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         Cancer & Diet:     more books (100)
  1. Cancer: Fight It with the Blood Type Diet (Eat Right for Your Type Health Library) by Peter J. D'Adamo, Catherine Whitney, 2004-08-03
  2. The Breuss Cancer Cure: Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases by Rudolf Breuss, 1995-10
  3. A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy : A Summary of 30 Years of Clinical Experimentation by Max Gerson, 1997-05
  4. The Breast Cancer Survivor's Fitness Plan (Harvard Medical School Guides) by Carolyn M. Kaelin, Francesca Coltrera, et all 2006-08-10
  5. Breast Cancer Clear & Simple by American Cancer Society, 2007-10-22
  6. The Richardson Cancer Prevention Diet: A Nutrition and Diet Regimen for the Prevention of Cancer by Janet Hull, 2006-10-18
  7. Dr. Moerman's Anti-Cancer by Ruth Jochems, 1990-06
  8. The Prostate Cancer Protection Plan : The Foods, Supplements, and Drugs that Can Combat Prostate Cancer by Dr. Bob Arnot, 2001-05-01
  9. The Conquest of Cancer: Vaccines and Diet by Virginia Livingston-Wheeler, 1993-01
  10. What to Eat Now: The Cancer Lifeline Cookbook : And Easy-To-Use Nutrition Guide to Delicious and Healthy Eating for Cancer Patients, Survivors, and Caregivers by Rachel Keim, Ginny Smith, 1996-03
  11. American Cancer Society Complete Guide to Breast Cancer by American Cancer Society, 2008-05-29
  12. Bladder Cancer: A Cleveland Clinic Guide (Cleveland Clinic Guides) by M D Raghavan, Kathleen Tuthill, et all 2008-03-01
  13. Fighting Cancer From Within: How to Use the Power of Your Mind For Healing by Martin L., Md. Rossman, 2003-04-15
  14. Cancer - Step Outside the Box by Ty M. Bollinger, 2006-07-17

21. 2bMe
Offers practical and emotional advice for teens living with cancer. Includes information on how to care for your skin, hair loss, diet, and coping socially.

22. Cancer Prevention Diet
The cancer prevention diet has been put to the test five times and failed todemonstrate any benefit..
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Cancer Prevention Diet, RIP
By Thomas J. Moore
It is time to reconsider the whole idea that the public ought to change its diet to help prevent cancer. The cancer prevention diet was launched on inadequate scientific evidence almost 25 years ago. Now five different randomized clinical trials have evaluated the preventive power of various recommended foods or ingredients, and not a single one has found a measurable effect. Rare is the adult who has not head the message from the National Cancer Institute that to lower the risk of cancer, people ought to eat five servings a day of foods with high fiber, low fat and containing fruit or vegetables. This dietary advice was publicized extensively with millions of dollars from the fruit and produce industry, which was hoping to increase market share for its products. The Larger Lesson The larger lesson, however, is that the diet and cancer story proves how easy it is for health authorities to give dietary advice and the eagerness with which the public embraces it despite the shaky scientific foundations of the whole enterprise. Of all the key aspects of health, diet may be the most difficult to study. We eat different foods at every meal, and diet varies greatly day by day. Most of the food we eat is either excreted or heavily processed in the human chemical factory and reduced to basic compounds such as sugars, trigylcerides and lipids.

Links to sites that focus on specific health issues for cats such as CRF, constipation, nutrition, feline cancer, latest research, holistic, diabetes and diet.
cat and dog cancer Inflammatory Bowel Disease Chronic Renal Failure Polycystic Disease ... support groups Just Feline Health Links skip introduction These health links and tidbits are feline - cat - specificplease check the other categories at the left for more specific writeups on health conditions such as flutd, pkd, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic renal failure, megacolon, hyperthyroidism and feline cancer. Although I have had cats for most of my life I just paid attention to loving my cats -never worried about their health, diet or how much they much they drank-they lived long lives.
Bromelain as a supplement might help ease the problem of furballs, besides sinus problems because of its anti inflammatory properties.
The only basic I have learned about kitty cats is that you can't give them enough love.
If you cat is prone to illness, switching to high quality food helps immensely. Anything that supports their immune system. Shallow glass water dishes are the safest. Who would ever have thought that plastic being hard to clean might create the feline acne seen in some cats? Who would have thought that some of those imported ceramic dishes would have toxins leech into the water? or metallic bowls give the water a tainted taste besides also getting into the water? or distilled water eliminating vital minerals?
Dogs fast when sick
How many of us know that kitty cats can get fatty liver disease, especially if they are obsese if they skip a few meals?

