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41. Government Of Canada - Agreements Database Organisation Alternative Names canadian federal government Canadian Government FederalGovernment of Canada. Sources used to compile this entry Parliament of http://www.atns.net.au/biogs/A000833b.htm | |
42. Links To Government Accountability Resources canadian federal government s Consultation Information Site Canadian Federal canadian federal government Registry of Lobbyists (Follow the search http://www.dwatch.ca/camp/gov.htm | |
43. Entrust: Success Stories: Entrust Saves Canadian Federal Government Millions Of Entrust saves canadian federal government millions of dollars. Like most governmentdepartments, Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) is http://www.entrust.com/success/index_cangov.htm | |
44. Government Documents Library -- Michigan State University Libraries canadian federal government Information The Canada Gazette is the officialnews bulletin of the Government of Canada. The Canada Gazette is published http://www.lib.msu.edu/publ_ser/docs/can/fedinfo1.htm | |
45. The Node: Professional Contacts In The Canadian Federal Government. Find contact information for colleges, universities, learning technologyassociations, government departments of education and other learningrelated http://thenode.org/people/federal.html | |
46. [F/OSS-Discuss] Canadian Federal Government FLOSS Study] F/OSSDiscuss canadian federal government FLOSS Study. Joseph Dal Molindiscuss@opensource.mit.edu 31 Jan 2003 100533 -0500 http://opensource.mit.edu/pipermail/discuss/2003-January/000192.html | |
47. Summary Of Canadian Federal Government's 1997 Study Of Credit Cards Links to 1997 Federal Government Study of Credit Card Interest Rates No federalgovernment institution has studied credit cards since 1997, http://www.cancrc.org/english/CreditCardStudySummaryen.html | |
48. Government Documents canadian federal government. E Department of External Affairs. 1 Annual Report.A call number for a Nova Scotia provincial government document publication http://libmain.stfx.ca/newlib/collections/govdocs/welcome.htm | |
49. VTN: Canadian Federal Government In BC canadian federal government in British Columbia. go BCfederal; or gofederalBC Contact Federal Government employees (Direct500 Directory) http://victoria.tc.ca/government/federal/menu.BC.html | |
50. Canadian Federal Government Procurement Canadian Government Helping Canada Cut Through The Red Tape Situation In 1991,the canadian federal governmentÂs central purchasing agency, Public Works http://www.nstl.com/successstories/success_canada.html | |
51. Canadian Federal Government Bolsters Its Document, Records Management Systems canadian federal government Bolsters Its Document, Records Management Systems. http://www.hummingbird.com/press/2002/rdims.html | |
52. Structure Of The Government Of Canada | Canada Site Provides links explaining the structure of canadian government, monarchy's role, Canada's federal and parliamentary system, also canadian political development. http://canada.gc.ca/howgoc/glance_e.html | |
53. Canadian Consumer Information Gateway - Passerelle D'information Pour Le Consomm government initiative that includes consumer information from various federal, provincial and territorial government departments and agencies. Also features the Complaint Courier tool. http://www.consumerinformation.ca/ |
54. The Capital Hill Group canadian government relations company with offices in Quebec City, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto. In business since 1984 Capital Hill works at the federal, provincial and municipal levels. http://www.capitalhill.ca |
55. Technical Security Branch - Sous-direction De La Sécurité Technique canadian organization dedicated to providing federal government clients with a full range of professional physical and information technology security services and police forces with high technology forensic services. http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/tsb/ | |
56. Publications - Bilingual List Of Titles Of Federal, Provincial And Territorial M Unofficial since designations are subject to change within each government. By the Translation Bureau and the canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat. http://www.translationbureau.gc.ca/pwgsc_internet/fr/publications/gratuit_free/l | |
57. Canadian Universities, Education Canada - CanLearn | Cibletudes - Universités C federal government portal for information on postsecondary education in Canada. Includes information about canadian universities and colleges, scholarships, and loans. http://www.canlearn.ca/ | |
58. Canada Online - About Canadian Government - Services News And Issues canadian federal and provincial governments news, issues, how they are organized,how they work, and the services they provide to business and consumers http://canadaonline.about.com/ | |
59. Canadian Salt Producers Listing of salt producers from the Natural Resources Canada a federal government department specializing in energy, minerals and metals, forests and earth sciences . http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/mms/efab/mmsd/minerals/salt.htm#producers | |
60. Welcome To The Public Service Commission Of Canada Public Service Commission of Canada government of Canada job opportunitiesand recruitment programs in the canadian federal Public Service through our http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/index_e.htm |
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