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41. Computer Science II - CAD R. Krasauskas Bézier Surfaces for cad Current texts. G. Farin, Curves and Surfaces for computer Aided Geometric Design, Academic Press, 3 ed., 1992. http://www.mif.vu.lt/katedros/cs2/courses/projcad.html | |
42. Computer Science II - CAD G. Farin, Curves and Surfaces for computer Aided Geometric Design, Academic Press, 3 ed., 1992 D. Hilbert, S. CohnVossen, Anschauliche Geometrie, Springer, http://www.mif.vu.lt/katedros/cs2/courses/projcaz.html | |
43. Rensselaer Computer Science Colloquium Series -- April 7 (Wednesday) (Sage 3510; Randomized Motion Planning From Intelligent cad to computer Animation to Nancy M. Amato is an associate professor of computer science at Texas A M http://www.cs.rpi.edu/~drinep/colloquium/index_29.html | |
44. Aim@Shape Net - Special Issue Of Computer Aided Design On Shape Shape Similarity Detection and Search for cad/CAE Applications 200508-29. 000000 - Advanced Course on the Foundations of computer science. 2005-08-30 http://www.aimatshape.net/News/addNews/Cfp on Shape Similarity CAD_CAE |
45. Stanford Computer Science Department CS Home Admissions Courses Research computer science Department cad Synthesis Group. Faculty. Giovanni DeMicheli Group Home Page http://www-cs.stanford.edu/research/group.php?id=14 |
46. Computer Science/Information Technology Subject Guide computer science/ Info. Technology Categories. All. Article Databases and switching theory, cad/CAM, computer mathematics, and computer electronics. http://www.libs.uga.edu/researchcentral/subjectguides/computer.html | |
47. Leo Joskowicz Mechanical CAD Leo Joskowicz, School of Engineering and computer science, The Hebrew University of Elisha Sacks, Department of computer science, Purdue University, USA http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~josko/cad.html | |
48. Computer Science, Lane Library, AASU and switching theory, cad/CAM, computer mathematics, and computer electronics. Covers 536 computer science journals, many with full text provided. http://www.library.armstrong.edu/subguidecomputer.html | |
49. COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING CSE 322 Introduction to Formal Models in computer science (3) Students design a VLSI chip using modern cad tools. Prerequisite CSE 370. http://www.washington.edu/students/crscat/cse.html | |
50. Geometric Computing & Computer Vision Research Group One major strand of research includes input of cad models from nonconventional Copyright © computer science, Cardiff University. All rights reserved. http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/research/gccv.php | |
51. Computer Science Department - Technion - People/Faculty ELBER, G., and KIM, MS, Bisector curves of planar rational curves , cad, Vol 30, Copyright © 2002. All rights reserved, computer science Department. http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/People/Faculty/gershon.html | |
52. Mechanical Engineering - Engineering And Computer Science - Programs - Co-op - C Materials science, Technical Mechanical Drawing cad, computer Programming, John Molson School of Business Engineering and computer science http://co-op.concordia.ca/programs/engcompsci/mechanical.shtml | |
53. Industrial Engineering - Engineering And Computer Science - Programs - Co-op - C Materials science, Technical and Mechanical Drawing  cad, computer Programming, John Molson School of Business Engineering and computer science http://co-op.concordia.ca/programs/engcompsci/industrial.shtml | |
54. Erik Jonsson School Of Engineering & Computer Science VLSI/SoC testing and testable design as well as cad algorithms, adaptive computing, computer arithmetic and computer science. INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS http://www.ecs.utdallas.edu/research.html | |
55. (CAD) Drafting AutoCAD Design Colleges By Directory Of Schools cad /computer science Degree. Kaplan College cad Drafting / Engineering. KennedyWestern University Civil Drafting cad - Engineering - Design. http://www.directoryofschools.com/AutoCAD-Design-College.htm | |
56. Online Degrees | Online Degree Programs | Online Education | Directory Of School Western Governors University Business, computer science, Westwood College Technology - Fashion Design - Culinary - Medical - cad - Software http://www.directoryofschools.com/ | |
57. Computer Science/CAD (HD) Higher Degrees  Main Activity by course  computer science. The following are examples of occupations that graduates on the above course entered and the http://careers.lancs.ac.uk/fds/2001/scienceandengineering/PG CompSci2001.htm | |
58. UVA Computer Science: News Articles The cadresearch community is solving yesterday s problems rather than tomorrow s, said cadence Design Systems UVa CS, Department of computer science http://www.cs.virginia.edu/misc/news-pdw96t.html | |
59. Computer Science - Duke University - Colloquia cad, Creativity, and Reality. Dr. Carlo Sequin. computer science Division, EECS Dept. University of California at Berkeley sequin@cs.berkeley.edu http://www.cs.duke.edu/dept_info/colloquia/details.php?id=00000000453 |
60. Prof. Dhiraj K. Pradhan Homepage Prof. Dhiraj K. Pradhan Web computer science Department. FaultTolerant computer System Design VLSI cad and Test Logic Synthesis and Verification http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~pradhan/main.html | |
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