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         Cancer & Diet:     more books (100)
  1. Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris Carr, 2007-08-01
  2. Quick Facts on Lung Cancer (Quick Facts) by American Cancer Society, 2007-05-21
  3. Everyone's Guide to Cancer Survivorship: A Road Map for Better Health by R.n., Holly Gautier, M.d., Ernest H. Rosenbaum, 2007-10-01
  4. Healthy Eating for Life to Prevent and Treat Cancer by Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 2002-01-18
  5. Cancer Caregiving A-Z by American Cancer Society, 2008-02-03
  6. The Macrobiotic Approach to Cancer: Towards Preventing and Controlling Cancer With Diet and Lifestyle by Michio; Esko, Edward Kushi, 1991
  7. Dear God, It's Cancer by William Fintel, Gerald McDermott, 1997-08-12
  8. Nature's Cancer-Fighting Foods: Prevent and Reverse the Most Common Forms of Cancer Using the Proven Power of Great Food and Easy Recipes by Verne Varona, 2001-06
  9. Combatir el cancer con una dieta adecuada/Fight cancer with an adequate diet: Potencia tus defensas de forma natural/Increase your defenses the natural way by Daniel Rosy, Jane Sen, 2004-01
  10. Bone Marrow Transplants: A Guide for Cancer Patients and Their Families by Marianne Shaffer, 1994-04-25
  11. How to Fight Prostate Cancer & Win by William L Fischer, 2001-08-01
  12. Foods to Fight Cancer by Richard Beliveau, 2007-04-16
  13. The Cancer Conqueror: An Incredible Journey to Wellness by Greg Anderson, 1990-03
  14. Metu and Lee Learn about Breast Cancer by Shenin Sachedina, 2006-05-13

41. Diet And Cancer
New studies give a mixed message about how diet affects cancer It can clearlyharm, but whether it can help is not always as clear.
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Diet and Cancer
The content below was selected by the WebMD editorial staff and is solely under WebMD's editorial control. Can your diet cause cancer, or prevent it? New studies give a mixed message. One links a diet high in red meat to colon cancer, and another shows fruits and vegetables don't prevent breast cancer. What should you eat, and what should you avoid?
The News
Red-Meat Eaters Risk Colon Cancer WebMD Medical News Fruits, Veggies May Not Cut Breast Cancer Risk WebMD Medical News
What WebMD Experts Say
The Benefits of a Healthy Diet, by Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD/LD WebMD Feature Cancer and Diet: Are You What You Eat? by Harold J. Burstein, MD, PhD WebMD Commentary Diet, Nutrition, and Prostate Cancer, by Sheldon Marks, MD WebMD Commentary
Related News and Information
High Blood Sugar Raises Cancer Risk (Jan. 11, 2005) WebMD Medical News Vitamin E in Food May Fight Cancer (Dec. 15, 2004)

42. CNN - Adding More Calcium To Your Diet May Reduce The Risk Of Colon Cancer - Sep

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Study says calcium may cut colon cancer risk
Adding more calcium to your diet may reduce the risk of colon cancer
September 22, 1998
Web posted at: 6:56 p.m. EDT (2256 GMT) ATLANTA (CNN) The milk you pour on your cereal or order in your latte may do more than build strong bones. Latest research shows calcium may reduce the risk of colon cancer. "What calcium appears to do is help to bind both fatty acid and bile acid within the colon to prevent them from interacting with the colon lining and therefore reducing the irritant effect of these substances upon the colon," said lead researcher Dr. Peter Holt of St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in New York. His study, paid for by the National Dairy Council, followed 70 patients at risk for colon cancer for a year. Half made no change in their diets, while the other half increased calcium from low-fat dairy foods to about 1500 milligrams a day. The research, published in the latest Journal of the American Medical Association, shows the group that got the additional calcium was less at risk for developing colon cancer.

