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41. Canadian Technology Hits The Market of leading edge technology developed by a Canadian government laboratory and CRC has made a strategic investment in a forwardlooking technology http://www.crc.ca/en/html/crc/home/mediadesk/scasuite_release_nov04?pfon=yes |
42. Canadian Technology Report: 5/23/05 canadian technology Companies Todd Coupland, CIBC World Markets. Canadian ITServices Software Stocks Paul Bradley, Fraser Mackenzie Ltd. http://www.twst.com/info/info1098.htm | |
43. The Wall Street Transcript Online | Canadian Technology Report: 6/14/04 6.14.04 canadian technology Report nine industry firms examine the Canadiantechnology sector in this 53 page report from The Wall Street Transcript. http://www.twst.com/info/info935.htm | |
44. Digital Home Canada - Canadian Technology Digital Canada and Digital Home Canada, news and information from a Canadianperspective, including canadian digital satellite, canadian satellite radio and http://satellitetv.digitalinsurrection.com/digital_canada.php | |
45. Protus IP Solutions Ranks 17 In 2004 Deloitte Canadian Technology Fast 50 Official website of Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATAAlliance), Canada shightech voice. http://www.cata.ca/Cata_Members/News/members_pr10010401.html | |
46. Canadian Technology Fast 50/Shooting Star Official website of Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATAAlliance), Canada shightech voice. http://www.cata.ca/Media_and_Events/Press_Releases/cata_pr06120001.html | |
47. CTV.ca | Canadian Technology Helps Launch Cosmic Telescope CTV News on CTV Canadian television s online home for news and entertainment. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/1118146163119_4?s_name=&no_a |
48. Canadian Technology Leader Celebrates Record Growth And Success World leader in mass spectrometry research, development and manufacturing.The instrumentation division of MDS Inc. http://www.mdssciex.com/news and events/press releases/20001005/default.asp?s=1 |
49. Canadian TECHNOLOGY Special technical support was provided by Nexen Inc., a Canadian oil, gas andpetrochemical company and EnCana Inc., a large Canadian oil and gas producing http://www.wpc2000.com/CanadianTechnology.htm | |
50. High-profile Canadian Technology Entrepreneurs Join Ventures WestÂs Entrepreneu Highprofile canadian technology Entrepreneurs Join Ventures WestÂs Entrepreneurin Residence Program. Vancouver, BC, December 2, 2003 - Ventures West, http://www.ventureswest.com/News/news12020301.asp | |
51. Mark Evans :: A Bad Week For Canadian Technology This blogs examines the world of telecom and technology looking at everythingfrom Nortel and Vonage to Internet telephony and Google. http://evans.blogware.com/blog/_archives/2005/6/11/928861.html | |
52. Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Portal The canadian technology Network is a service of the National Research Counciland is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help independent http://www.cme-mec.ca/national/template_na.asp?p=49 |
53. IDC - Document At A Glance 2005 SMB canadian technology Adoption Trends, Price $3500.00 and a mobileworkforce presents an opportunity for canadian technology vendors to exploit. http://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=CA708SMB |
54. Welcome To Mountain Cablevision Web Hosting Free equity research, analytical tools, technical and fundamental, comparables analysis, financial links, news and tech investment information on canadian technology stocks. http://www.equityresearchcenter.com | |
55. ZOLL Data Systems - Press Release - Pinpoint Technologies Acquires Canadian Tech Pinpoint Technologies Acquires canadian technology Firm. Broomfield, CO Wednesday,July 05, 2000. On 5 July 2000, Pinpoint Technologies finalized the http://www.zolldata.com/csite/PressReleases/PressReleaseView.asp?prid=24 |
56. Technology In Government: Canadian Technology Used In Forest Fire Monitoring In Full text of the article, canadian technology used in forest fire monitoring inseveral South Asia countries from Technology in Government, a publication http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3701/is_200505/ai_n13639097 | |
57. Canadian Technology Education Resources Here is a great Canadian Website for Teachers and Students. There are sectionsspecific to Teacher Resources, Technology, Parents, and Projects. http://www.intel.com/ca/education/resource.htm | |
58. International Market Opportunity For A Canadian Technology International Market Opportunity for a canadian technology. Working together withTimken Co. of Canton, Ohio and with the financial support of the US http://www.imi.cnrc-nrc.gc.ca/english/HTML/Reussites/Timken.htm | |
59. [Report] 2005 Canadian Technology Adoption Trends; Mobile Computing Is Hot...But This study examines the state of adoption of leadingedge technologies in Canadianvertical markets and analyzes firm s perceptions of these technologies http://www.gii.co.jp/english/id31520-technology-adoption-trends.html | |
60. [Report] 2005 SMB Canadian Technology Adoption Trends This study examines the state of adoption of leadingedge technologies in theCanadian mid-market and analyzes firm s perceptions of these technologies http://www.gii.co.jp/english/id31697-smb.html | |
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