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61. The Canadian Army Comes To Aldershot It was the year 1910 that has gone down in canadian military history for an amazing event that probably will ever remain unique the visit of the Queens http://www.hants.gov.uk/museum/aldershot/faq/canada.html | |
62. Canadian Military History Museum - AbiLogic Canada s national museum of military history. Its mandate is to promote an understanding of the enormous impact of war on Canada and its people from http://www.abilogic.com/dir/linkinfo1493.html | |
63. From Colony To Country. A Reader's Guide To Canadian Military History LCSH, Military art and scienceCanadaHistoryBibliographyWeb sites. CanadaHistory, MilitaryBibliographyWeb sites. http://www.historyguide.de/cgi-bin/ssgfi/anzeige.pl?db=hist&nr=001515&ew=SSGFI |
64. CanadianEh.com - The Canadian Search Engine Presenting canadian military history (the wars, uprisings and conflicts in canadian military history, medals and decorations and other collections. http://onwebguide.ca/index.php?catid=3440&dirdisplay=1 |
65. UW Press: Search Books In Print It should be read by all those interested in canadian military history, but will have an especially strong appeal to serving and recently retired members of http://www.washington.edu/uwpress/search/books/DELSOL.html | |
66. Webcity Canada Presenting canadian military history (the wars, uprisings and conflicts in which Canadians participated) to maintain the tradition of remembrance and to http://www.webcity.ca/index.php?catid=3440&dirdisplay=1 |
67. Internet Public Library: Canadian History The canadian military history Gateway is an online service providing access to From Colony to Country A Reader s Guide to canadian military history http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum30.55.15/ | |
68. Significant Dates In Canadian Military History - History And Archives - Director Significant Dates in canadian military history. Today in History 13/8/1941 The Canadian Women s Army Corps is authorized Today in History 13/8/1814 http://www.dnd.ca/hr/dhh/history_archives/engraph/significant_dates_e.asp?cat=1 |
69. Canada's Air Force, History The canadian military history Gateway The Gateway provides CanadaÂs military history dating back to 1000 AD and offers access to over 4000 online links to http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/hist/hist_e.asp | |
70. Political Direction Of The War - First World War - From Colony To Country : A Re Articles on Prime Minister Borden's leadership of Canada's military effort during World War I. English/French http://www.collectionscanada.ca/military/h13-4006-e.html | |
71. Ãà à ¡± áADES Essay Proposal, Due 1 October 1998 10% This Proposal Must Inc canadian military history HTST 349.91 D. Morton, Military History of Canada. DJ Goodspeed, The Road Past Vimy. DJ Bercuson, Maple Leaf Against the http://hist.ucalgary.ca/courses/w2002/349L01.htm | |
72. World History Compass, Canadian History From Colony to Country A Reader s Guide to canadian military history Bibliographical pathfinder from the National Library of Canada for the general reader http://www.worldhistorycompass.com/canada.htm | |
73. Course Description - War And Military History (HIF 208) - Continuing Studies canadian military history introduces students to the general themes of canadian military history in the postConfederation period. http://www.cfsj.forces.gc.ca/studies/engraph/courses/coursehif208_e.asp | |
74. Ash Vale And Aldershot Local history and British and canadian military history http://www.btinternet.com/~iainwallace1 |
75. Home Page - Directorate Of History And Heritage (DHH) The DHH develops and reinforces canadian Forces history, heritage, traditions, military honours, museum and music systems. Longterm plan to make available http://www.forces.ca/hr/dhh/engraph/home_e.asp | |
76. Civilization.ca - Online Resources For Canadian Heritage - Military And Naval Hi From canadian Museum of Civilization, a comprehensive selection of links, including air force. http://www.civilization.ca/orch/www04e_e.html | |
77. The Great War Homepage: Find Military Ancestors & Build Your Family Tree military, history genealogy site for World War 1 records worldwide. Surnames, military ancestors, military history are all part of the canadian Great http://www.rootsweb.com/~ww1can/ | |
78. WarMuseum.ca - Canadian War Museum, Canada's National Museum Of Military History The canadian War Museum is Canada s national museum of military history. An affiliate museum of the canadian Museum of Civilization, the canadian War Museum http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/cwme.asp | |
79. RCMP Musical Ride military precision drill team comprised of 32 regular member volunteers, male and female, who have had at least two years police experience. Tour schedule, ride center, photos, history of the ride, and ride photo album. http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/musicalride/home_e.htm | |
80. Civilisations.ca / Civilization.ca Canada's history, military history, Native peoples, folk culture, archaeology, and ancient civilizations. http://www.civilization.ca | |
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