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21. Home Page - Directorate Of History And Heritage (DHH) William Henry from LieutenantColonel George Monroe. Significant dates in canadian military history Link Canadian Military Heritage Gateway Home Page http://www.forces.gc.ca/hr/dhh/engraph/home_e.asp | |
22. Significant Dates In Canadian Military History - History And Archives - Director Significant Dates in canadian military history. The Privy Council approves in principle the dispatch of the Canadian Expeditionary Force to Siberia. http://www.forces.gc.ca/hr/dhh/history_archives/engraph/significant_dates_e.asp? |
23. Canadian Military History News Keywords Canada History Canadian Military Acadia Acadie Nova Scotia New Brunswick PEI Keywords Canadian History Canada Military American http://northernblue.ca/mblog/ | |
24. Smokey Smith VC 1914-2005 Dead At 91 - Canadian Military History News Smokey Smith Dead canadian military history News Keywords Canadian History Canada Military. Posted by editorial in Veterans at 1329. Trackbacks http://northernblue.ca/mblog/archives/192-Smokey-Smith-Dead.html | |
25. Canadian Military History Gateway - Home The canadian military history Gateway provides several ways to discover, access and exploit online military history resources, including a graphical http://cmhg.gc.ca/html/default-en.asp | |
26. WarMuseum.ca - A Chronology Of Canadian Military History - C. 1000 The Canadian War Museum A Chronology of canadian military history. Collision of Cultures. c. 1000 Early encounters between Europeans and First Peoples http://www.civilization.ca/cwm/chrono/1000firstpeople_e.html | |
27. Links From Colony to Country A Reader s Guide to canadian military history From the Veterans Affairs Canada Information on canadian military history. http://www.smh-hq.org/links.html | |
28. Military History Of Canada - Canadian Military History Military History of Canada. (1948). This text was written in 1948. There is no military history of Canada comparable with Sir JW Fortescue s monumental http://www2.marianopolis.edu/quebechistory/encyclopedia/MilitaryHistoryofCanada. | |
29. Military History Of Canada - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 12 One of the darkest moments in recent canadian military history occurred Dictionary of canadian military history. Don Mills Oxford University Press http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_Canada |
30. Canadian Military History canadian military history is a journalin-a-magazine-format published by the Laurier canadian military history is seeking original, well-written and http://info.wlu.ca/~wwwmsds/CMH backissue pages/cmh.htm | |
31. Laurier Centre For Military Strategic And Disarmament Studies canadian military history Books and Publications Archival Collections Online Primary Documents Canadian Battlefield Monuments Project http://info.wlu.ca/~wwwmsds/ | |
32. TESTAMENTS OF HONOUR: Home Page A nonprofit foundation dedicated to preserving canadian military history. http://www.testaments.ca/ | |
33. Veterans Affairs Canada canadian military history, medals and decorations and other collections. Tips on researching military related school projects. What services and benefits are available to veterans and how to apply for them (French available). http://www.vac-acc.gc.ca/general/ | |
34. CultureCanada.gc.ca: Canadian Military History Military History. Archives of Ontario Remembers Our Canadian War Heroes, The From Colony to Country A Reader s Guide to canadian military history http://www.culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/8.10.ht | |
35. CONVOY The Magazine For Canadian Military Vehicle Hobbyists Dedicated to promoting and preserving canadian military history, heritage and vehicles, with special interests for the collector of Canadian military vehicles. http://www.geocities.com/convoymagazine/ | |
36. Military - Canadian Genealogy Centre From Colony to Country A Reader s Guide to canadian military history canadian military history Gateway Veterans Affairs Canada Links to other military http://www.genealogy.gc.ca/10/1009_e.html | |
37. Jensen's Web Sources For Wars & World Military History Recommended; Marching to Different Drums canadian military history, by WAB Douglas ; in The Journal of Military History in JSTOR, Vol. 56, No. http://tigger.uic.edu/~rjensen/military.html | |
38. Canadian Military History Website Index Whether your interest in canadian military history is academic or purely for your own pleasure, it is hoped that this index can assist you in some way. http://aboriginal-center.uwaterloo.ca/~cdmather/ | |
39. 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion, A Coy. Portraying the A Company of the unit, the group creates an impression of this elite paratroop force as a small but important part of canadian military history. http://users.eastlink.ca/~bsmills/ |
40. Canadian Military History Web Site Index - Government Significant dates (Significant Dates in canadian military history); canadian military history (WW I, WW II, Korean War, and other stories); http://aboriginal-center.uwaterloo.ca/~cdmather/Canadian_Military_History_Web_Si | |
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