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         Canadian Ethnic Groups:     more books (100)
  1. Immigrants and the Labour Force: Policy, Regulation, and Impact. (Book Reviews/Recensions). (book review): An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Richard A. Wanner, 2001-03-22
  2. Residential segregation and socio-economic integration of Asians in Canadian cities.(Statistical Data Included): An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by T.R. Balakrishnan, 2001-03-22
  3. Crimes of Colour: Racialization and the Criminal Justice System in Canada.(Book Review): An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Greg Marquis, 2003-03-22
  4. Au temps de la prairie. L'histoire des Metis de l'Ouest canadien racontee par Auguste Vermette, neveu de Louis Riel.(Book Review) (book review): An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Raymond Huel, 2002-06-22
  5. Ethnic intermarriage in Canada (1).: An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Madeline A. Kalbach, 2002-06-22
  6. Police-community relations: Chinese attitudes toward the police in Toronto.: An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Henry P.H. Chow, 2002-06-22
  7. Interview with Joy Kogawa "kawaiso" (a word used to comfort children).(Interview): An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Cherry Clayton, 2002-06-22
  8. What does a story tell? Eddi Gislason's (1901-1986) personal use of traditional material (1).: An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Gisli Sigurdsson, 2002-06-22
  9. Hidden Worlds: Revisiting the Mennonite Migrants of the 1870s. .(Book Review) (book review): An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Thomas R. Klassen, 2002-06-22
  10. Religious identity and ethnic language: correlations between shifting Chinese Canadian religious affiliation and mother tongue retention, 1931-1961.: An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Jiwu Wang, 2002-06-22
  11. Cultural Differences and Women's Rights.(Book Review) (book review): An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Rina Cohen, 2002-06-22
  12. Mirrors of Stone: Fragments from the Porcupine Frontier. (Book Reviews/Recensions).(Book Review) (book review): An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Matt Bray, 2002-06-22
  13. F.P. Grove in Europe and Canada: Translated Lives. .(Book Review) (book review): An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Neil Querengesser, 2002-06-22
  14. River Thieves. .(Book Review) (book review): An article from: Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal by Corey Coates, 2002-06-22

canadian HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. CANADA S ethnic groups Nos. 17. 1982-1984.Antiquarian back volumes and issues available from Periodicals Service Company
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42. Canadian Studies In Population - Volume 2
Effects of Group Characteristics and City Context on Neighbourhood QualitiesAmong Racial and ethnic groups. canadian Studies in Population 24,14566.

43. Link Directory [ Education & Learning > Canadian Ethnic Studies Association ]
canadian ethnic Studies Association (CESA) is a nonprofit interdisciplinary intergroup relations, and the cultural life of ethnic groups in Canada.

44. Altis : The Guide To Internet Resources In Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism
This is the Web site of ATC, a canadian National Tourism Association (formerlyAboriginal The catalogue can be browsed online. football; ethnic groups

Any Resource Type Articles / papers / reports - collections Articles / papers / reports - individual Audio-visual / multimedia resources Books Database Event / conference announcements Journal - Contents and abstracts Journal - Full text Learning material Mailing list / discussion group News / media Organisation Web Site - Companies Organisation Web Site - FE/HE depts. Organisation Web Site - Governmental Organisation Web site - Recruitment/employment Organisation Web Site - Non-profit Organisation Web Site - Professional bodies Reference materials Research Projects / Centres Resource guide / directories Software Statistics Worksheets/Activity sheets
ethnic groups
Related topics: other: sociology race relations ethnicity narrower: blacks American indians aborigines
No. of records: 15 p: 1 Aboriginal Tourism Canada (ATC) This is the Web site of ATC, a Canadian National Tourism Association (formerly Aboriginal Tourism Team Canada). ATC involves business and government working together to influence policies relating to tourism. It is their aim to ensure that aboriginal tourism in Canada is to the benefit of aborigines. It includes information on aboriginal tourism, a photo gallery, newsletters, ATC publications and information about the background, mission and vision of the ATC. Some documents are available to download with Adobe Acrobat software; others are available in Word format. aborigines Canada tourism ethnic groups ... Aboriginal Tourism Report This Canadian study is part of the Travel Activities and Motivation Survey (TAMS), which is described separately in Altis. Presented mainly in statistical form, it examines interest in aboriginal events and attractions amongst Canadians and Americans while travelling, with the aim of promoting Canada's and Ontario's aboriginal tourism related vacation products. Aboriginal peoples include North American Indians, Metis and Inuit. The report is in PDF format requiring Adobe Acrobat software and is also available as a PowerPoint presentation.