43. Cancer And Diet: Are You What You Eat?
Finding a specific link between foods you eat and cancer may help people takeaction to improve their lifestyles.
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Who We Are About WebMD Site Map Cancer and Diet: Are You What You Eat? Finding a specific link between foods you eat and cancer may help people take action to improve their lifestyles. By Harold Burstein, MD, PhD WebMD Commentary We all wish that there were good data on foods to eat or conversely, foods to avoid to promote our health. It is probably worth pointing out the obvious, which is that there are many reasons to eat better and differently than most Americans currently do. We are living amidst a plague of obesity and inactivity, which has sent rates of diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other chronic medical ailments skyrocketing. Any well-informed child could articulate the sensible things for us to do when thinking about diet and health:
  • Don't smoke
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption
  • Eat less overall (fewer total calories)
  • Eat more vegetables, fruits, and fiber
  • 44. CNN - FDA Delays Approval Of New Diet Drug Amid Cancer Concern - May 13, 1998
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    FDA delays approval of new diet drug amid cancer concern
    May 13, 1998 Web posted at: 2:06 a.m. EDT (0606 GMT) WASHINGTON (CNN) Government approval of a new weight-loss drug has been delayed until its maker can prove it does not increase the risk of breast cancer, CNN has learned. The drug in question is Xenical, made by Hoffman LaRoche, which works by preventing the body from absorbing about a third of the fat ingested. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a "letter of approvability," which delays approval until the questions concerning the cancer risk are addressed. A Hoffman LaRoche spokesman told CNN the studies needed to satisfy the FDA could be completed by early 1999. An FDA advisory panel was deadlocked last March when it voted on a recommendation to approve Xenical. One side effect of Xenical is cramping and diarrhea. Unlike Xenical, previous diet drugs, such as Redux and Phenfluramine, best known as the "phen" in Fen-Phen, worked on the brain to control the body's feeling of "fullness". Redux and Phenfluramine were pulled from the market last September amid concern of possible heart problems related to them. Those drugs are the subject of ongoing studies as to their long-term safety.

    45. Discovery Health :: Diseases & Conditions :: Cancer Prevention Diet
    A diet low in fat, alcohol, and salt but high in fresh fruits, vegetables, andwhole grains may help prevent certain types of cancer.

    46. Is Your Diet Fighting Cancer For You?

    47. Prostate Cancer Prevention Diet
    There are many risk factors for prostate cancer and early screening can help youdetermine a treatment plan. Learn how race, family history,
    Prostate Cancer Research and Screening Assessment Center Prostate Cancer Information Prostate Cancer Symptoms Frequent Urination Signs of Prostate Cancer ... Erectile Dysfunction More Prostate Cancer Information and Treatment Plans
    Prostate Cancer Screening
    Other Types of Prevention
    Beta-Carotene Supplements Beta carotene is a carotenoid, like lycopene, that is a strong antioxidant and thus has been suggested to have many health benefits. It is primarily found in the yellow and orange vegetables, such as squash, carrots, and pumpkin, but also in green leafy vegetables, such as spinach. Beta carotene, unlike lycopene, is a precursor to vitamin A; in other words, it leads to the formation of vitamin A. This has resulted in confusion about the protective effect of beta carotene on prostate cancer. Studies on vitamin A have had conflicting results. Some show a protective effect, but others show an increase in risk with greater intakes or serum levels of vitamin A. But vitamin A comes from animal sources as well as carotenoids, like beta carotene. Studies that show an increase in risk of prostate cancer have generally included greater consumption of fat, too.
    The RealAge Magazine shows you how to avoid cancer and heart disease by:
  • Optimizing nutrition
  • Avoiding misdiagnosis and unnecessary treatments
  • Improving cardiovascular fitness
  • Changing lifestyle habits
  • Analyzing and decoding the latest medical research
  • And more!
  • 48. CNN - Study: Low-fat Diet Doesn't Fight Breast Cancer - January 11, 1997
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    Breast cancer and diet
    1 min. 33 sec VXtreme streaming video CNN's Elizabeth Cohen reports that a low-fat diet might not help prevent breast cancer VXtreme plug-ins for Windows 95, Windows NT, Power Macintosh, and Solaris are currently available. A helper app for Windows 3.11 is also available. Sound off on our A Time Warner Company Terms under which this service is provided to you. Read our privacy guidelines.