24. Prostate Cancer And Diet
Prostate cancer and diet Animal Fat (Bad) and Soy (Good) May Cause Now alinkage between diet and cancer appears to be explained at the tissue level.
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Prostate Cancer and Diet
Animal Fat (Bad) and Soy (Good) May Cause 10-Fold Difference in U.S. vs. Japan
10/21/2004 12:39:00 PM
LOS ANGELES, Oct 21, 2004 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ A just-published research study by Urological Sciences Research Foundation may help explain a quandary that has perplexed medical scientists for decades: why is prostate cancer so much more common in the West than in Asia? Diet has long been chief suspect for the difference. The new study compared dietary influences on prostate tissues of Japanese men who spent their life in Japan vs. other Japanese men who spent their life in the U.S. The Western diet, relatively rich in animal fat and poor in soy, was found to exert cancer-causing influences that could be traced directly into prostate tissues. CBS MARKETWATCH TOP NEWS U.S. stocks end mixed; Nasdaq reaches 2-wk high

25. - Elizabeth Cohen: Obesity And Cancer - July 11, 2002



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Elizabeth Cohen: Obesity and cancer
Cohen The rates of diabetes and heart disease are rising rapidly in the U.S. and obesity is part of the problem. But most people don't know that being overweight can also increase a person's risk of cancer. CNN Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen joined American Morning host Paula Zahn to tell the story. PAULA ZAHN, CNN ANCHOR : Most people realize being overweight is bad for your heart. But a new report out today explains that being fat also makes you more likely to get cancer. CNN medical correspondent Elizabeth Cohen joins us now for today's house call. They've hinted at this for years. ELIZABETH COHEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT : Yes. ZAHN : Is this the definitive study that would show that link? COHEN : Well, there's no such thing as a definitive study so, you know, who knows? But they won't be telling us that fat is OK.

26. New Hope Natural Media Online
Nutrition and cancer 1996;2528196. 7. Singh EB, et al. diet antioxidants andrisk of cancer a case-controlled study. J Nutr and Enu Med 1997;7267-74.
Natural Grocery Buyer

Nutrition Business Journal

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Delicious Living Magazine
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From The August 1999 Issue of Nutrition Science News Cover Story
Cancer Prevention Diet
by Jill E. Stansbury, N.D. The potential of protective phytochemicals Many people's lives have been touched in some way by cancer. Maybe they've lost a relative, a friend or an acquaintance; maybe they had a scare as a result of an annual physical. Regardless of what drives your customers to ask about cancer prevention, it is a perfect opportunity to discuss diet and supplements. So where do you start? A dizzying amount of information exists on cancer-preventive food and supplements. The easiest step people can take is to modify their diets. By eating a rainbow of food colors or by emphasizing certain food groups, people will incorporate a variety of protective phytochemicals into their diets. We are exposed to oxidizing- and cancer-producing substances daily, but compounds found in vegetables help limit the free radical initiation and DNA damage caused by these carcinogens and therefore appear to lower the incidence of various types of cancer.

27. Cancer Risk Goes Down As Heart Rate Goes Up

28. - Health - Study: Veggies Won't Cut Breast Cancer Risk - February 13, 20



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Study: Veggies won't cut breast cancer risk
In this story: Not the last word? Steps against breast cancer RELATED STORIES, SITES By Elizabeth Cohen CNN Medical Correspondent BOSTON, Massachusetts (CNN) Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables will help cut a woman's chances of getting all sorts of dreaded diseases, but breast cancer isn't one of them, according to a new study being published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. In the study, researchers tracked the diets of 351,825 women and found no statistically significant difference in fruit and vegetable consumption between the women who developed breast cancer and those who didn't. "Of course, I'm disappointed," said Ralph Coates, an epidemiologist and associate director for science at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's division of cancer prevention and control. "I'd hoped there would be something out there for breast cancer because I'd like to see something women can do besides getting screened."
Not the last word?

