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41. EduNETConnect.com - Learning Categories - canadian culture. Irish Ottawa Pride, Honour, Remembrance. A site designed by kids for kids. The site honours the Irish immigrants who died while building http://www.edunetconnect.com/categories/topic.php?topic=7&category=2 |
42. Michael Geist - Canadian Culture And Ownership MichaelGeists Home on the Web, kate taylor culture film column. http://www.michaelgeist.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=870&Itemid= |
43. Canadian Studies Program : University Of Vermont Canadian Business Links Canadian Web Links Canadian Cities Canadiana Collection; canadian culture; Canadian Museums Education Links http://www.uvm.edu/~canada/?Page=culture.htm |
44. The Canadian Culture Online (CCO) - CBC Archives This website is partly funded by canadian culture Online (CCO), a program of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Its objective is to connect Canadians with http://archives.cbc.ca/cco.asp?IDLan=1 |
45. Canadian Culture In Perspective: A Statistical Overview: Product Main Page The third edition of canadian culture in perspective a statistical overview, provides a comprehensive statistical portrait of the health and vitality of http://www.statcan.ca/cgi-bin/IPS/display?cat_num=87-211-X |
46. Oxford University Press: Perspectives On Canadian Culture Showing 11 of 1 items in Perspectives on canadian culture. Featured All Titles New Recent Coming Soon Recommended http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/series/PerspectivesonCanadianCulture/?view |
47. The Canadian Cultural Centre In Paris - The Archivist Panoramic viewfrom the Canadian Cultural Centre, at 5 Rue de Constantine, Paris. The Centre was to serve as the hub of canadian culture in France. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/04/042411_e.html | |
48. Canadian Culture Online - Important Notices - Library And Archives Canada This web site is partly funded by canadian culture Online (CCO), a program of the Department of Canadian Heritage. Its objectives include that of connecting http://www.collectionscanada.ca/notices/016-300-e.html | |
49. CANADIAN RockRing - HomePage Webring for those who want to support canadian culture and create a United Front for Canada's Artists on the Internet http://www.angelfire.com/ca/kickstand/webring.html | |
50. Chinese Canadian Culture Online Project - Chinese Canadian National Council Presents some of the most engaging emerging Chinese Canadian talents today. Youth create their first videos on what it means to be Chinese Canadian. http://www.ccnc.ca/cccop/ | |
51. Chinese Canadian National Council Chinese canadian culture Online Project Launched! www.ccnc.ca/culture. The Chinese Canadian National Council (CCNC) is proud to present the Chinese Canadian http://www.ccnc.ca/ | |
52. Madscreenwriter.com canadian culture, arts and entertainment resources and some trivia on classic Canadian actors and vintage Canadian television shows. http://www.madscreenwriter.com/canuk.htm | |
53. Canadian Cultural And Language Institutes Click on the links below to learn more about Canadian Cultural and They are a unique way to promote Canada, canadian culture, and Canadian education. http://www.cecnetwork.ca/cecn/public/cli/intro.htm | |
54. Vive Le Canada - Culture The best of canadian culture mitigates the disasters of this truth; the worst revels and exploits it. In such a milieu, dominated by the necessity of http://www.vivelecanada.ca/index.php?topic=culture |
55. Vive Le Canada - U.S. Cultural Imperialism: It's Persistence In Canada Over against a deeply ingrained Canadian cultural sense are placed US To say we have a distinct canadian culture would be racist, sexist, eurocentric http://www.vivelecanada.ca/article.php/20040824181646352 | |
56. BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iran Spices Up Canadian Culture In the second of a three part series, BBCPersian.com looks at the how Iranian culture has changed the sights and sounds of some Canadian cities. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4582231.stm | |
57. WSIS C2C / CÃÂ C SMSI : Canadian Culture At Cannes - McLuhan Cited To Explain O canadian culture at Cannes McLuhan cited to explain our difference. by A.Bryne on 2005, May 18 - 1012am. CANNES FILM FESTIVAL http://wsis.ecommons.ca/node/view/585 | |
58. Encyclopedia: Culture Of Canada One matter of contention in the effort to study canadian culture rests in the fact of Cultural protectionism in Canada has, since the mid 20th century, http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Culture-of-Canada | |
59. CRCCF - Overview The Centre for Research on French canadian culture (Centre de recherche en civilisation canadiennefrançaise or CRCCF) of the University of Ottawa was http://www.uottawa.ca/academic/crccf/presentation/overview.html | |
60. Movement Of Solidarity Quebec-Romania Offers humanitarian and educational aid to Romanians integrating into canadian culture. Includes mission statement, features current projects, history and type of help available. http://www.chez.com/msqr/english/english.html | |
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