Nutrional Epidemi
Conducts independent and collaborative research on the role of diet and nutritional status in cancer etiology.
Home Organization Research Publications Search: Overview Branches
Nutritional Epidemiolgy Branch
About the Branch Branch Fellowships Branch Scientific Positions Branch Publications Branch Research Useful Links Highlights:

87. Breast Cancer - Raw Diet Cure
cancer in December 1999 and immediately went on the Hallelujah diet. During thefirst MONTH on the diet my night blindness disappeared, my tenyear chronic

88. British Nutrition Foundation
diet has a greater influence on some types of cancer than others. dietary factorsmay protect against or reduce the risk of cancer.§ionId=406&subSectionId=321&pa

89. Is There A Cancer Fighting Diet? - Neutropenia Support Association Inc.
Your diet is an important part of your defense against cancer. Eating the rightkinds of food, every day, can help you feel better and stay stronger.
What is Neutropenia Types of Neutropenia Patient Evaluation and Treatment Living With Neutropenia ... FAQ Is There A Cancer Fighting Diet? From Fanconi's Anemia newsletter 2002
By Carol Ceresa, Nutritionist
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could prevent or delay the onset of cancer, especially since children and adults with Fanconi anemia are at increased risk? I believe in the value of overall good nutrition and in carefully evaluating and trying some products and supplements that may be of benefit. To have the best strategies for fighting cancer, we need to consider the basics. Cancer starts with a single cell that gets out of control. The causes of cancer are not entirely clear. Cancer promoters, called carcinogens, include viruses and chemicals, as well as lifestyle and environmental factors (air pollution, smoking, lack of exercise and poor diet). No single food or nutrient causes or prevents cancer. However, there are steps that will help reduce your risk for cancer. Eat a plan-based diet.

90. Dog-Play: The Neoplaysia (Cancer) Diet For Dogs
Actually calling The Neoplaysia diet a cancer diet is simplistic and misleading.It is unlikely that there is just one best diet for all cancers.
The Neoplaysia (Cancer) Diet for Dogs Actually calling "The Neoplaysia" diet a "Cancer Diet" is simplistic and misleading. It is unlikely that there is just one best diet for all cancers. There is a lot of non-science on this page, but a little science as well. It started with learning of a study that showed that canine lymphoma patients had a better outcome when they had higher fat, higher protein, lower carbohydrate diet. Eventually this resulted in Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc.® producing a "Neoplaysia" diet. There are other studies as well and various recommendations for appropriate diet for the canine cancer patient. I think this one is close to the formulation for Hill's N/D. 1lb ground beef (fat drained)
1/3 cup cooked rice
1/3 cup liver
4.5 Tablespoon Vegetable oil (my choice: Safflower/Olive oil mixture)
9 grams fish oil (I just handed Salmon Oil capsules to the dog as a treat: my understanding is the more the merrier)
1/3 teaspoon salt substitute
6.2 grams calcium

91. Cancer Diet, Anti Cancer Diet, Cancer Prevention Diet India
CPAA cancer diet, Prostate cancer diet, cancer Prevention diet in India.India based NGO providing Tips on cancer diet, Articles on Prostate cancer diet

About Us
Activities Casefile Resource ... Chat Transcripts Clippings The following are extracts of recent cancer-related news items from local daily newspapers.
Do you see something you want to know more about? Would you like to be sent the whole article? Please contact us Diet How Food Helps Us Fight Cancer -(WebMD-27/07/2005)
Eating lots of fruit and vegetables and limited amounts of red meat and sugary foods is the way to protect against cancer, say researchers.-(Yahoo News-22/01/2005)

Could cabbage prevent cancer?-(Yahoo News-25/01/2005)
How Food Helps Us Fight Cancer -(WebMD-27/07/2005) Eating broccoli or drinking a glass of wine may send out a biochemical battle cry to your body, prompting it to boost its defenses against cancer-causing DNA damage, according to a new study. Researchers say the findings may explain how the anticancer ingredients found in certain foods and drinks can help our bodies fight cancer. "Compounds like sulforaphane in broccoli and resveratrol in wine have been shown to prevent cancer," states researcher Andrew Mesecar, in a press release. Mesecar is an associate professor of pharmaceutical biotechnology at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy. "They do that by signaling our bodies to ramp up the production of proteins capable of preventing damage to our DNA. We now have a good idea how that signal works," says Mesecar.

92. CANCER FIGHTING DIET: Discover How Your Diet Can Aid In The Fighting Of Certain
cancer FIGHTING diet Learn how your diet can reduce the risk of cancer with thishealth driven digital book. fighting diet.htm
Discover how your daily diet can aid in the fighting of certain cancers Courtesy Of Infoheaven Digital Books Table Of Contents Do Yourself A Favor: Eat a Healthy Diet and Reduce the Threat of Cancer!
Your Diet and Cancer
By Dr. Radhika Venkata
M.D. Pathology
Did you know that 60-70% of cancers are due to dietary factors? And, that many of these may be prevented by changes in daily dieting habits? Improper diet is one of the main causes of death and poor health among humans and your way of consuming food affects the risk. That's right, and now there is an " answer book " for those who want to learn more about taking control of their health by eating a better diet and fighting against the risk of cancer. Your Diet and Cancer is a practical tutorial designed to give YOU valuable health information about how cancers develop and how simple changes in diet may prevent serious illness.