29. The Diet And Cancer Connection
But many cancer experts now believe that lifestyle factorssmoking, diet, For humans, the closest associations between diet and colorectal cancer are
The Diet and Cancer Connection
Adapted by: Kathleen M. Stadler, Extension Specialist, Human Nutrition and Foods, Virginia Tech Publication Number 348-141, Posted November 1997
Table of Contents
Introduction Lung Cancer and Diet Gastrointestinal Tract, Prime Cancer Target Sex Organs, Diet and Cancer ... Bibliography
One out of every three Americans will be diagnosed with cancer at some time. Cancer affects three of every four families. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S. Each year, nearly 500,000 Americans die from cancer. While the rates for coronary heart attacks and uncontrolled high blood pressure are declining, certain cancer rates are increasing. Many people assume that getting cancer is a matter of bad luck and environmental hazards. But many cancer experts now believe that lifestyle factors-smoking, diet, stress, sunbathing, etc.-are more important factors than thought possible a few years ago. Lifestyle factors are involved in most cancers, with controllable factors estimated to be as high as 80 to 90 percent of all causes. Diet may account for some 35 percent, and smoking another 30 percent. A critical factor needing much more study is the influence of heredity on cancer susceptibility. Some people never develop cancer despite years of exposure to tobacco, poor diet, alcohol, sunlight, etc., while others, unexposed, will get it. Why? The answer must involve heredity. For some, the genes, with all their inherited deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), resist permanent damage (mutation) by cancer-causing agents, known as carcinogens. For unlucky others, a combination of modified genes and a suitable internal environment results in the dreaded diagnosis.

30. Salon Newsreal | Fighting The Wrong War
States the government could cut cancer deaths by a third by educating Americans to eat right. But dollars for diet education are scarce, while the cancer research budget gets fat.
T A B L E T A L K Will Democrats stay home this November? Weigh in on left-wing apathy in the Politics area of Table Talk R E C E N T L Y "Don't tamper with this jury, Mr. President"
By Murray Waas
Robert Byrd's warning to back off on anti-impeachment lobbying sends the White House spin machine into gear, denying Clinton's role in the controversy
Letter from Fayetteville

By Rebecca Bryant
A local hate crime brings the campaign for gay rights to Fayetteville, Ark.
A thousand (dysfunctional) clowns

By David Corn
The kids in the House get to make their mess, secure in the knowledge that the "adults" in the Senate will have to clean it up
The billion-dollar rumor

By Jeff Stein How unsubstantiated reports that the World Trade bombers may have included nerve gas in their arsenal led to some pretty pricey public policy Femme fatale By Virginia Vitzthum Is Clinton our first female president? Browse the Newsreal Archives S A L O N E M P O R I U M FREE! 12-ounce bag of Salon Blend with a purchase of $30 or more. While supplies last. Fighting the w r o n g war The government could cut cancer deaths by a third by educating Americans to eat right. But dollars for diet education are scarce, while the cancer research budget fattens up.

31. Volition® Health: Alternative Care Arthritis Cancer Diabetes Diet Nutrition
There is plenty of info on alternative care, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, dieting,nutrition, and of course much much more.