    49. GRO - The Cure Of Advanced Cancer By Diet Therapy
    The cure of advanced cancer by diet therapy a summary of 30 years of clinicalexperimentation. Physiol Chem Phys 1978;10(5)449464 Back to bibliography
    Gerson Research Organization
    Gerson M.
    The cure of advanced cancer by diet therapy: a summary of 30 years of clinical experimentation.
    Physiol Chem Phys
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    The cure of advanced cancer by diet therapy: a summary of 30 years of clinical experimentation
    Max Gerson, M.D.
    Gerson Institute, Box 535, Imperial Beach, California 92032 (1978 Publisher's Note. This is a lecture given by Dr. Gerson in Escondido, California, in 1956. Dr. Gerson died in 1959. More complete information on his therapy for advanced cancer may be found in his book A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 Cases , by Max Gerson, 3rd edition, 1977, Totality Books, Del Mar, CA or from his daughter Mrs. Charlotte Gerson Straus at the Gerson Institute, Box 535, Imperial Beach, CA 92032. Socioeconomic and political perspectives are discussed in the book Has Dr. Max Gerson a True Cancer Cure? by S. J. Haught, 1976, Major Books, 21335, Roscoe Blvd., Canoga Park, CA 91304.) Abstract: Ladies and Gentlemen:
    I came here on vacation; I didn't come here for a lecture. I didn't bring anything. So, I wrote down some things since I was asked to tell you first how I arrived at the cancer treatment. It is a funny story. The Healing of Cancer It was a big book of about 1,200 pages on folk medicine and in the middle there was that chapter. I started to read. That book was edited by three schoolteachers and one physician. None of them practiced medicine. So they put together that book. I read that chapter. In it there was something about Hippocrates who gave these patients a special soup. I should like to tell you, we use that soup at the present time! That soup from that book, out of the practice of Hippocrates - 550 years before Christ! He was the greatest physician at that time, and I even think the greatest physician of all time. He had the idea that the patient has to be detoxified with the soup and with some enemas and so on.

    50. - Health - High-fiber Diet Does Not Reduce Colon Cancer Risk, Studies Sa
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    New treatments hold out hope for breast cancer patients


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    High-fiber diet does not reduce colon cancer risk, studies say
    From staff and wire reports April 19, 2000 Web posted at: 5:06 p.m. EST (2106 GMT) ATLANTA A high-fiber diet does not prevent the polyps that can lead to colorectal cancer, according to two large studies published in this week's New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

    51. Cancer - Special Diet Needs
    cancer Special diet needs. also see cancer and Tumors also see diet. cancer-special diet needs. Q Hi! My roommate and I are owned by six cats.
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    Cancer - special diet needs Cancer - Special diet needs also see Cancer and Tumors
    also see Diet
    Cancer- special diet needs Q: Hi! My roommate and I are owned by six cats. Unhappily, one off them (Otto -The Great, or sometimes " 'Lil Guy"), is dying of cancer. I don't believe that we can save him, but would like to make sure that he has the best nutrition possible I know that nutrition plays an important role in fighting off cancer, but have no idea what to give that him that will help. He's losing his sense of smell and a bit of his appetite, so feeding him is getting more and more difficult. I'm willing to expect a miracle, but want to make sure I've done all I can. Can you recommend a specific diet or certain supplements? Do you know of a good source? What should I be looking for (and watch out for)? Thanks for your time and effort! A: At present, there are some studies (mostly done at

    52. - Health - Study: Fruit And Veggie-filled Diet Void Of Colon Cancer Prot
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    New treatments hold out hope for breast cancer patients


    Thousands dead in India; quake toll rapidly rising

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    Davos protesters confront police MORE ... MORE MARKETS 4:30pm ET, 4/16 DJIA NAS SPORTS Jordan says farewell for the third time ... LOCAL EDITIONS: Europe change default edition MULTIMEDIA: video video archive audio multimedia showcase ... more services E-MAIL: Subscribe to one of our news e-mail lists Enter your address: DISCUSSION: chat feedback CNN WEB SITES: Europe AsiaNow Spanish ... Korean Headlines TIME INC. SITES: Go To ... People Money Fortune EW CNN NETWORKS: CNN anchors transcripts Turner distribution SITE INFO: help contents search ad info ... jobs WEB SERVICES:
    Study: Fruit and veggie-filled diet void of colon cancer protection
    From wire reports WASHINGTON (CNN) Eating fruits and veggies is definitely good for you, researchers say, but does little to protect people from colon and rectal cancer. The finding, in a study released Wednesday, counters 20 years of research that has found some evidence of colorectal cancer protection from a diet infused with fruits and vegetables.