45. 211s1004
Examples of ethnic groups might be small scale or local groups such as the Greek or the Inuit in the canadian north; groups across Canada as a whole,
Sociology 211 September 10, 2004 Project handout media report or book review. Reminder of one paragraph assignment on multiculturalism Introduction A. Ethnicity an overview This course primarily concerns ethnicity and ethnic relations, although other types of classification of individuals and groups, such as age, sex, region, and class are also important in ethnic relations. These other characteristics interact with ethnicity in producing different societal situations for different ethnic groups and within any ethnic group. Since ethnicity is the focus, it is important to carefully consider what ethnicity means. We will discuss this in detail next week (Chapter 1 of Isajiw), with a preliminary consideration here. Ancestry is key to defining ethnicity for the most part we would not consider a group of people to be an ethnic group if the members merely join the group as adults or are unaware of or cannot trace their ancestry. It is unlikely that all members of an ethnic group have a common ancestry, that is, it is unlikely that they can all be traced back to a single family of origin. But (apart from marrying into the group) all those who are Greek-Canadians can likely trace their ancestry back to one or more immigrants from Greece. For some groups, such as those of Jewish ancestry, lineage is passed on through the mother (in this case though, since Judaism is a religion in addition to an ethnicity, it is possible to convert to Judaism). In addition to ancestry, one approach to studying ethnicity is to have a checklist of characteristics of an ethnic group. An example of a checklist of characteristics of ethnicity is that provided by Leo Driedger (1989, p. 143), of the University of Manitoba. He lists six items that he uses to define or analyze an ethnic group:

46. Consumer Profiling, Segmentation And Preditive Modeling For Ethnic Marketing, Da
Some ethnic groups spend significantly more than the market average for certaintypes of ethnic marketing can be effective in the canadian multicultural
Products: CanaCode: Lifestyle Clusters EasyProfiling Software SuperDemographics Household Spending Patterns ... EthnoMarket EthnoMarket is a national database that provides current year estimates of ethnic group distributions at the postal code level. A postal code in urban areas may consist of a specific city block-face (one side of a street between two intersecting streets), a single building or, in some cases, a large-volume mail receiver, or a specific rural community in rural areas. It constitutes a small and natural geographic level, and thus provides more relevant groupings of consumer households. The database provides variables, such as the percent distribution of households and their spending patterns. It is available for the Chinese, South Asian, Italian and Portuguese ethnic communities. EthnoMarket can help you identify the ethnic market potential across Canada for any given trade areas, see sample report for Chinese grocery market size in Canada in the year 2004. Manifold updates the database annually. Why Ethnic Marketing?

47. CALL FOR PROPOSALS - Ethnic Groups And Artisan And Small-scale Mining: Centre De
CALL FOR PROPOSALS ethnic groups and artisan and small-scale mining For thiscall, MPRI has an approximate fund of 150000 canadian dollars to finance
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CALL FOR PROPOSALS - ethnic groups and artisan and small-scale mining Nouvelle(s) 25 de 43 Photo: Cristina Echavarría The Mining Policy Research Initiative (MPRI/IDRC) announces its call for proposals on ethnic groups and artisan and small-scale mining (ASM). The call is aimed to select research proposals for situation diagnosis of afro-american communities and indigenous peoples who are artisan or small-scale miners in any country of Latin America and the Caribbean. Deadline: July 30, 2004 The purpose is to produce a self situation diagnosis and the identification of capacity building, research and policy priority needs, from the perspective of these ethnic groups, in order to improve their own management of mineral resources in their collective territories. The proposer can be any indigenous organization, afro-american community or other non-profit institution with legal status in a Latin American or Caribbean country associated with one or more indigenous or afro-descendant organization(s) . For this call, MPRI has an approximate fund of 150,000 Canadian dollars to finance 10 diagnosis studies of indigenous or afro-americans situations as small-scale miners. This fund will finance projects of no more than 6 months and for a maximum of 15,000 Canadian dollars each.

