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41. KAIROS* The Canadian church leaders explain that their decision to send a joint letter canadian churches have a long and close relationship with the Middle East http://www.kairoscanada.org/e/media/press/prIraq020925.asp | |
42. RCCO Publications While aimed at canadian churches, most of the material is applicable in the United States and other Englishspeaking countries. This booklet is available http://www.rcco.ca/rcco Publications.html | |
43. Canadian Churches Seek To Resolve Abuse Cases - Christianity Today Magazine - Ch canadian churches Seek to Resolve Abuse Cases Ferdy Baglo Canada s deputy prime minister, Herb Gray, has met leaders of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) http://ctlibrary.com/6617 | |
44. Inter-Church Coalition On Africa (Canada)Â - Kenya - Urgent Action #1Â - April the major coalition of canadian churches concerned with human rights established in 1982, is an ecumenical group formed by canadian churches for a http://www.web.net/~iccaf/humanrights/kenyainfo/urgactkenya1.htm | |
45. Canadian Churches Letter Oct 2004 The churches of Canada and the USA experienced moments of lively and intense fellowship, As our church members filled the streets in Canadian cities, http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/who/atlantaletter.html | |
46. Christian News - The Christian Post | Anglicans Reaffirm Exclusion Of U.S., Cana Anglicans Reaffirm Exclusion of US, canadian churches for 3 Years On Tuesday, US and canadian churches brought forward clergy and church members to http://www.christianpost.com/article/church/2136/section/anglicans.reaffirm.excl | |
47. Christian Post - User Login canadian churches Prevail in Patent Ruling on Genetically Modified Mouse. Saturday, Dec. 14, 2002 Posted 62524AM EST The Supreme Court of Canada has http://www.christianpost.com/article/society/12/full/canadian.churches.prevail.i | |
48. Life And Deatherage: Anglicans Want US, Canadian Churches Out Topic, Anglicans want US, canadian churches out edged closer to a possible schism on Friday after it called on the Canadian and US churches to quit one http://friends.macjournals.com/mattd/discuss/msgReader$1123 | |
49. Canadian Churches Push Summit Leaders On Human Rights The Canadian Council of Churches (CCC) defines such an economy as incuding. Â Conforming new agreements to UN human rights standards; http://www.christianweek.org/stories/vol15/no03/story2.html | |
50. CANADIAN CHURCHES -- Christian Science In British Columbia, Canada Current information on the Christian Science activities in British Columbia including times and locations of church services, Christian Science Reading http://www.christianscience.bc.ca/canada.html | |
51. March 02 I am very happy that I was invited by The United Church of Canada to be a The Chinese and canadian churches have also had a long history of friendship. http://www.usask.ca/stu/standrews/college_life/march_02.htm | |
52. News Briefs Leaders of several mainstream canadian churches have raised concerns over the proposed American missile defence system that the Canadian government is http://www.canadianchristianity.com/cgi-bin/na.cgi?nationalupdates/040408briefs |
53. The Mystery Worshipper: Canadian Churches Talkback canadian churches. 2005 reports. TrinitySt Paul s Bloor St, Toronto St Paul s Cathedral, London, Ontario. 2004 reports http://ship-of-fools.com/Mystery/archive/canada_body.html | |
54. Wcr:11/12/2001 -- Terrorism Bill Too Broad, Say Churches canadian churches say the net cast by the definition of terrorism in the federal government s antiterrorist legislation is too wide and could catch those http://www.wcr.ab.ca/news/2001/1112/terrorismbill111201.shtml | |
55. How Religion Fares In The U.S.A. - Yearbook Of American And Canadian Churches The 1990 Yearbook of American and canadian churches is just out, with the latest complete figures on church membership. For mainline Protestants http://www.ad2000.com.au/articles/1991/feb1991p6_672.html | |
56. Centennial Convention Report: Canada: The Status Of Our Work, Our Drawbacks, And Most of our canadian churches are as thoroughly consecrated to the work as The canadian churches have called into the work of the ministry as many men http://www.mun.ca/rels/restmov/texts/wwarren/ccr/CCR08S.HTM | |
57. Alerta : Canadian Churches Reporting On Latin America , , Toronto, Inter-Church In Books you can find bibliographic details of the collection (books, articles and reports) of SIM s documentation centre. In Serials you can find http://sim.law.uu.nl/SIM/Library/Serials.nsf/0/392cab156e26386dc1256640003ca30c? |
58. Canadian Church Directory Find A Church Anywhere In Canada A searchable database of canadian Christian churches. Search possible by church name, affiliation, or city. http://www.churchdirectory.ca/ | |
59. Welcome A small confederation of just over forty churches, in the tradition of the Reformed churches in the Netherlands (Liberated). http://www.canrc.org/ | |
60. Canadian Conference Of Mennonite Brethren Churches Events, news, forums, links. http://www.mbconf.ca/ | |
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