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121. Depository Services Program - Programme Des Services De Dépôt The Depository Services Program is the government of Canada s information safetynet. government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada, government of http://dsp-psd.pwgsc.gc.ca/ | |
122. Bills Webcast Senate, Webcast - House, Youth Programs, Canada.gc.ca The publishedtext of bills is available by selecting government Bills , http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/bills.asp?Language=E&parl=37&Ses=1 |
123. Government Of Ontario, Canada / Gouvernement De L'Ontario, Canada The entrance to the official Web site of the government of Ontario, Canada.It leads to the English and french versions of the site. http://www.gov.on.ca/ | |
124. Welcome To Sympatico / MSN Notebooks for back to school Summer Plants From $25.99 canadian Tire HugeSchool Savings Dell P4 desktop with 17Â FP $799 Hyundai 19 DVI LCD http://sympatico.msn.ca/ | |
125. PWGSC - Welcome Public Works and government Services Canada, adding value for Canadians. The mainaccess point for PWGSC services, supporting nearly 140 departments and http://www.pwgsc.gc.ca/text/index-e.html | |
126. Strategis: Canada's Business And Consumer Site / Le Site Canadien Des Entreprise Business and consumer information from Industry Canada / Information commerciale et English Français, government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/ | |
127. Canada - Training And Careers Canada Flag, space, government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada Symbol of thegovernment of Canada. Check the help on Web Accessibility features http://www.jobsetc.ca/ | |
128. Climate Change, Government Of Canada What the government of Canada is doing to address climate change and how allCanadians can take action to help protect our environment. http://www.climatechange.gc.ca/english/ | |
129. Climate Change, Government Of Canada Offers information about climate and a view of the actions of the national andprovincial government s actions on the subject. Defines climate change and http://www.climatechange.gc.ca/english/index.shtml | |
130. Simple Public Search Criteria eBookstore is a portal to government of Canada publications. Canada Flag,government of Canada, Canada. Français Contact Us Help Search http://publications.gc.ca/control/simplePublicSearchCriteria?lang=English&s=new |
131. Public Health Agency Of Canada - Hepatitis C - Compensation News Release government of Canada to discuss compensation options for personsinfected with hepatitis C (November 22, 2004). Top of Page http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/hepc/hepatitis_c/comp.html | |
132. Office Of The Commissioner For Federal Judicial Affairs / Bureau Du Commissaire The federal Court of Canada s rules, decisions, appointments and other information. http://www.fja.gc.ca/ | |
133. CIC Canada | Main Menu Citizenship and Immigration Canada government of Canada Find out what thegovernment of Canada is doing to help newcomers succeed. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/ | |
134. The Personal Information Protection And Electronic Documents Act - Privacy Commi of Canada / Commissariat à la protection de la vie privée, government of Canada Industry Canada has commissioned a research paper on Regulations http://www.privcom.gc.ca/legislation/02_06_01_e.asp | |
135. Jeunesse.gc.ca / Youth.gc.ca Youthpath Your one-stop shop for government of Canada programs and servicesfor youth Direction jeunesse - Accès unique aux programmes et services http://www.youth.gc.ca/ | |
136. Jobs.gc.ca - Emplois.gc.ca Public Service Commission of Canada Commission de la fonction publique du Canada.Public Service Commission of Canada - Commission de la fonction publique http://www.jobs-emplois.gc.ca/ | |
137. All Jobs Listed By Category Office of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada Public Works andGovernment Services of Canada Transport Canada Veterans Affairs Canada http://jobs.gc.ca/jobs/index_all_e.htm | |
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