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121. CAGenWeb - California USGenWeb Project Page california USGenWeb Home Page. california Flag cagen3rwb.gif - 33365 Bytesusgwtrans.gif - 11688 Bytes. As a proud member of the USGenWeb Project, http://cagenweb.com/ | |
122. Related Links california Genealogical Society 1611 Telegraph Avenue, Suite 100, Oakland, CA946122154 .. Site Map - Select a Link, Home, Add a Link, Ancestor Charts http://www.calgensoc.org/cgs/links.htm | |
123. Southern California Genealogical Society: Research Team The Southern california Genealogical Society Research Team is a group of highlyqualified volunteers who conduct specialized research for a nominal fee for http://www.scgsgenealogy.com/research-team.htm | |
124. Orange County California Genealogical Society, OCCGS Based at the Huntington Beach, california Central Library, the 833 members ofthe Orange County california Genealogical Society (OCCGS) welcome you to this http://occgs.com/ | |
125. South Orange County Calif. Genealogical Soc. Orange County california Genealogical Society (Huntington Beach) 18811891Antigonish and Inverness County Nova Scotia Census Data http://www.rootsweb.com/~casoccgs/ | |
126. ROOTS-L California california genealogical and historical information and links, sponsored by RootsWeband ROOTSL. http://www.rootsweb.com/roots-l/USA/ca/ | |
127. Affiliate Of Southern California Genealogical Society The Library of the Southern california Genealogical Society is located at 417Irving Drive at Glenoaks Blvd. (between Buena Vista and Scott Road) http://www.home.earthlink.net/~djmill/ | |
128. California Genealogy Index http://cmug.com/~minesroad/genealogy.html | |
129. California Historical Societies And Genealogical Societies At Search for any society in california. Listing of california historical andgenealogical society addresses and links. http://www.daddezio.com/society/hill/SH-CA-NDX.html | |
130. Historical And Genealogical Societies Of California Links to the official websites of the local historical societies in the United States. http://hs.obitlinkspage.com/ca.htm | |
131. Ancestors: Resource Guide- California california Genealogical Society  Library 1611 Telegraph Ave., Suite 100 california Genealogical Society PO Box 77105 300 Brannan St., Suite 409 http://www.pbs.org/kbyu/ancestors/resourceguide/california.shtml | |
132. Placer County Genealogical Society pcgs.gif (11320 bytes) Auburn, california. Placer County Genealogical SocietyPost Office Box 7385 Auburn, california 95604 http://pcgs.pcgenes.com/ | |
133. Other Genealogical Societies On The WEB california Genealogical Societies Contra Costa County Genealogical Society A mailing list, sponsored by the Sonoma County (california) Genealogical http://www.scgs.org/othrsoc.html | |
134. Genealogy Help genealogy Help is a site created by five experienced genealogists. We are dedicatedto freely helping all genealogists, from novice to advanced, http://www.genhelp.org/?cat=57 |
135. California Genealogical Societies, Publications And Libraries Alameda County california Genealogical Research Guide $24.00 GenealogicalSociety of Stanislaus County, california, Inc. PO Box 4735 Modesto, CA 95352 http://www.cagenweb.com/cpl/ca-socty.htm | |
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