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101. FrontPage Magazine.com :: Pining For Stalin: Remembering Canadian Prime Minister Pining for Stalin Remembering canadian prime Minister Mackenzie King The canadian prime Minister at the time, Mackenzie King, loved Joseph Stalin so http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=995 |
102. USATODAY.com - Text Of Former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's Tribute Text of former canadian prime Minister Brian Mulroney s tribute http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2004-06-11-mulroney-reagan_x.htm | |
103. Online NewsHour Update: Canadian Prime Minister To Exit Early Amist Party Pressu canadian prime MINISTER TO EXIT EARLY AMIDST PARTY PRESSURE. Jean Chretien signaledthis week he would step down as Canada s prime minister earlier than http://www.pbs.org/newshour/updates/canada_11-14-03.html | |
104. Online NewsHour: Fmr. Canadian Prime Minister Mulroney -- June 11, 2004 The following text is the full remarks by former canadian prime Minister Brian FORMER canadian prime MINISTER BRIAN MULRONEY In the spring of 1987, http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/white_house/jan-june04/mulroneytranscript_reaganf | |
105. Rt. Honourable Joe Clark: Former Canadian Prime Minister Canada s 16th prime Minister is one of the most recognizable people in He was the first serving prime Minister in canadian history to visit Cameroon. http://www.speakers.ca/clark_joe.aspx | |
106. Canadian Prime Minister Lets Loose On Cowboy Bush canadian prime Minister Lets Loose on Cowboy Bush Behind closed doors, thesources say, the prime Minister lamented the fact he had to explain to Bush http://www.commondreams.org/cgi-bin/print.cgi?file=/headlines01/0405-03.htm |
107. CANADIANS LACK KNOWLEDGE ABOUT PRIME MINISTERS Support for creating a new public holiday to honour past prime ministers isstrongest in Ontario (55%) and Atlantic Canada (54%) and weakest in Quebec (35%) http://www.ipsos-na.com/news/pressrelease.cfm?id=1392 |
108. Prime Minister Of Canada - Encyclopedia Of Political Information The prime Minister may be any canadian citizen of voting age (18). Over time,the role of the prime Minister of Canada has undergone some modifications http://www.politicalinformation.net/encyclopedia/Prime_Minister_of_Canada.htm | |
109. Kids' Turn Central - Games - Jumble - Guess The Canadian Prime Ministers See if you can guess the word/words. Click in the applet to solve; and oncesolved, click again for a new jumble. Guess the canadian prime Minsiters http://www.kidsturncentral.com/games/jumble/jumble20.htm | |
110. CARICOM Heads Of Government Bid Farewell To Canadian Prime Minister The prime Minister of Canada, who has traditionally taken time out at theseCommonwealth The outgoing canadian prime Minister and CARICOM Heads of http://www.caricom.org/pressreleases/pres163_03.htm |
111. President Hu Jintao Meets With Polish President, Greek, Canadian During his meeting with canadian prime Minister Jean Chretien, Hu said both Chinaand Canada were important countries in the AsianPacific region. http://gr.china-embassy.org/eng/zxgx/sbwl/t146124.htm |
112. Rogers Communications Inc. And 7th Floor Media Launch An Online Portrayal Of Can The prime ministers of Canada is the most comprehensive and engaging web siteabout In addition to biographies of all of Canada s prime ministers, http://www.7thfloormedia.com/news/news6.html | |
113. Prime Minister Of Canada / Premier Ministre Du Canada prime Minister of Canada / Premier ministre du Canada. English Français.Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada http://www.pm.gc.ca/ | |
114. Prime Minister Of Canada: Welcome! Official website of the Liberal prime Minister of Canada Paul Martin. News,speeches and press releases. http://pm.gc.ca/eng/default.asp | |
115. Historic Sites And Monuments Board Of Canada - Grave Sites Of Canadian Prime Min Arthur Meighen, Canada s ninth prime minister, was gifted with a strong intellectand He served two short periods as prime minister, first in 192021, http://parkscanada.pch.gc.ca/clmhc-hsmbc/pm/Meighen_E.asp | |
116. Prime Minister Of Canada - Definition Of Prime Minister Of Canada In Encyclopedi Politics of CanadaExecutiveMonarchyGovernor GeneralPrime MinisterCabinetLegislativeParliamentSenateSpeakerof the SenateGovernment Leader in the http://encyclopedia.laborlawtalk.com/Prime_Minister_of_Canada | |
117. The Right Honourable Paul Martin, Prime Minister Of Canada The Right Honourable Paul Martin, prime Minister of Canada. http://www.pco-bcp.gc.ca/default.asp?Language=E&Page=primeminister |
118. Read About Prime Minister Of Canada At WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research Prime prime Minister of Canada. Everything you wanted to know about prime Minister ofCanada but had no clue how to find it.. Learn about prime Minister of Canada http://encyclopedia.worldvillage.com/s/b/Prime_Minister_of_Canada | |
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