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Alternative Care Arthritis ... Search for More
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Easy TaiChi for Busy People Brookstone Health and Fitness Products Winsor Pilates The Earth Store The Yoga Site Spa Wish The Sedona Method Dr.Weil IBM's Healthy Computing
The Arthritis Foundation Missouri Arthritis Rehabilitation
Cancer Net American Cancer Society The Cancer Survivors Network University Of Pennsylvania's OncoLink Breast Health, Breast Cancer LifeSign
American Diabetes Association Canadian Diabetes Association Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International Youth Zone
Dieting and Nutrition
eDiets DietWatch Nutrio NutriCounter AllRecipes Eat 5 A Day PBS' Healthweek Fast Food Finder Healthy Food Magazine, Munch'n Crunch US Gov't Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) SupermarketGuru Health Front Page Alternative Care Arthritis Cancer ... Search for More Get on the list.
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32. Health Education Board For Scotland, HEBS, Health Promotion, Health Information
Information including heart disease, cancer, stroke, mental health, HIV and sexual health, oral health, accidents and safety, smoking, diet, physical activity, alcohol misuse and drug misuse.
NHS Health Scotland
Health Scotland is a special health board created on 1 April 2003.
We provide a national focus for improving health and work with the Scottish Executive and other key partners to take action to improve health and reduce health inequalities in Scotland.
Most of the information contained on this website was originally developed by HEBS (one of our predecessor organisations).Over the next few months we will be incorporating this information into the main Health Scotland website.
Text home Health Topics About HEBS ... Conditions of use NewSafe and Healthy Working website New Health Promoting Health Service website healthyliving website

33. Cancer Research - Diet & Lifestyle
diet cancer A casecontrol study was carried out at the Department of diet and cancer of the colon and rectum a case-control study in China. - researchDiet&Lifes
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Cancer Research

34. Complete Nutritional Program, Inc.
Offers vitamins, minerals, herbs, formulation for cancer prevention, aging, diet and weight loss, sexual health, heart health, and immune health. Also an alternative for hormone therapy.

35. Breast Cancer - ResearchDiet & Lifestyle
(4) Hirayama T. Paper presented at conference on breast cancer and diet, (16) Ingram D. diet and subsequent survival in women with breast cancer. Cancer - researchDie
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36. Living With It - Online Support For Patients Living With Breast Or Lung Cancer
Designed to support women with breast cancer by offering information on breast cancer issues, lifestyle, diet and exercise, medical options.

37. Breast Cancer And Diet
The HarborUCLA Medical Center s Rowan Chlebowski, who led the recent studylinking diet and breast cancer risk, will be online to answer your questions.
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Breast Cancer and Diet
Rowan Chlebowski Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Tuesday, May 17, 2005; 3:00 PM A new study shows that breast cancer patients can decrease their chances of recurrence by altering their diet in addition to standard treatments. The study examined over 2,400 women and found that those who adhered to a low fat diet were less likely to have their tumors return over the next five years. How will this new study change the way doctors treat first time breast cancer patients? Does a low-fat diet significantly reduce a woman's chance of getting breast cancer? Rowan Chlebowski of the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles led the study and was online to answer your questions on this new information about diet and breast cancer. Tuesday's Sessions
Garden Plot
: Adrian Higgins, 11

38. Study Fatty Diet Link To Cancer

39. Virtual Hospital: Cancer Prevention: Diet, Nutrition, And Cancer
diet, Nutrition, and cancer. Peer Review Status Internally Reviewed by cancer Scientists continue to study the role of diet and cancer prevention.
Cancer Prevention: What You Need To Know
Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer
Peer Review Status: Internally Reviewed by Cancer Center Staff
Creation Date: 1996
Last Revision Date: June 2004 3rd edition What Is Known About This Topic?
Scientists are rapidly learning about the role that diet and nutrition play in cancer causation and prevention. This often seems overwhelming, with new reports about this food or that food causing or preventing cancer reported almost weekly in the media. However, we rarely make recommendations from a single study. Rather, experts in nutrition sit down and review all of the evidence and then put together recommendations, which are periodically reviewed as we gain more knowledge. These recommendations must also fit with what we know about diet and other diseases like heart disease. Major health organizations are currently recommending the following points in designing a diet which is likely to reduce your risk of cancer: What Are The Current Recommendations?
  • Maintain a desirable weight. Obesity (often defined as 40% or more over your recommended weight) is a risk factor for several forms of cancer. Eat a variety of foods.

40. CNN Food Central: Conference Examines Link Between Cancer And Diet -- April 19,

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Conference examines link between cancer and diet
To fight ovarian cancer, Marissa Harris underwent chemotheraphy, changed her diet and began taking dietary supplements. April 19, 1999

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