48. ClayGate 305.8-.9 : Ethnic & Occupational Groups
305.8 305.9 - Racial, ethnic, national groups ; Occupational miscellaneous 305.800971, canadian Information By Subject 305.8 Multiculturalism
DDC Afro-Americans
American indians


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The Dewey Decimal Classification is © 1996-2000 OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Incorporated . Used with Permission. : Race Relations Awesome Library : Multicultural BUBL Link : Ethnography BUBL Link : Racism ... Links Feedback Form: Please fill out the form below to assist in the maintenance and accuracy of the links on this web page. Your feedback is always appreciated...
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49. EconPapers: The Colour Of Money: Earnings Differentials Among Ethnic Groups In C
The Colour of Money Earnings Differentials Among ethnic groups in Canada canadian Journal of Economics, 1998, vol. 31, issue 3, pages 518548
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The Colour of Money: Earnings Differentials Among Ethnic Groups in Canada
Krishna Pendakur and Ravi Pendakur Canadian Journal of Economics , 1998, vol. 31, issue 3, pages 518-548 Abstract: The literature on ethnically based earnings differentials in Canada has focused on differences either between whites and visible minorities or between particular ethnic groups. In this paper, the authors examine both earnings differentials between whites and visible minorities, and earnings differentials within the white and visible-minority groupings. Among both men and women they find substantial earnings differentials both between and within the white and visible-minority groupings. Differentials between whites and visible minorities suggest that the visible-minority category is a useful indicator of economic discrimination. Differentials within these groupings, however, suggest that it is only a rough indicator. View citations in EconPapers Downloads: (external link)

50. Ethnicity And Race By Countries
Congo, Democratic Republic of the, over 200 African ethnic groups, the majority are (canadian ethnic Studies Journal). Search HighBeam Research for
in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
Daily Almanac for
Sep 19, 2005

51. American Ethnic Geography Bibliography Part 3
McLaughlin, KM The Germans in Canada. Canada s ethnic groups, Booklet No. 11.Ottawa canadian Historical Association, 1985. Meyer, Judith W. ethnicity,
A merican E thnic G eography
A Selected Bibliography of the
Ethnic and Cultural Geography of the
United States and Canada
Atlases American Indians Midland Subculture Lower Southern Subculture ... Culture Regions and Boundaries GERMAN AMERICANS
Baltensperger, B. H. "Agricultural Change Among Great Plains Russian Germans." Annals of the Association of American Geographers
Carlson, A. W. "German-Russian Houses in Western North Dakota." Pioneer America 31, no. 2 (1981): 49-60.
Cozzens, A. B. "Conservation in German Settlements of the Missouri Ozarks." Geographical Review
Domer, Dennis. "Genesis Theories of the German-American Two-Door House." Material Culture 26, no. 1 (Spring, 1994): 1-35.
Ensminger, Robert F. "A Search for the Origin of the Pennsylvania Barn." Pennsylvania Folklife
The Pennyslvania Barn: Its Origin, Evolution, and Distribution in North America
. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
Fromm, . "The Migration and Settlement of the Pennsylvania Germans in Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina and their Effects on the Landscape." Pennsylvania Folklife
Glass, Joseph.