    53. Cancer: The Diet And Cancer Connection
    How diet affects breast cancer as well as other cancers.
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    Site Map Diet and Breast Cancer December 24, 1998 HEADLINES THE NEWS OF 1998, PART 1 E vidence continued to accumulate during 1998 that your diet can drastically alter your chances of getting heart disease and cancer, including breast cancer.

    54. CNN - Controversy About Diet And Breast Cancer - May 25, 1999

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    Controversy about diet and breast cancer
    May 25, 1999 Web posted at: 10:05 AM EDT (1405 GMT) In this story: Pieces of the Puzzle Two sides, one coin Other risks Moving forward ... RELATEDS By Cathy Lu (WebMD) The next time you think about grilling a steak or ordering that cheesecake, you may want to think again. These are the foods to which some scientists attribute the skyrocketing incidence of breast cancer in the United States. One-in-eight women living in the United States will be stricken with breast cancer. But are the fatty foods that lurk in your fridge really the villains? There is much debate about this topic, and the abounding number of studies do little to clear the air.

    55. Cancer And Diet - Continuing Education Course For Nurses - © Wild Iris Medical
    Continuing education course for nurses discussing phytochemicals, as well asvitamins and minerals, that are believed to have clinical applications in some
    Accredited courses by and for health professionals
    Course Price $24.00 Contact Hours 3 Instructions
    Print this course Take the test How to take a course Cancer and Diet Adrianne E. Avillion, DEd, RN Nursing courses are approved in all 50 states. For more accreditation information, click here
    Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:
    • Describe four specific types of phytochemicals and dietary sources for each. List vitamins and minerals thought to help reduce cancer risk and describe their potential anticancer properties. Discuss the role of fat and fiber in cancer risk. Identify specific phytochemical substances and possible clinical complications of ingestion when presented with a list of alternatives. List dietary recommendations for cancer risk reduction with 100% accuracy when presented with a list of alternatives.
    A n abundance of data concerning diet and its relationship to cancer risk is available both in the popular press and the healthcare literature. The Internet also offers unlimited resources and advice about this topic. However, because of the almost overwhelming amount of information available, it can be difficult to determine how much of it is accurate and how much is the rhetoric of persons or organizations eager to sell the latest dietary "cure" for serious illnesses, including cancer. Healthcare professionals must be scrupulous when discussing the potential benefits of nutrition and cancer risk. The purpose of this educational program is to help separate fact from fiction and to scrutinize the literature related to diet and cancer risk.

    56. CNN - High-fiber Diet Doesn't Reduce Colon Cancer Risk, Study Finds - January 20

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    High-fiber diet doesn't reduce colon cancer risk, study finds
    Regular screening for colon cancer, including a colonoscopy, provides the best preventative medicine
    January 20, 1999
    Web posted at: 8:00 p.m. EST (0100 GMT) BOSTON (CNN) In a surprising finding that contradicts conventional dietary wisdom, Harvard University researchers have discovered that a high-fiber diet does not appear to reduce the risk of colon cancer. However, the researchers and other cancer specialists stress that a diet high in fiber which comes from fruits, vegetables and whole grains has other health benefits that still make it worthwhile. "It's still a very good idea to eat a diet that's high in fresh fruits and vegetables, both for its direct benefit on heart disease and reducing adult-onset diabetes," said Dr. Michael Thun

