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Cambodian Geography: more detail | ||||
81. Geography geography. Cambodia situates in Southeast Asia. It covers an area of about 181,035 square km, which is bordered by Thailand on north and west about 800 km, http://www.khmer-ontario.org/Cambodia/Geography.htm |
82. Cambodia Travel, Pnom Penh Holidays Hotels, Angkor Wat, Siem Reab, Siemreab, Kam http//cambodiatravel.org/ - Activities - Culture - Hotels - geography - Sightseeing http//www.cambodia-travel.com/information/geography.htm - http://www.budgettravel.com/cambodia.htm | |
83. Asian Venture Tour - Cambodia/Geograpgy & Climate Information on Cambodia Travel, also Cambodia Tour Operator and Cambodia Travel In comparison with neighbors, Cambodia is a geographical contact country http://www.asianventure.com/cambodia/facts/geography.html | |
84. Cambodia From Go2wo Encyclopedia Cambodia - national anthem, flag, map, people, economy, geography, Governments on the WWW - Cambodia - comprehensive database of http://www.go2wo.com/cambodia/ | |
85. Untitled Document Physical geography of Cambodia Year II Examines Cambodia s reliefs, climate,river networks, Students also examine the economical geography of Cambodia, http://rupp.edu.kh/rupp_wsite/stud_info/geog/geog.htm | |
86. SAA Bulletin 13(5): Southeast Asia Archaeology The University of Hawai i Cambodia Project is a new multidisciplinary, cultural anthropology, geography, art history, historic preservation, http://www.saa.org/publications/saabulletin/13-5/SAA15.html | |
87. Cambodia - Percevia Cambodia Following a fiveyear struggle, Communist Khmer Rouge forces captured Cambodia geography. Southeast Asia Click for a larger map. Continent http://www.percevia.com/explorer/db/world_fact_book/obj/322/target.aspx | |
88. Yale > Cambodian Genocide Project > Interactive Geographic Database Interactive Geographic Database (CGEO). CGEO is a searchable, CGEOÂs 2005version was prepared by YaleÂs cambodian Genocide Program in collaboration http://www.yale.edu/cgp/maplicity.html |
89. CyberSleuthKids: Cambodia Library of Congress Cambodia A library of Congress web site. economic, social,historical and geographical information of Cambodia. http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Geography/Asia/Cambodia/index1.htm | |
90. CyberSleuthKids: Cambodia Home geography Asia Cambodia CambodiaWeb, the portal site of theKingdom of Cambodia. The major meeting place for the world wide Khmer Community http://cybersleuth-kids.com/sleuth/Geography/Asia/Cambodia/ | |
91. Cambodia Hotels Travel And Accommodation - Angkor Wat, Phnom Penh And Siem Riep geography Cambodia has a land area of 181035 square kilometers in the In comparison with neighbors, Cambodia is a geographical contact country http://www.resorthotel.net/cambodia/ | |
92. Facts At A Glance: Cambodia geography note A land of paddies and forests dominated by the Mekong Rural Cambodia, where 90% of about 9.5 million Khmer live, remains mired in http://www.edwebproject.org/susanne/facts.cambodia.html | |
93. Title Cambodia 1. Dr. Du Vuddy Deputy Director of geography Department , the RoyalUniversity of Phnom Penh, Cambodia 2. Prof. Emeitus 3. Prof. Var Simsamreth http://www.jpf.go.jp/ContentFunc/contentsCtrl?cls=17&conid=13&action=1704¶m3 |
94. 1Up Travel : Thailand Geography And Facts Travel portal offers the countrys geography. During the years that theCambodian capital, Phnom Penh, was controlled by the Khmer Rouge regime of Pol http://www.1uptravel.com/geography/thailand.html | |
95. Rachel Hughes, Lecturer, Human Geography School of Anthropology, geography and Environmental Studies R Hughes 2004 Memoryand sovereignty in post1979 Cambodia Choeung Ek and local genocide http://www.geography.unimelb.edu.au/staff/rachel.html | |
96. In Cambodia's Biggest Dump, School Offers Hope Knee deep in trash, Phnom Penh s poorest families struggle to build a life fromwhat others throw away. They are scavengersÂsome as young as http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/09/0912_030912_tvtrashdump.html | |
97. Phrasebase - Cambodia Facts And Information, Cambodia Statistics, Cambodia Fac of Cambodia slightly smaller than Oklahoma. Notes on Cambodia s Geographya land of paddies and forests dominated by the Mekong River and Tonle Sap http://www.phrasebase.com/countries/Cambodia.html | |
98. Cambodiatravel.com - Cambodia Travel Guides With Daily Cambodia Travel News Covering an area of 181035 square kilometres Cambodia is about half the size of By far the most important river of Cambodia is the Mekong, which passes http://www.cambodiatravel.com/ | |
99. Instapundit.com - NOTHING ON THE KERRY/CAMBODIA STORY in either the New York Times or the Vietnam and nextdoor Cambodia - a geographical zone not found on maps, http://instapundit.com/archives/017139.php | |
100. BUBL LINK: Cambodia Geographical areas of interest include Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan,Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, North Korea, Philippines, Singapore, http://bubl.ac.uk/link/c/cambodia.htm | |
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