52. Arts, Heritage & Culture
ethnic groups. Armenian Community Centre 604276-9627; Austria Vancouver Club MILAP (Indo-canadian Senior Ladies Group Narinder Grewal 604-271-7428
Home Discover Richmond Community Organizations
Quick-Reference Index Ethnic Groups
  • Armenian Community Centre
    Austria Vancouver Club

    Fax: 604-273-4725
    Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Vancouver - Richmond Office
    Fax: 604-658-8854
    Canadian GOAN Association
    William Lobo: 604-244-7487
    Cathay Club of Steveston Community Centre
    India Cultural Centre of Canada - Gurdwara Nanak Niwas Office: 604-274-7479 or 274-0026 Fax: 604-274-0046 MILAP (Indo-Canadian Senior Ladies' Group Narinder Grewal: 604-271-7428 Fax: 604-276-4198 Negrenses Association of B.C. Richmond Chinese Community Society Henry Beh: 604-270-7222 Website: Steveston Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre SUCCESS - Richmond Office Office: 604-279-7180 Fax: 604-279-7188 Email: Website: Vancouver Manx Society Terry McCaffrey: 604-461-1052 Vancouver Turkish Canadian Society Email: Website: Ukrainian Community Society of Ivan Franko Ukrainian Village of Ivan Franko Office: 604-277-4116 Fax: 604-277-4116 Vedic Cultural Society of B.C.

53. Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal
Name canadian ethnic Studies Journal immigration, intergroup relations,and the history and cultural life of ethnic groups. Provides a publish

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54. Prevalence Of Hepatitis B Surface Antibodies In Ethnic Groups Of A Canadian Hosp
B surface antibodies in ethnic groups of a canadian hospital staff population . Prevalence of HB Ag and HB Ab in the canadian blooddonor population.

55. London Free Press: PEACE Program Building Bridges With Ethnic Groups
PEACE program building bridges with ethnic groups The canadianborn teen,whose family emigrated from Syria, said his experience with the PEACE program
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PEACE program building bridges with ethnic groups
APRIL KEMICK, Free Press Reporter
Ten years ago, Dwayne Price was a young black teen with his own ideas about "coppers." The story you are searching for is available in its entirety via email, fax or mail for $10.00, payable with credit card (include expiry date). Just email

56. Top 25 Ethnic Origins In Canada (1), Showing Single And Multiple Responses, 1996
Data for the remaining ethnic groups are available in the Nation Series. For moreinformation, please contact your local Statistics Canada regional office.
Top 25 Ethnic Origins in Canada , Showing Single and Multiple Responses, 1996 Census (20% Sample Data)
Canada Total population = 28,528,125 Ethnic Origin Total responses Single responses Multiple responses Canadian English French Scottish Irish German Italian Aboriginal origins Ukrainian Chinese Dutch (Netherlands) Polish South Asian origins Jewish Norwegian Welsh Portuguese Swedish Russian Hungarian (Magyar) Filipino American Spanish Greek Jamaican
This table shows counts for the 25 most frequently reported ethnic origins in this region, based on total response counts. Data for the remaining ethnic groups are available in the Nation Series. For more information, please contact your local Statistics Canada regional office. In this table, respondents who reported one ethnic origin are included in the single response column. Respondents who reported more than one ethnic origin are included in the multiple response column for each ethnic group they reported. The total response column indicates the number of respondents who reported each ethnic origin. Users should be careful when interpreting multiple response counts because respondents who reported more than one ethnic origin are counted in the multiple response count for each ethnic origin they reported. For example, a respondent who reported “English and Scottish” is included in the multiple response count for “English” and the multiple response count for “Scottish”.

57. The Daily, Monday, September 29, 2003. Ethnic Diversity Survey
This likely reflects the longer history these groups have in Canada. Among mostethnic groups, the first generation had a stronger sense of belonging than

