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81. Bowell-Profiles-First Among Equals Selective collection of links to canadian government sites and key federal documents maintained by the National Library of Canada. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/2/4/h4-3125-e.html | |
82. University Of Waterloo Library & Wilfrid Laurier University Library. Government Canada Site (government of Canada), Canada s federal government home page allows canadian government Information on the Internet federal Information http://tug.lib.uwaterloo.ca/gp/a_canada.html | |
83. Sources Of Canadian Law The Constitution defines a federal system of government for Canada. This meansthat the authority or jurisdiction to make laws is divided between the http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/dept/pub/just/CSJ_page7.html | |
84. Government And Political Resources - Canada - Internet Sources For Journalists A links to canadian government and political sites at the federal and provincial Canada Site Main federal government web site will search all federal http://www.synapse.net/radio/gsources.htm | |
85. Federal Government- Forestry, Canada, Careers, Jobs, Forest Products, Wood, Pape a comprehensive website on forestry and the forest products industry in Canadaincluding career opportunities in forestry, news and more. http://www.canadian-forests.com/fed-gov.html | |
86. Nortel: Solution: Government Solutions (Canadian Federal): Overview government Solutions (canadian federal). As Canada s leading networking company,Nortel has a large and firmly established product and solution base in the http://www.nortel.com/government_canada | |
87. CanadaInternational - Introducing Canada - The Canadian Federal Government Canada has a federal form of democratic government that brings together a numberof different political communities under a common government for mutual http://canadainternational.gc.ca/URLRedirect.aspx?u=intro/Canada_Information_Fed |
88. Canadian Governments: Federal, Provincial And Local On The Internet Canada federal government Information, University of Waterloo Library How canadian federal and Provincial governments Function http://www.library.ubc.ca/poli/cpwebg.html | |
89. Canadiana -- The Canadian Resource Page Also federal Institutions federal government of Canada (courtesy NCF)Provincial and Territorial Sources of Information (courtesy Open government ) http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/clamen/misc/Canadiana/README.html | |
90. Canadian Government: Selected Resources --Arts & Sciences Libraries, UB Librarie of the federal government, excluding those of Statistics Canada. of thefederal government is continued by government of Canada Publications. http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/asl/guides/busdoc/canada_docs.html | |
91. The Green Lane: [News Release] -- Federal Government Promotes Strong Protection Ottawa, January 11, 2005 The government of Canada has made a canadian federallaw prohibits out-of-basin transfers of boundary waters in bulk, http://www.ec.gc.ca/press/2005/050111_n_e.htm | |
92. Canadian Statistics -- Federal Government Debt Image canadian flag, Statistics Canada - government of Canada Search canadianStatistics. Related tables federal government. http://www.statcan.ca/english/Pgdb/govt03a.htm | |
93. Canadian Federal Inmates And Their Families Web Site What is going on within the canadian federal Correctional System ? invloved incorrections in Canada, this since the federal government openly invites http://homestead.com/justice01/ourpurpose.html | |
94. Departments And Agencies | Canada Site On this page you will find links to all government of Canada departments andagencies. Climate Change (government of Canada) Commissioner for federal http://canada.gc.ca/depts/major/depind_e.html | |
95. Introduction To The Government Of Canada Official Web Site | Canada Site Access information on Canada, its government, and federal programs and servicesorganized into categories. Find an MP s email address, http://canada.gc.ca/main_e.html | |
96. PSC - Recruitment Menu/Home Public Service Commission of Canada. Skip to body content application foremployment, you can apply to over 7000 student jobs in the federal government. http://www.jobs-emplois.gc.ca/menu/home_e.htm | |
97. Department Of Finance Canada * Ministère Des Finances Canada federal department primarily responsible for providing the government of Canadawith analysis and advice on the broad economic and financial affairs of http://www.fin.gc.ca/ | |
98. Health Canada - Santé Canada federal government department that encourages the health of Canadians through promotion and prevention activities, and supports the health system through research funding and the support of provincial/territorial health systems. http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca | |
99. Public Service Commission Of Canada Employment federal Student Work Experience Program is the primary vehicle through government Employees and Executives. Jobs for government of Canada employees http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/centres/empl_e.htm |
100. Welcome To The 37th Parliament of Canada section or the Governor General Web site www.gg.ca. For generalenquiries about canadian government services please visit www.canada.gc.ca. http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/index.asp?Language=E&Parl=37&Ses=1 |
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