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101. Representation And Constitutional Monarchy (from Government Australians for constitutional monarchy No Republic Campaign The Canadianparliament governs the country s provinces and territories. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=61457 |
102. Constitutional Monarchy - Encyclopedia Of Political Information A constitutional monarchy is a form of government established under a constitutional Australian monarchy; Belgian monarchy; British monarchy; Canadian http://www.politicalinformation.net/encyclopedia/Constitutional_monarchy.htm | |
103. Encyclopedia: Canadian Monarchy The most notable features of the Canadian constitutional monarchy are Some Canadians point to their Government of constitutional monarchy as a point of http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Canadian-monarchy | |
104. Embassy Washington The level of decentralization also distinguishes Canadian federalism from the created an original form of government a constitutional monarchy based on http://www.canadianembassy.org/government/federalism-en.asp | |
105. The Monarchy Today > Queen And Commonwealth > Commonwealth Realms A Charter of Rights and Freedoms was added to the Canadian constitution, As a constitutional monarch, The Queen acts on the advice of the ministers of http://www.royal.gov.uk/output/Page345.asp | |
106. United Empire Loyalists' Association Of Canada A genealogical/heritage organization dedicated to preserving the United EmpireLoyalist heritage of those descended from refugees from the American http://www.uelac.org/ | |
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