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41. Lakehead University: Lakehead University Library: Home canadian political parties, 18671968 a historical bibliography. (Ref. Z 7165C2H34) An annotated historical bibliography devoted to federal Canadian http://library.lakeheadu.ca/wp/?pg=96 |
42. Polparti2004_1 Registered Political Parties Elections Canada. Abolitionist Party of Canada canadian political parties maintained by Alex Ng http://www.aph.gov.au/library/intguide/pol/polparti.htm | |
43. ZENAF Links To Canadian Political Parties Green Party Political Association of BC, BC Greens Communist Party ofCanada (MarxistLeninist), Manitoba Branch, CPC(ML) Manitoba http://web.uni-frankfurt.de/zenaf/can/capropa.htm | |
44. CanadianGrassroots.ca Dedicated to ensuring that there are truly grassrootsbased major political parties at federal and provincial levels. http://www.canadiangrassroots.ca | |
45. Politics And Political Parties In Canada Politics and political parties in Canada canadian Alliance GreenParty Liberal Party New Democratic Party Progressive Conservative Party http://www.synapse.net/radio/can-pol.htm | |
46. Thomson Nelson - Political Science -Canadian Politics On The Web/Political Parti political parties provide the basis for canadian government. Government Politics on the Web. Â, canadian and International News Sources http://polisci.nelson.com/parties.html | |
47. Thomson Nelson - Political Science -Canadian Politics On The Web political parties links to all major and numerous minor federal parties, Government Politics on the Web. Â, canadian and International News Sources http://polisci.nelson.com/canpol.html | |
48. Political Parties And Elections In Canada (Provinces And Territories) - Les éle Go to the political parties and Elections Links in Canada (Federal) page canadian Politics, Elections and political parties Source http://www.canadiansocialresearch.net/politics_prov_terr.htm | |
49. Canadian Federal Political Parties - Politics Watch | Canada's Political Portal Federal political parties in Canada. Major parties Other parties Attack andSpoof Canada s Major Federal political parties Liberal Party of Canada http://www.politicswatch.com/parties.htm | |
50. Toronto Sun canadian ACTION PARTY Party Leader The Hon. Paul T. Hellyer National Headquarters POLITICS Harper makes a convert of detractor http://www.canoe.ca/Sunlib/fedelec.html | |
51. Canadian Politics canadian Politics. Federal political parties; Election news, finances; Polling firms;Provincial politics Alternate news. Other canadian political news http://www.journalismnet.com/canada/politics.htm | |
52. Political Science (Politics And Government) - Canadian Information By Subject canadian Politics, Elections and political parties political parties andElections in Canada (canadian Social Research Links) http://www.collectionscanada.ca/caninfo/ep032.htm | |
53. Federal Political Parties In Canada Federal political parties in Canada. Progressive canadian Party/PartiProgressiste Canadien 118 Inverkip Avenue Ottawa, ON K1T 4B9 613247-1438 http://www.altstuff.com/federal.htm | |
54. Listings Canada: Political Parties The canadian Action Party (CAP) is a federal political party fighting for Canada sindependence and promoting monetary, democratic and electoral reform, http://listingsca.com/Government/Political/ | |
55. List Of Political Parties In Canada - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia In contrast with the political party systems of many nations, canadian partiesat the political parties with representation in the canadian Parliament http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_parties_in_Canada | |
56. University Of Waterloo Library & Wilfrid Laurier University Library. Government canadian Politics, Elections and political parties, From the University of British Election Canada political parties, Candidates and Third parties http://tug.lib.uwaterloo.ca/gp/lep_canada.html | |
57. Nelson - Political Science-Canadian Politics On The Web/Political Parties In Can political parties provide the basis for canadian government. Election choicesare made simpler because canadians can decide which candidate to vote for http://www.nelson.com/nelson/polisci/parties.html | |
58. Canadian Legal Resources: Government/Canada/Political_Parties canadian Legal Resources Government Canada political parties ChristianHeritage Party of Canada (Added 14Jun-1999 Hits 142) http://www.gahtan.com/cdnlaw/Government/Canada/Political_Parties/ | |
59. Registered Parties & Candidates For 2004 Canadian Elections political parties and candidates must register with Elections Canada in order toappear on the ballot. Any donations they receive are tax deductible, http://www.sfu.ca/~aheard/elections/parties.html | |
60. Political Science Resources/Foreign Politics Guide to canadian political Resources (Natl Library of Canada) Starting pointfor links to 2000 canadian elections; Links to parties, candidates, http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/psfp.html | |
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