    57. Breast Cancer Care : Diet And Breast Cancer
    This section looks at healthy eating and what you can do if your appetite or dietchanges due to any side effects of treatment.
    Breast cancer Diagnosis Treatment Men with breast cancer ... Familial breast cancer Diet and breast cancer Breast cancer and benefits Breast prostheses Menopausal symptoms Avoiding lymphoedema ... Your guide to breast cancer services
    Diet and breast cancer
    This section is for people who are having treatment for or recovering from breast cancer. It looks at healthy eating and what you can do if your appetite or diet changes due to any side effects of treatment. It also outlines some different diets and other nutritional issues. Eating and drinking are an important part of our lives and when you have breast cancer you may experience more pressure to watch what you eat and drink. Or you may simply want to find out if diet can play a role in your recovery and future health. There are many conflicting ideas and theories about diet and nutrition and this can be confusing, particularly when you are trying to deal with all sorts of other information about breast cancer and its treatment. We hope the information in this section will help, and enable you to discuss any issues or concerns with your GP, dietitian or cancer specialist. If you would prefer to print this section

    58. CNN Food Central: Conference Examines Link Between Cancer And Diet -- April 19,

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    Use the pulldown menus to visit other Food Central sections: Recipes Today Recipe Swap Resources Additives Alcohol Beer Beverages Coffee Dairy Fat Fruit Grains Herbs Italian Meat Organic Seafood Snacks Southern Sweets Tea Veggies Vitamins Restaurants Atlanta Baltimore Boston Chicago Dallas Denver Detroit Fort Worth Houston Las Vegas Los Angeles Miami Minneapolis New Orleans NYC Orlando Philly Phoenix Pittsburgh Salt Lake San Antonio San Diego San Fran Seattle St. Louis Wash, D.C. Amsterdam Athens Bangkok Beijing Berlin Brussels Cairo Copenhagen Dublin Florence Frankfurt Hong Kong London Madrid Mex City Montreal Moscow Munich Nairobi Paris Prague Rio Rome Singapore St. Pburg. Sydney Tokyo Toronto Vienna Zurich
    Conference examines link between cancer and diet
    To fight ovarian cancer, Marissa Harris underwent chemotheraphy, changed her diet and began taking dietary supplements. April 19, 1999

    59. Breast Cancer Care : Diet
    If you feel you would like more information on diet and breast cancer, you mayfind it helpful to discuss this with your specialist or dietician.
    Breast cancer Diagnosis Treatment Men with breast cancer ... Hormone therapy Diet After treatment Family and relationships Insurance Myths and misconceptions ... Your guide to breast cancer services
    I have put on a lot of weight after my treatment. I thought you lost weight if you had cancer.
    In certain situations people do lose weight when they have cancer but many women with breast cancer find that they put weight on during treatment. It may be due to a variety of reasons such as:
    • side effects of drugs retention of fluid taking less exercise than normal and generally being less active overeating when anxious menopausal effects.
    Whatever the reason, putting on weight can be distressing. In the first instance talk to your GP or specialist to find out if there is any reason for your gain in weight. It is important to eat a balanced with plenty of fruit and vegetables and no more than 30% of your total calories should be fat (only 10% of total calories as saturated fat). On food labels, the total fat and saturated fat are listed as a percentage of the recommended daily intake. Many GPs and practice nurses also give good dietary advice as part of their health education programmes.

    60. CNN - Study: Low-fat Diet Does Not Appear To Cut Risk Of Breast Cancer - March 9

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    Study: Low-fat diet does not appear to cut risk of breast cancer
    CNN's Dr. Steve Salvatore reports on low-fat diet study
    Windows Media March 10, 1999
    Web posted at: 4:10 p.m. EST (2110 GMT)
    (CNN) Researchers have found no evidence that a low-fat diet helps reduce a woman's risk of breast cancer, according to a new study in the March 10 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. Dr. Michelle Holmes, of Harvard University Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, led the 14-year study which followed 88,795 women who were cancer-free at the start of the research in 1980. Researchers looked for a relationship between breast cancer and fat intake by examining the participants' long-term diet through food frequency questionnaires administered in 1980, 1984, 1986 and 1990. The analysis included different types of fat as well as total fat. "We found no evidence that lower intake of total fat or particular types of fat over 14 years of follow-up was associated with decreased risk of breast cancer," the researchers concluded in the article published in JAMA.

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