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41. USEPA - SEA - What's New University of california Cooperative extension service danrcs.ucdavis.edu Virginia Cooperative extension service www.ext.vt.edu http://www.epa.gov/seahome/farmasyst/states.htm | |
42. 1 50 Important Weeds of Montana, Montana Ag. ext. service, 1920. Common Weed Seedlings of the United States and Canada, 1978 coop ext. Univ. of Georgia, http://www.wssa.net/images/references.html | |
44. Southern California Turfgrass Council University of california coop ext Vermeer Vitamin Institute American Turf Services california Turf Products Dura Plastic Products http://www.turfcouncil.org/NewSite/past_events.htm | |
45. Welcome To The California Dietetic Association For Our Members Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program and california ChildrenÂs Services (CCS), The Univ. of CA coop. ext. seeks a careertrack academic candidate to http://www.dietitian.org/member_classified.htm | |
46. Missouri State University Libraries 1995. Purdue Univ. coop. ext. Sev., HO45. (in .pdf format) Manure as a Fertilizer, from the University of california cooperative extension-Tulare http://library.smsu.edu/paulevans/Vit/vit4.shtml | |
47. State Coordinators Univ. of Nevada, Reno coop. ext. 2345 Red Rock Street, Suite 100 Of Vermont ext. service 157 Old Guildford Road, 4 Brattleboro, VT. 05301 http://mastergardener.osu.edu/img/coordinators.html | |
48. Medfly Introduction cooperative Mediterranean Fruit Fly Project (california). 13 p., illus. coop. ext. Serv., Inst. Food Agric. Sci., Univ. Florida. 3 p., 5 fig. http://www.doacs.state.fl.us/pi/enpp/ento/medfly1.htm | |
49. CSREES FSNE Web Site State EFNEP/FSNEP Coordinator, Univ. of Arizona, coop. ext., Dept. Nutr. Sci EFNEP/FSNEP Coordinator, Virginia Tech cooperative extension service http://www.csrees-fsnep.org/per_list.cfm | |
50. Pubs Main coop. ext. Sev., HO221 (free). Agriculture Communications service, Media Distribution Center, 301 S. 2nd Street, Lafayette, IN, 47901-1232 (Ph http://viticulture.hort.iastate.edu/pubs/pubsmain.html | |
51. HORT 414 Small Fruit Production Univ. of Massachusetts cooperative extension service. Pub. C211 1989. Dayneutral Strawberry Production Guide. Cornell coop. ext. Info. Bull. 215. http://www.hort.purdue.edu/hort/courses/HORT414/CourseOutline03.html | |
52. Natural Resources Extension Professionals Conference Chris Waddill, Dean and Director, Florida cooperative extension service, University of University of Arkansas coop. ext. service, Little Rock, AR http://conference.ifas.ufl.edu/nrep/ | |
53. PNW0350 Purple Starthistle And Iberian Starthistle (bimonthly newsletter of University of california, Davis, cooperative 116-USU, B-855-UW, coop. ext. Serv. University of Wyoming and Utah State http://cru.cahe.wsu.edu/CEPublications/pnw0350/pnw0350.html | |
54. Alfalfa Leafcutter Bee In California In california, the honeybee is the major pollinator employed in alfalfa seed State Univ. coop. ext. Serv. EM 4107. KISH, LP AND WP STEPHEN. 1991. http://www.pollination.com/publications/IPSpub02.cfm | |
55. Compton Community College The College offers students community service and cultural programs, technical and Compton, california 90221 Telephone 310900-1600 ext. 2935 or 2930 http://www.petersons.com/blackcolleges/profiles/compton.asp?sponsor=2904 |
56. Cooperative Extension Sponsored Or Co-sponsored Volunteer Water Quality Monitori Washington State University coop. ext. 720 Sleater Kinney Road SE Mitch Fram Oklahoma coop. extension service 230B West Okmulgee St. Muskogee OK 74401 http://www.uwex.edu/ces/csreesvolmon/VolunteerMonPrograms/ | |
57. Suggested References For The Home Fruit Gardener coop. ext. Serv. Univ. of Mass. 55 pp. cooperative extension System is an educational service that is supported by county, state, and federal monies. http://ssfruit.cas.psu.edu/appendix/appendix3.htm |
58. Sources Extension Resource Materials cooperative extension service Auburn University Duncan Hall Auburn, AL 368495614 (205) 844-4923 http//www.uafadm.alaska.edu/coop-ext/html/publist/ http://web1.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modtd/33629843.html | |
59. HIA Contacts Univ. of Arkansas Cooperative ext. service 2301 S. University Ave. PO Box 391 University of californiaagriculture and natural resources http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/contacts.htm | |
60. Adventure GPS Products - Customer List Frederick County Dept. of Fire and Rescue service, MD; Grand County SheriffÂs State University (coop. ext. Outreach); Penta County Vocation Schools http://www.gps4fun.com/contact_customer_list.php | |
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