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61. CALIFORNIA CONDOR : ABOUT RED LIST | ENTERTAINMENT | YAMAHA MOTOR california condor ABOUT RED LIST. We hope you will enjoy our selection of Rare CRITICALLY endangered. CR. A taxon facing an extremely high risk of http://www.yamaha-motor.co.jp/global/entertainment/papercraft/animal/world/condo | |
62. Two Endangered California Condor Chicks Hatch In Arizona Arizona Outdoorsman Magazine (Web, Magazine TV) All Outdoors All ArizonaÂThe states largest (both in size and traffic) Outdoor recreation website. http://www.azod.com/topstory/Archive/2004/Q2/Two endangered California condor ch | |
63. ENature: FieldGuides: Species Detail endangered Status The california condor is on the US endangered Species List.It is classified as endangered in california. This huge carrionfeeder has http://www.enature.com/fieldguides/detail.asp?recnum=BD0004 |
64. North County Times - North San Diego And Southwest Riverside County News Purpose Recovery of the endangered california condor. Goal Establish two separatewild populations of 150 condors, each with at least 15 breeding pairs. http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2005/07/24/special_reports/science_technology/12 | |
65. 6 Title Subject Description 1. Adult California Condor Adult Birds of prey; condors; endangered species;, The california condor, Recovery planfor the california condor. Birds; endangered species; Birds of prey; http://nctcdigital.cdm.oclc.org/cgi-bin/queryresults.exe?CISOROOT=/coll1&CISOFIE |
66. Endangered Species The california condor is listed as endangered by the endangered Species Act, theIUCN/World Conservation Union, and Appendix 1 of CITES. http://www.seaworld.org/infobooks/Endangered/esVI.html | |
67. California Wild Winter 2004 - Condors As head of the california condor Recovery Team, an advisory group to US Fish and release methods he later applied to the endangered california condor. http://www.calacademy.org/calwild/2004winter/stories/condors.html | |
68. Hi Mountain Condor Lookout Homepage In the heart of the range of the reintroduced california condor sits Hi to monitor movements of the endangered california condor population from the http://www.condorlookout.org/ | |
69. The Biogeography Of California Condor Currently the california condor is endangered. Current status endangered.The california condor is one of the world s rarest and most imperiled http://bss.sfsu.edu/holzman/courses/Fall01 projects/condor.htm | |
70. StudyWorks! Online : Condor Chick Hatches In The Wild A california condor chick has hatched in the wild for the first time since theenormous Norton announces discovery of endangered california condor eggs. http://www.studyworksonline.com/cda/content/article/0,,NAV4-43_SAR1113,00.shtml | |
71. MSN Encarta - Endangered Species endangered species, such as the california condor, are at immediate risk ofextinction and probably cannot survive without direct human intervention. http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761557586/Endangered_Species.html | |
72. Condor Recovery Plan The california condor is one of the rarest birds in the world, Because thecondor was so endangered, it was logical for them to attempt to bring it into http://home.netcom.com/~symbios/condor.html | |
73. Partners In Flight - U.S.-- Watch List Needs california condor. Common Name california condor (CACO) NationallevelConservation Status US  endangered Species Act  endangered; Mexico - Normas http://www.partnersinflight.org/WatchListNeeds/CACO.htm | |
74. Endangered Species Web Resources california condor US Fish and Wildlife Service http//endangered.fws.gov/i/B0G.html.california condor - The Birds Eye View from the Los Angeles Zoo http://www.wjcc.k12.va.us/cbb/student/Endangered/esindex.htm | |
75. Ban Lead Ammunition In California Condor Habitat The california condor is one of the world s most endangered species, with lessthan one hundred condors currently in the wild. http://actionnetwork.org/BIODIVERSITY/alert-description.tcl?alert_id=2522802 |
76. Blackwell Synergy - Cookie Absent Demography of the california condor Implications for Reestablishment releases to enhance california condor recovery. endangered Species UPDATE 61 4. http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1523-1739.2000.99113.x | |
77. Species Profile Condor, California Genus Gymnogyps Species The california condor was declared endangered in 1967 under the endangered SpeciesPreservation Act, and the state of california classified it as endangered http://library.thinkquest.org/25014/profiles/condor/ | |
78. Surfbirds News: Last Wild Condor Shot One of only a few dozen endangered california condors in the wild, The californiacondor is listed as an endangered species and is protected by both http://www.surfbirds.com/sbirdsnews/archives/2003/02/last_wild_condo.html | |
79. Thematic Unit Model Theme Birds By Patricia Shawcross And Tonya Focus Students will explore endangered species of birds located in the United On the Brink of Extinction The california condor, San Diego Harcourt, http://www.libsci.sc.edu/miller/birds.htm | |
80. LII - Results For "california Condor" Subjects california condor Birds of prey endangered species californiaCreated by wh last updated Nov 8, 2004 - comment on this record http://www.lii.org/search?searchtype=subject;query=California condor;subsearch=C |
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