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101. Labour Program government of Canada, government of Canada Collective Bargaining DisputeResolution and Prevention Services federal Workers Compensation http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/gateways/nav/top_nav/program/labour.shtml | |
102. Federal News Releases - Government Information federalProvincial-Territorial Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Consultations Public Works and government Services Canada www.pwgsc.gc.ca/text/generic/ http://www.collectionscanada.ca/8/4/r4-200-e.html | |
103. Tsunami Disaster Response - Overview Overview Canada s response federal government departments and agencies involvedin the tsunami disaster response. Overview http://www.acdi-cida.gc.ca/tsunami-e | |
104. CBC News Indepth: Federal Sponsorship Scandal The scandal has been the talk of Ottawa since 2002, when federal Auditor General Who got what Public Works and government Services Canada Sponsorship http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/groupaction/ | |
105. Strategis - Technology, Innovation And Licensing Industry Canada Industrie Canada. Français Contact Us Help Search Canada Site federal government Assistance Programs (Alphabetical Order) http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/sc_innov/tech/engdoc/1b.html | |
106. Seniors Canada On-line Seniors Online Canada provides all canadian seniors with fast, easy access tothe kinds of information government of Canada - Gouvernement du Canada http://www.seniors.gc.ca/index.jsp |
107. Federal Government -- Sources [ ALSO! -- Can. Law ] Canada  federal government  Gouvernement Fédéral Additional Resources.¶ federal Court of Canada Rules Philip B. Kerr (Ont.) http://www.lawsource.com/also/canada.cgi?cfg |
108. Canada Business | Entreprises Canada Canada Business is a collaborative arrangement among federal business departments, provincial, territorial governments and notfor-profit organizations that helps canadian entrepreneurs get the information, advice and support they need to build their businesses. http://canadabusiness.gc.ca/gol/cbec/site.nsf | |
109. Canada Revenue Agency -- Main Menu Canada Revenue Agency, government of Canada If you are interested in seeinghow federal tax and other revenues are used, visit this informative http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/menu-e.html | |
110. Contracts Canada Welcome Page / Page De Bienvenue De Contrats Canada Information about doing business with the canadian government. http://contractscanada.gc.ca/ | |
111. Child Support of Justice Canada / Ministère de la Justice Canada government of Canada About federal child support laws in Canada Ten things you need to know http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/ps/sup/ | |
112. Mapleleafweb.com: Canadian Federal Budget - The Budget And Canadian Democratic T Find an educational article on the 2005 federal budget in Canada. The federalgovernment must follow two steps to get this democratic permission. http://www.mapleleafweb.com/features/economy/budget/Federal-Budget/budget-democr | |
113. CIC Canada | Fact Sheet: Government In Canada Canada is a federation. The federal system of government means that powers andresponsibilities are divided between the federal government and the 10 http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/newcomer/fact_06e.html | |
114. Newsroom: AAFC Online: News Releases: 2004 government ANNOUNCES STRATEGY TO REPOSITION CANADA S LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY The federal government will establish a Loan Loss Reserve to increase lenders http://www.agr.gc.ca/cb/index_e.php?s1=n&s2=2004&page=n40910a |
115. Canadian And International Scholarship Programs - Programmes Canadiens Et Intern government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada, government of Canada canadian andInternational Scholarship Programs Programmes canadiens et http://www.scholarships-bourses-ca.org/ | |
116. Federal Programs And Services For Registered Indians - Indian And Northern Affai Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, government of Canada The federal approachto Aboriginal selfgovernment, based on negotiation, will result in new http://www.ainc-inac.gc.ca/pr/pub/ywtk/index_e.html | |
117. Government Information In Canada / Information Gouvernementale Au Electronic journal for discussion of canadian government information at thefederal, provincial, territorial, and local or municipal level. http://www.usask.ca/library/gic/ | |
118. National Events List 2004 - Government Of Canada Events To become officially recognized by the government of Canada, National PublicService Week recognizes the work of federal employees and aims to build http://www.communication.gc.ca/events_evenements/nel_fg_e.html | |
119. Government Of Canada Site | Site Du Gouvernement Du Canada The Canada Site, le Site du Canada, is a single point of access to all programs,services, departments, ministries and organizations of the government of http://www.gc.ca/ | |
120. Direct.srv.gc.ca/cgi-bin/wgweng direct.srv.gc.ca/cgibin/direct500/HE More results from direct.srv.gc.ca Budget InformationGovernment of Canada - Department of Finance A multimedia presentationillustrating how federal revenues were spent in the most recent fiscal year http://direct.srv.gc.ca/cgi-bin/wgweng | |
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