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81. Ideology In The Schoolbooks In The Belgian Congo Western models have been used for the composition of African schoolbooks, but in the interest of the Whites, using the indigenous people. http://www.abbol.com/commonfiles/docs_projecten/colschoolbks/ideology.htm | |
82. Marguerite Laurent.com | Black Women: Mother Of All The Races Most African leaders donÂt even know Black peopleÂs true glorious history on But, everyone at bwa Kayiman, all, be they Muslim and Christians converts, http://www.margueritelaurent.com/writings/motherofallraces.html | |
83. 29 July 2005 There are 39.4 million HIVpositive people in the world, about one for everyBaptist. The group asked the bwa to support the initiation of a functional http://www.bwacongress2005.org.uk/841 | |
84. Ann Pale :: View Topic - The Imperialists Making Comeback With Their Black Overs Lets continue the mobilization of Haiti s indigenous People army, This is anattack on African people and I am simply tired of it all. http://haitiforever.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1351 |
85. The Baptist Standard :: The Newsmagazine Of Texas Baptists Since coming to serve Texas Baptists, I attend bwa meetings and am Knowing theBaptist people from every continent has been a genuine gift to Texas http://www.baptiststandard.com/postnuke/index.php?module=htmlpages&func=display& |
86. Canberra Baptist Church, Australia (1920) God came despite the actions of those who were GodÂs people, The BWAmission summit that Thorwald has spoken at this month has released a http://www.canbap.org/sermon241.html | |
87. International Observatory On End Of Life Care - Countries A-Z > Botswana > Refer It was created to reemphasize that people and their lives should be the ultimate Adapted from African Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Partnerships draft report http://www.eolc-observatory.net/global_analysis/botswana_reading.htm | |
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