93. CANCER PREVENTION DIET : Discover How Your Diet Can Reduce Or Even Prevent Cance
cancer PREVENTION diet Learn how your diet can reduce the risk of cancer.
Discover how your daily diet can influence the prevention of certain cancers Courtesy Of Infoheaven Digital Books Table Of Contents Do Yourself A Favor: Eat a Healthy Diet and Reduce the Threat of Cancer!
Your Diet and Cancer
By Dr. Radhika Venkata
M.D. Pathology
Did you know that 60-70% of cancers are due to dietary factors? And, that many of these may be prevented by changes in daily dieting habits? Improper diet is one of the main causes of death and poor health among humans and your way of consuming food affects the risk. That's right, and now there is an " answer book " for those who want to learn more about taking control of their health by eating a better diet and reducing the risk of cancer. Your Diet and Cancer is a practical tutorial designed to give YOU valuable health information about how cancers develop and how simple changes in diet may lead to the prevention of serious illness.

94. Diet And Cancer
This database on colon cancer prevention is a systematic review of 418 scientificstudies on human volunteers, rats mice. Most effective agents, diets are
March 14, 2005 Diet and Cancer
Denis Corpet, PhD, Dir.Sci., Prof. Ecole Nationale Veterinaire
Colorectal cancer hits too many people. In non-smoker, it is the major cause of cancer death! But the comparison of people living different ways strongly suggests that we can change our risk of catching cancer. A major part of the story is to eat differently. Perhaps 3 cancers out of 4 could be avoided with a better diet! The question is thus: what shall I eat? You already know that eating plenty of vegetables and fruits is good for you . And many researches are currently being done to know more precisely which plants are protective, and what is protective in them. Most often, the idea which arise from epidemiological studies is tested in animals. Rats or mice are exposed to a carcinogen, then to a putative protective diet, or to a chemopreventive agent (e.g., aspirin). And if a diet or an agent really looks protective in animals (preclinical study), a big human intervention trial is set up. Hundreds of such preclinical studies had been completed and published already, and several clinical studies in human volunteers. The results of all these studies are gathered in a single
Chemoprevention Database

95. Health Diary >> Cancer >> Prostate Cancer And Diet
Health Diary with Siobhán Cleary looks at medical issues from the patient s pointof view. Experience the personal stories that will help you take better

96. Alkaline Cancer Natural Cancer Alkaline Diet And Natural Cancer Therapy
Alkaline cancer and natural cancer alkaline diet for natural cancer therapy andcancer treatment with herbs to help assist cancer herb cure.

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97. The Books: The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet By Robert Arnot, M.D.
In The Breast cancer Prevention diet, Dr. Bob Arnot, in his unique, expert fashion,has synthesized this research into an eating program that finally
ISBN: 0316051098
Paperback (trade) $14.95/U.S.
304 pages
5-1/2 x 8-1/4
BACK BAY BOOKS Also Available:

Prices Subject to Change Robert Arnot, M.D. Critical Praise Excerpt
The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet: The Powerful Foods, Supplements, and Drugs That Can Combat Breast Cancer
by Robert Arnot, M.D.
rom one of the most visible and highly respected figures in medical journalism comes a book that can literally save lives. During the past several years, doctors at leading institutions across the nation have been investigating the relationship between breast cancer and diet. The recent flood of medical studies confirm that what a woman eats can have a dramatic impact on whether or not she contracts the disease. In The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet, Dr. Bob Arnot, in his unique, expert fashion, has synthesized this research into an eating program that finally enables women to fight back. The breast cancer prevention diet is designed with all women in mind; whether you want to guard yourself against the onset of breast cancer, or protect yourself from recurrence, the diet offers valuable information that will address your particular needs, including plans for:
  • women with high estrogen, who are therefore at a higher risk

98. Cancer Causing Diet Problems
This page is about how cancer affects the way your body digests food and usesnutrients. And how cancer can affect your appetite.

99. Stopping Colon Cancer With Diet Alone?
Is it possible to stop colorectal cancer from progressing without any type ofsurgery, or taking pills, for example by changing one s diet?

diet is more strongly linked to colon cancer than to any other type of cancer cancer protection diet includes less fat and more fruit especially citrus
eople who eat vegetarian or near vegetarian diets have the lowest rates of cancer in the world. A vegetarian diet comes closest to the dietary guidelines for reduction of cancer set forth by the National Cancer Institute of USA which estimates that one third of all cancer deaths in USA and eight out of ten of all cancers are related to diet. According to some estimates about 30%-40% of cancers in men and up to 60% of cancers in women are due to dietary factors (Bayer and Gragam, 1984). Surveys have revealed that Asians and Africans have much lower incidence of breast cancer than Europeans and Americans who consume Western type diets. There is evidence to show that vegetarian diets protest against breast cancer because - i. Vegetarians have lower levels of blood oestrogens hormones that raise the risk of breast cancer (B.K. Armstrong et al 1990). ii. Vegetarians begin menstruation somewhat later than average and there is a longer time between periods. Dietary fat shortens the menstrual cycle while fibre increases it (Cassidy et al 1990) iii. Soyafood consumption can block the activity of oestrogens and soya beans contain chemicals called isoflavones which act against cancer.

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