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Canadian Prov General: more detail | ||||
41. OSH Answers: General Safety Tips A Service from the canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). http://gala.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/safety_haz/woodwork/gen_safe.html | |
42. Health | Canada.com Thankyou for visiting the canada.com health channel! This page has links relatedto the canadian healthcare Manitoba - contact general@mma.mb.ca http://www.canada.com/health/healthcarelinks.html | |
43. CanLinks: Directory Of Web Resources Relevant To Canadian Studies A directory of web resources relevant to canadian studies covering literature, arts, history, Quebec, museums and general information. http://lucking.net/canlinks/canlinks.htm |
44. Department Of Justice - Factum Of The Attorney General Of Canada (Court File No. Factum of the Attorney general of Canada (Court File No. 29866) Proposal for an Attorney general of British Columbia PO Box 9044, Stn prov Government http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/dept/pub/factum/ |
45. Macleans.ca Weekly general interest magazine featuring canadian and world news. http://www.macleans.ca | |
46. Department Of Justice - Factum Of The Attorney General Of Canada (Court File No. Attorney general of British Columbia v. Canada Trust Co. , 1980 2 SCR 466.32, 33. Bank of Toronto v. Parliamentary Debates, 3 rd sess., 8 th prov. http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/dept/pub/factum/vi.html | |
47. Winnipeg General Strike - Canadian Heritage Gallery Image of workers during the strike. http://www.canadianheritage.org/reproductions/21834.htm | |
48. Mapleleafweb.com: The Canada Health Act - Federal-Provincial Relations And The C Fedprov Relations » Health Care Debate » Health Care Reform general Natureof the Conflict Over Health Care. The Canada Health Act, then, http://www.mapleleafweb.com/features/medicare/canada-health-act/fed-prov-relatio | |
49. Introduction - Inventory Of Canadian Digital Initiatives Provides descriptions of canadian information resources created for the Internet, including general digital collections, resources centered around a particular theme, and reference sources and databases. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/initiatives/index-e.html | |
50. Canadian Flag Etiquette Contains general etiquette, vertical display, and order of provincial flags. http://flagspot.net/flags/ca_prtcl.html | |
51. Canadian SKATE - News And Results From The Canadian Figure Skating Community A general site for fans of canadian skating. http://members.tripod.com/~CDNSK8/ | |
52. SFU Library - Government Resources: Canadian Federal, Provincial And Local canadian Government Information on the Internet From Anita Cannon of Mount on this site were originally prepared for general distribution to canadian http://www.lib.sfu.ca/researchhelp/subjectguides/general/cangov.htm | |
53. Professional Development , Management Training, Career Training Programs At Cana Providing financial management, human resources, leadership, communications, customer service, sales, project management, and general managerial courses. Located in Toronto, Ontario. http://www.cmcamai.org/ | |
54. Provincial Governments Purchasing - Selling To Provincial Governments In Canada Governors general of Canada Current and Past canadian Gove Governor generalAdrienne Clarkson - Biography Adrienne Clar Role of Governor generalIssue http://canadaonline.about.com/od/provpurchasing/ | |
55. Canadian Tug Of War Association general information about the association, results, photos, rules, chat and news. http://www.tugofwar.ca/ | |
56. Canadian Agriculture - Provincial Government Departments Canada Agriculture is a provincial responsibility in Canada and the provincial government statistics as well as general agriculture industry information. http://canadaonline.about.com/od/provagriculture/ | |
57. Camel National mathematical society. general information, activities, membership and Camel accounts. http://camel.math.ca/ |
58. CPPIC - Environment Canada's pollution prevention (P2) website and database featuring general information, tools, legislation, success stories, and technology. http://www.ec.gc.ca/cppic/en/index.cfm | |
59. Ontario Government Sites - Canadian Social Research Links Political Parties and Elections in Canada Ontario 2003 election links Attorney general Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/onbkmrk.htm | |
60. IEEE Canadian Review / La Revue Canadienne De L'IEEE A magazine published by IEEE Canada for canadian members. Mission statement, current and previous issues, general information, submissions and editors. http://ewh.ieee.org/reg/7/canrev/ | |
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