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81. Wal-Marts Cost State, Study Says / Retailer Refutes UC Research That Claims Taxe WalMarts cost state, study says BR Retailer refutes UC research that claims Wal-Mart, and its possible expansion in california, is a major topic in http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/08/03/BUG |
82. California School Of Business And Organizational Studies (CSBOS) california School of Business and Organizational studies (CSBOS) The United States International School of Business (USICB) and the california School of http://www.alliant.edu/wps/wcm/connect/website/Home/About Alliant/Schools & Coll |
83. 3Rs In Action: Oregon & California Advocates and the state team view california s current policies regarding sex education city councils, and city/county agenciesÂon the 2002 study tour. http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/rrr/partners.htm | |
84. DEA Briefs & Background, Drugs And Drug Abuse, State Factsheets, California state of california map DEA Offices Telephone Nos. First, the Partnership for a Drug Free America conducted a study released in 2004 which stated the http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/pubs/states/california.html | |
85. State Energy Program: California Says "Go" To Energy-Saving Traffic Lights SEP Case Study, california, May 2004. Part 4 of 4. Satisfied Customers. When a california city or county applies for state funding for LED traffic lights, http://www.eere.energy.gov/state_energy_program/case_study_detail_info.cfm/start | |
86. California State University, Chico - Chico State In 1972, the College became california state University, Chico. The campus proper is 119 acres Population within Chico City Limits (January 2004) 71317 http://www.csuchico.edu/pub/facts/ | |
87. Bakersfield.com Local Take that, Texas Study finds california cities among most conservative in United States By GRETCHEN WENNER, californian staff writer http://www.bakersfield.com/local/story/5592615p-5567680c.html |
88. Black Studies The African Diaspora People of African Descent in the United States; Africa; Center for Black studies, University of california at Santa Barbara http://www.library.ucsb.edu/subjects/blackstudies/black.html | |
89. Cal State L.A. - Department Of Political Science Main Page Political Science is the study of politics, including political institutions, Florida state University, the University of Southern california (USC), http://www.calstatela.edu/dept/pol_sci/ | |
90. Culver City Independent Study - Culver City, California / CA - School Informatio Culver City Independent Study Culver City, california / CA - school Change state. Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Arizona, california, Colorado http://www.greatschools.net/modperl/browse_school/ca/11950 | |
91. ENN Environmental News Network [[Today S News Full Story ]] Study Warns california Will Need 40 Percent More Water in 25 Years Hanak said california cities can follow the example of Las Vegas, promoting the use http://www.enn.com/today.html?id=8347 |
92. United States Studies @ The Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars The Division of United States studies was established to stimulate New Dreams/Old cities The Presence of the Past in India and the United States http://wwics.si.edu/index.cfm?fuseaction=topics.home&topic_id=1427 |
93. News : Bay & State -- ContraCostaTimes.com 8 special election ballot may run aground since the city turned in its california s top school official and the state s largest teachers union sued Gov. http://www.contracostatimes.com/mld/cctimes/news/state/ | |
94. RAND | News Release | RAND Report Shows California Schools Lag Behind Other Stat The study issued today chronicles how the state s K12 school system has fallen from a california schools are lagging behind most other states and these http://www.rand.org/news/press.05/01.03.html | |
95. Fresno City College | Requirements | Transfer Requirements | California State Un General Education Requirements for california state University Transfer Certification Computer Lab Looking to study from home, or after hours? http://www.fresnocitycollege.edu/requirements/transfer/csucourselist.html | |
96. UCLA Library Collections And Internet Resources In Latin American Studies For a list of electronic journals on Latin American studies, go to UCLA Library The University of california Institute for Mexico and the United States http://www.library.ucla.edu/libraries/url/colls/latinamerica/ | |
97. Sprawl City DETROIT Here is a city that, during the period of study, lost population Overall, 95% of the total sprawl in california from 19701990 was related to http://www.sprawlcity.org/ | |
98. CBS 5: Homepage Now, one local museum is giving young kids a chance to study waves up close More mosquitoes in the state are infected with the virus than were last year http://cbs5.com/ | |
99. Online Driver Education - Driving Schools - Traffic School Online - Driver Train Home study driver educucation class starting at only $75.00. Neill , City of Long Beach DO Spike Helmick , Commissioner california Highway Patrol http://www.dmv-gov.com/ | |
100. Mineta Transportation Institute The Mineta Transportation Institute, located on the San Jose state City of San Jose Transportation Director Jim Helmer and San Joaquin Regional Transit http://transweb.sjsu.edu/ | |
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