Monday, September 29, 2003
Ethnic Diversity Survey
Immigrants were more likely than people born in Canada to report a strong sense of belonging to their ethnic or cultural group, according to new data from the Ethnic Diversity Survey. Also, the participation of immigrants to all types of groups and organizations increased with time spent in Canada. The Ethnic Diversity Survey was developed to provide information on the ethnic and cultural backgrounds of people in Canada, and how these backgrounds relate to their lives today. Immigrants, especially those who had recently arrived, were also more likely to indicate that their ethnic or cultural ancestry was important to them. Nearly three-quarters (71%) of immigrants who arrived in Canada from 1991 to 2001 rated at least one of their ancestral origins as important, compared with 65% of immigrants who came prior to 1991, 57% of the second generation in Canada (those born in Canada with at least one foreign-born parent) and 44% of those who were in Canada three generations or more (people born in Canada to two Canadian-born parents). Immigrants, regardless of time of arrival in Canada, were also more likely to participate in ethnic or immigrant associations than were Canadian-born people. About 6% of immigrants were members of, or participated in, these organizations, compared with 1% of those who were two or more generations in Canada.

58. English Main Page
journal is devoted to the study of ethnicity, immigration, intergroup relations,and the history and cultural life of ethnic groups in Canada.
Your browser does not support script Welcome to the Journal's Website! Founded in 1969, our fully refereed, interdisciplinary journal is devoted to the study of ethnicity, immigration, inter-group relations, and the history and cultural life of ethnic groups in Canada. Issues also include book and film reviews, opinions, immigrant memoirs, translations of primary sources, books received, an index, and an annual bibliography. The journal is published three times a year and is the official journal of the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association. This site was last updated 13 September 2005.
Publishing Note: Our last issue, Vol. 36, 2004 #3, was mailed out at the end of April. Our next issue, 2005, #1, will be in the mail in ,id-September. Mailed April, 2005 Current Journal Table of Contents Feedback Free Sample Issue Content Alerts Contact CES Search Archives Articles: Author Articles: Keyword Bk Reviews: Auth Bk Reviews: Key Bibliographies Table of Contents 2005, Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal/Etudes ethniques au Canada. All Rights Reserved

59. CHA - Canada's Ethnic Groups History Booklets
Canada s ethnic groups is a series of booklets designed to provide secondary andundergraduate students, historians and general readers with concise
Rock bottom prices! (pdf) Sale extended until December 25, 2005
Canada's Ethnic Groups
is a series of booklets designed to provide secondary and undergraduate students, historians and general readers with concise histories of particular aspects of immigration and ethnicity in Canada. Many of these readable accounts trace the origins, the development, and the contemporary situation of particular ethnocultural communities in Canada. The booklets include maps and tables suitable for overhead projection, as well as suggestions for further reading. They are available in both French and English and additional booklets are in the planning stages. The series is published by the Canadian Historical Association in collaboration with the Department of Canadian Heritage, Government of Canada. Prices are $6.00 each ($5.00 for orders of 10 or more) or $60.00 for the series. Bookstores receive a 50% discount on orders of 30 booklets or more of the same booklet. Postage and GST added.

60. Distribution Of Ethnic Groups
For each of the top ten Asian ethnic groups mentioned here, the majority live in Asian ethnic and CanadaAsia Bilateral Business Associations Directory
APF Canada home page An outline of APF Canada, its staff, activities, and office locations Media releases by APF Canada Business networking for a competitive edge Daily news about Canada and Asia Pacific Comment and analysis by APF Canada Up-to-date statistics on Canada's ties with Asia Pacific The Asia Pacific Chronology is a listing of the most important events in Asia since 1997 Publications on current issues for Canada and the Asia Pacific Extracts of the APF Canada site in French An Internet site of APF Canada for the business community and the Asia Pacific Business Network An Internet site of APF Canada for the policy research community and the Canada Asia-Pacific Research Network Canada's premier event on business relations with Asia A weekly look at how news from Asia impacts Canada Comment and analysis by APF Canada APF Canada Annual Review 2001-2002 Survey of Chinese companies' outward direct investment intentions globally and in Canada National Survey of Canadian Perceptions on Trade and Investment in India Asian Ethnic and Canada-Asia Bilateral Business Associations Directory Rapport Annuel FAP Canada Analyse et commentaire par FAP Canada Le principal ©v©nement pour les relations d'affaires avec l'Asie Le principal ©v©nement pour les relations d'affaires avec l'Asie Rapport Annuel 2003-2004
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